XAGAUD Iskaźnik

1 minuta 5 minut 15 minut 30 minut 1 godzina 4 godziny 1 dzień 1 tydzień 1 miesiąc
Absolute Price Oscillator (APO) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Accumulation Distribution (AD) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1979.79892 38995.79884
Accumulation Distribution Oscillator (ADO) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1965.32491 -10642.18483
Aroon Oscillator (AROONOSC) -85.71429 -78.57143 -57.14286 21.42857 28.57143 -50.0 -57.14286 50.0 50.0
Average Directional Index (ADI) 75.96011 51.25747 35.95087 27.11718 23.78344 22.78835 22.32966 9.29603 7.66163
Average Directional Movement Index Rating (ADXR) 51.60792 42.05831 45.38212 31.72014 14.64671 43.61815 26.6471 9.04645 21.16485
Average Price (AVGPRICE) 53.41075 53.21875 52.928 52.67425 53.381 50.9995 46.84875 37.8645 35.47925
Average True Range (ATR) 0.0345 0.06657 0.202 0.16279 0.28636 0.41014 1.18693 1.84257 3.99186
Balance of Power (BOP) -0.77193 0.15909 -0.46835 -0.80667 -0.02959 -0.58993 -0.52747 0.06973 0.39029
Chande Momentum Oscillator (CMO) -14.4385 -51.95531 -36.38863 7.3663 15.29284 -37.33195 -19.79652 32.26639 22.9311
Commodity Channel Index (CCI) 59.07173 -42.15247 -77.32795 19.00452 127.38328 -131.04344 -75.57266 185.69571 108.84756
Directional Movement Index (DX) 4.30743 56.41791 32.35067 16.39506 12.23394 66.48006 40.72853 22.43588 10.01334
Double Exponential Moving Average (DEMA) 53.35013 53.16766 52.91089 52.68549 53.33014 51.07062 46.79551 36.14222 35.15594
Exponential Moving Average (EMA) 53.385 53.2615 53.14271 52.63586 53.1795 51.26879 48.01764 35.70036 33.39464
HT_DCPERIOD 15.6467 15.6467 15.6467 15.6467 15.6467 15.6467 15.6467 15.6467 15.6467
HT_DCPHASE 24.07966 -16.53808 313.46345 186.73499 234.31346 -40.1274 255.51316 -12.92918 -
HT_TRENDLINE 53.42161 53.33638 53.23001 52.57227 53.08385 51.39118 47.86479 35.73502 -
HT_TRENDMODE 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 -
Kaufman Adaptive Moving Average (KAMA) 53.36073 53.19741 52.8799 52.69506 53.33288 51.09289 46.95746 36.19267 34.66759
LINEARREG 53.35446 53.15106 52.87029 52.68571 53.31834 51.08057 46.20057 36.03786 35.26403
LINEARREG_ANGLE -0.26923 -0.97343 -2.39998 0.43947 1.22368 -1.6586 -15.61831 2.9723 16.04512
LINEARREG_INTERCEPT 53.41554 53.37194 53.41514 52.586 53.04066 51.457 49.83471 35.36286 31.52526
LINEARREG_SLOPE -0.0047 -0.01699 -0.04191 0.00767 0.02136 -0.02896 -0.27955 0.05192 0.2876
MEDPRICE 53.4075 53.217 52.9245 52.671 53.3915 51.017 46.8155 37.8215 34.756
MIDPOINT 53.386 53.2765 53.1215 52.6465 53.1385 51.1775 48.2 35.7625 34.0145
MIDPRICE 53.389 53.268 53.162 52.6055 53.079 51.205 47.968 35.8465 34.5065
MINUS_DI 19.43352 28.00526 20.95466 12.83541 16.18598 28.47132 33.39487 14.14477 15.04317
MINUS_DM 0.092 0.23 0.594 0.294 0.651 1.204 5.525 3.68 7.04
Momentum (MOM) -0.004 -0.064 -0.383 0.094 0.106 -0.455 -2.982 1.575 5.511
Money Flow Index (MFI) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 59.39894 44.88298
Moving Average (MA) 53.385 53.2615 53.14271 52.63586 53.1795 51.26879 48.01764 35.70036 33.39464
Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) -0.05727 -0.05582 -0.12537 0.041 0.1985 -0.10882 -0.14376 0.15357 0.13237
OBV 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 13459.0 46955.0
PLUS_DI 17.82848 7.80299 10.7107 17.8695 12.65731 5.73256 14.06512 22.32768 18.39106
PLUS_DM 0.084 0.073 0.25 0.375 0.482 0.324 1.818 4.477 10.371
ROCR100 99.94946 99.65175 99.2553 100.13893 100.53121 98.59915 97.07949 108.96443 113.30935
Rate of Change (ROC) -0.05054 -0.34825 -0.7447 0.13893 0.53121 -1.40085 -2.92051 8.96443 13.30935
Rate of Change Percentage (ROCP) -0.00051 -0.00348 -0.00745 0.00139 0.00531 -0.01401 -0.02921 0.08964 0.13309
Rate of Change Ratio (ROCR) 0.99949 0.99652 0.99255 1.00139 1.00531 0.98599 0.97079 1.08964 1.13309
Relative Strength Index (RSI) 42.78075 24.02235 31.80568 53.68315 57.64642 31.33402 40.10174 66.1332 61.46555
SUM 747.39 745.661 743.998 736.902 744.513 717.763 672.247 499.805 467.525
Standard Deviation (SD) 0.02537 0.07552 0.19458 0.07333 0.14112 0.20939 1.25988 1.08108 1.88429
Stochastic (STOCH) 39.77148 46.28234 28.03692 43.79598 72.20501 24.85534 54.00146 62.08262 45.30642
Stochastic Fast (STOCHF) 56.43564 75.83333 45.92593 23.66864 68.57143 11.28571 53.93506 76.8385 78.088
Stochastic RSI (StochRSI) 100.0 100.0 26.65057 11.8776 84.87909 0.0 15.34507 100.0 100.0
Stop and Reverse (SAR) 53.359 53.193 52.789 52.746 53.211 51.295 46.224 35.45 39.243
TRIX -0.01244 0.01298 -0.01414 -0.01997 0.03976 -0.09959 -0.07337 -0.11085 -1.01814
Time Series Forecast (TSF) 53.34976 53.13407 52.82837 52.69338 53.3397 51.05162 45.92102 36.08978 35.55163
Triangular Moving Average (TRIMA) 53.38304 53.25379 53.1687 52.65143 53.15009 51.33918 48.03316 35.29187 33.21979
Triple Exponential Moving Average (T3) 53.39006 53.31997 53.21178 52.58185 53.17512 51.2687 48.0962 35.45198 -
Triple Exponential Moving Average (TEMA) 53.35779 53.17441 52.8755 52.66699 53.34688 50.99476 46.54191 36.53441 35.40477
True Range (TRANGE) 0.076 0.046 0.087 0.15 0.169 0.556 1.183 2.869 6.572
Typical Price (TYPPRICE) 53.40233 53.21933 52.92067 52.653 53.38367 50.95067 46.73367 37.876 35.66567
Ultimate Oscillator (ULTOSC) 39.48755 58.10841 44.18354 26.84899 42.90915 25.58191 35.1466 58.08284 77.63316
Variance 0.00064 0.0057 0.03786 0.00538 0.01992 0.04384 1.58731 1.16874 3.55055
Weighted Close Price (WCLPRICE) 53.39975 53.2205 52.91875 52.644 53.37975 50.9175 46.69275 37.90325 36.1205
Weighted Moving Average (WMA) 53.37482 53.22469 53.0519 52.65248 53.22578 51.20605 47.41195 35.81286 34.01777
Williams Percent Range (WILLR) -47.22222 -66.2963 -83.37802 -47.52688 -16.55093 -91.52361 -79.39445 -15.3572 -18.55801

XAGAUD Analiza

XAGAUD Dewiza - Wykres walut i wydajności w czasie rzeczywistym XAGAUD.

XAGAUD Dane historyczne - Historical XAGAUD dane są wybierane według zakresu dat i ram czasowych.

XAGAUD Zmienność - XAGAUD analiza zmienności walut w czasie rzeczywistym.

XAGAUD Korelacja - XAGAUD analiza korelacji walut w czasie rzeczywistym.

XAGAUD Szablon - XAGAUD modele cenowe w czasie rzeczywistym.