EURJPY Indicador

1 minute 5 minutos 15 minutos 30 minutos 1 hora 4 horas 1 dia 1 semana 1 mês
Absolute Price Oscillator (APO) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Accumulation Distribution (AD) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 14766.35393 718316.22144 15425649.26337
Accumulation Distribution Oscillator (ADO) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 128858.96732 3005637.97374 8606586.99322
Aroon Oscillator (AROONOSC) 57.14286 -42.85714 100.0 100.0 -35.71429 35.71429 50.0 -92.85714 -100.0
Average Directional Index (ADI) 17.03352 43.33903 27.50413 34.34797 13.54135 12.78012 49.67761 58.74399 27.2098
Average Directional Movement Index Rating (ADXR) 10.48479 72.49138 26.25462 21.55241 14.894 19.37844 23.2557 73.58637 19.69021
Average Price (AVGPRICE) 155.9495 157.4215 157.2435 157.97725 158.70075 160.85775 164.3495 142.87948 117.931
Average True Range (ATR) 0.04671 0.09336 0.10507 0.20107 0.20371 1.0335 1.20027 4.66739 5.46121
Balance of Power (BOP) -0.87692 1.0 -0.84127 0.00568 0.0 -0.63948 -0.29634 0.6598 0.82238
Chande Momentum Oscillator (CMO) -3.22581 -36.54618 38.76106 77.90602 -36.97404 22.83731 8.03902 -49.98622 -59.02146
Commodity Channel Index (CCI) 97.75739 -27.48409 106.52899 76.53103 -73.23122 63.91207 -138.29356 -159.1261 -92.58196
Directional Movement Index (DX) 17.32541 43.21503 73.82969 70.7201 27.64092 10.14762 23.25819 71.78699 83.02556
Double Exponential Moving Average (DEMA) 155.89057 157.42767 157.1302 158.09568 158.72233 160.77176 165.39986 146.07672 120.93169
Exponential Moving Average (EMA) 155.90679 157.46171 157.07921 157.68936 158.84507 160.11671 165.29063 150.64271 126.78736
HT_DCPERIOD 15.6467 15.6467 15.6467 15.6467 15.6467 15.6467 15.6467 15.6467 15.6467
HT_DCPHASE -29.69898 287.04614 73.89613 183.20926 248.26633 144.22435 212.64493 -5.67233 295.58802
HT_TRENDLINE 155.91918 157.47361 157.14777 157.29179 158.81355 159.99668 164.48572 153.81192 128.55591
HT_TRENDMODE 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0
Kaufman Adaptive Moving Average (KAMA) 155.88625 157.41348 157.17142 157.98397 158.67658 160.77269 164.36995 145.18404 122.86836
LINEARREG 155.88386 157.3852 157.22403 158.13851 158.65417 161.05263 165.2646 145.43299 118.51231
LINEARREG_ANGLE -0.20211 -0.67442 1.27629 3.95292 -1.68225 8.19352 -0.22951 -38.71201 -51.85056
LINEARREG_INTERCEPT 155.92971 157.53823 156.9344 157.2402 159.03597 159.1808 165.31667 155.85243 135.0624
LINEARREG_SLOPE -0.00353 -0.01177 0.02228 0.0691 -0.02937 0.14399 -0.00401 -0.8015 -1.27308
MEDPRICE 155.9495 157.4215 157.248 157.951 158.7185 160.8715 164.2685 143.1135 117.6345
MIDPOINT 155.907 157.5225 157.0295 157.498 158.8965 159.741 164.992 150.96855 126.927
MIDPRICE 155.911 157.5015 157.086 157.4935 158.859 159.7325 164.9355 149.2815 124.616
MINUS_DI 16.17818 26.14636 4.25145 6.02105 19.58727 17.96619 11.3106 23.61305 34.21178
MINUS_DM 0.107 0.333 0.063 0.165 0.56 1.801 1.899 15.37 25.058
Momentum (MOM) -0.01 -0.038 0.195 0.525 -0.434 1.551 -1.303 -5.67447 -11.432
Money Flow Index (MFI) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 50.82955 29.11607 22.02757
Moving Average (MA) 155.90679 157.46171 157.07921 157.68936 158.84507 160.11671 165.29063 150.64271 126.78736
Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) -0.01447 0.12412 -0.17768 0.33773 -0.01114 0.60802 1.32561 -3.34163 -0.9572
OBV 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 343948.0 1507248.0 15842067
PLUS_DI 22.95883 10.36707 28.2392 35.10647 11.10394 22.02427 18.16641 3.87803 3.17292
PLUS_DM 0.147 0.136 0.411 0.91 0.312 3.19 1.5498 2.53152 2.449
ROCR100 99.99487 99.88454 100.13952 100.60168 99.74041 100.84684 100.2918 92.55485 89.57282
Rate of Change (ROC) -0.00513 -0.11546 0.13952 0.60168 -0.25959 0.84684 0.2918 -7.44515 -10.42718
Rate of Change Percentage (ROCP) -0.000050 -0.00115 0.0014 0.00602 -0.0026 0.00847 0.00292 -0.07445 -0.10427
Rate of Change Ratio (ROCR) 0.99995 0.99885 1.0014 1.00602 0.9974 1.00847 1.00292 0.92555 0.89573
Relative Strength Index (RSI) 48.3871 31.72691 69.38053 88.95301 31.51298 61.41866 54.01951 25.00689 20.48927
SUM 2182.695 2204.464 2199.109 2207.651 2223.831 2241.634 2314.06888 2108.99794 1775.023
Standard Deviation (SD) 0.02619 0.07879 0.09875 0.3045 0.13945 0.81257 0.7067 3.76047 5.63123
Stochastic (STOCH) 37.75086 47.18178 43.52364 73.16536 26.6924 67.54531 20.19787 41.6095 76.00227
Stochastic Fast (STOCHF) 46.49123 74.13793 31.31868 81.28342 19.90521 58.49648 21.75623 33.85086 74.52303
Stochastic RSI (StochRSI) 100.0 51.40334 100.0 74.22216 5.28641 28.19549 0.0 0.0 44.57609
Stop and Reverse (SAR) 155.882 157.375 157.154 157.863 158.641 160.229 164.787 140.559 124.094
TRIX -0.00083 0.03193 -0.01809 0.00195 0.01119 0.07603 0.08685 -0.08142 0.30378
Time Series Forecast (TSF) 155.88033 157.37343 157.24631 158.20762 158.6248 161.19662 165.26059 144.63149 117.23923
Triangular Moving Average (TRIMA) 155.89945 157.4388 157.08766 157.74405 158.845 160.27661 165.5542 150.36728 126.32155
Triple Exponential Moving Average (T3) 155.9118 157.58058 157.02864 157.5063 158.91279 160.24376 165.38194 152.23832 129.2602
Triple Exponential Moving Average (TEMA) 155.89469 157.43454 157.1698 158.05426 158.68707 160.78218 165.03265 145.83058 120.6005
True Range (TRANGE) 0.096 0.063 0.141 0.176 0.091 0.613 0.955 5.109 9.456
Typical Price (TYPPRICE) 155.94 157.432 157.22733 157.96867 158.70667 160.797 164.27533 143.5193 118.90633
Ultimate Oscillator (ULTOSC) 32.7665 81.39277 14.9832 75.68924 20.72499 27.10169 48.63159 68.92658 81.08726
Variance 0.00069 0.00621 0.00975 0.09272 0.01945 0.66026 0.49942 14.1411 31.71079
Weighted Close Price (WCLPRICE) 155.93525 157.43725 157.217 157.9775 158.70075 160.75975 164.27875 143.7222 119.54225
Weighted Moving Average (WMA) 155.89914 157.43621 157.12749 157.83908 158.78144 160.42869 165.28196 148.90614 124.02901
Williams Percent Range (WILLR) -42.95775 -64.47761 -27.77778 -3.20807 -77.5 -24.11648 -68.41356 -78.37827 -64.52294

EURJPY Análise

EURJPY Moeda - Gráfico de moeda em tempo real EURJPY e desempenho.

EURJPY Historial de Dados - Historial de dados EURJPY selecionáveis por intervalo de datas e período de tempo.

EURJPY Volatilidade - EURJPY análise de volatilidade da moeda em tempo real.

EURJPY Correlação - EURJPY análise de correlação de moeda em tempo real.

EURJPY Padrões - EURJPY padrões de preços em tempo real.