CHFJPY Indicador

1 minute 5 minutos 15 minutos 30 minutos 1 hora 4 horas 1 dia 1 semana 1 mês
Absolute Price Oscillator (APO) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Accumulation Distribution (AD) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 42308.70126 -330386.22198 9163569.00246
Accumulation Distribution Oscillator (ADO) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 410512.97759 1813131.9328 4488622.29557
Aroon Oscillator (AROONOSC) -71.42857 -35.71429 92.85714 92.85714 -64.28571 35.71429 7.14286 -92.85714 -57.14286
Average Directional Index (ADI) 38.18941 50.73658 25.28285 36.3117 16.39885 6.05244 25.09882 87.59932 17.82121
Average Directional Movement Index Rating (ADXR) 16.69059 67.63518 25.75027 37.02005 23.61993 20.13923 24.48774 78.9056 15.05476
Average Price (AVGPRICE) 166.06575 167.2225 166.7495 167.665 168.06025 169.93325 176.7671 143.00015 109.2785
Average True Range (ATR) 0.032 0.08914 0.13264 0.20807 0.24936 0.88443 2.41345 5.96237 4.45229
Balance of Power (BOP) -0.78261 -0.49123 -0.44444 -0.57778 -0.45977 -0.44165 -0.24905 0.32192 0.92885
Chande Momentum Oscillator (CMO) -40.65934 -9.46502 44.80712 61.81507 -47.26166 -8.81532 14.45136 -77.37923 -19.68621
Commodity Channel Index (CCI) -100.06242 33.96307 98.87624 107.44682 -83.42763 36.88239 151.53698 -166.26105 -174.82951
Directional Movement Index (DX) 58.42294 0.60362 65.9375 83.59269 55.01225 18.14054 72.78356 99.58936 31.17081
Double Exponential Moving Average (DEMA) 166.06717 167.20138 166.63678 167.64832 168.07111 169.77673 176.54662 145.98511 113.50545
Exponential Moving Average (EMA) 166.10293 167.18836 166.57036 167.23964 168.26636 169.74057 175.58406 152.72373 114.10686
HT_DCPERIOD 15.6467 15.6467 15.6467 15.6467 15.6467 15.6467 15.6467 15.6467 15.6467
HT_DCPHASE -38.8732 244.97424 62.80045 176.70073 283.10171 310.46475 206.57449 -2.54829 225.99507
HT_TRENDLINE 166.11892 167.13977 166.68399 166.90734 168.31207 169.90089 174.92197 157.80879 113.63361
HT_TRENDMODE 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0
Kaufman Adaptive Moving Average (KAMA) 166.06433 167.20093 166.71058 167.58554 168.04276 169.60684 176.84341 145.23578 114.78939
LINEARREG 166.05926 167.15809 166.74809 167.6996 167.995 169.89283 176.50154 145.57277 112.8926
LINEARREG_ANGLE -0.38495 -0.26683 1.56624 4.04765 -2.39055 1.34186 8.03429 -47.73011 -10.58139
LINEARREG_INTERCEPT 166.1466 167.21863 166.39263 166.77969 168.53771 169.58831 174.66657 159.87468 115.32111
LINEARREG_SLOPE -0.00672 -0.00466 0.02734 0.07076 -0.04175 0.02342 0.14115 -1.10015 -0.18681
MEDPRICE 166.0645 167.221 166.748 167.661 168.0595 169.8625 176.66677 143.6228 109.198
MIDPOINT 166.103 167.1765 166.548 167.1745 168.352 169.621 175.548 151.51 114.1305
MIDPRICE 166.1025 167.166 166.5375 167.143 168.283 169.5925 173.2045 151.40431 112.0745
MINUS_DI 26.45801 19.89228 5.8532 3.01029 27.81834 21.9882 30.84719 29.92682 23.67648
MINUS_DM 0.119 0.25 0.109 0.047 0.717 2.311 10.44837 24.964 14.143
Momentum (MOM) -0.068 -0.018 0.267 0.541 -0.462 0.491 2.222 -11.22723 -3.373
Money Flow Index (MFI) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 57.35934 22.92491 48.74705
Moving Average (MA) 166.10293 167.18836 166.57036 167.23964 168.26636 169.74057 175.58406 152.72373 114.10686
Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) -0.02521 0.14476 -0.18724 0.29998 -0.03674 0.34477 1.44186 -5.12106 0.59301
OBV 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 344818.0 1796240.0 9418757.0
PLUS_DI 6.94373 19.65357 28.51419 33.68418 8.07346 15.2356 4.85897 0.06157 12.42375
PLUS_DM 0.031 0.22 0.398 0.983 0.279 1.888 1.63853 0.0 7.833
ROCR100 99.95546 99.97249 100.18145 100.43254 99.58575 99.74049 100.57649 89.64378 96.16871
Rate of Change (ROC) -0.04454 -0.02751 0.18145 0.43254 -0.41425 -0.25951 0.57649 -10.35622 -3.83129
Rate of Change Percentage (ROCP) -0.00045 -0.00028 0.00181 0.00433 -0.00414 -0.0026 0.00576 -0.10356 -0.03831
Rate of Change Ratio (ROCR) 0.99955 0.99972 1.00181 1.00433 0.99586 0.9974 1.00576 0.89644 0.96169
Relative Strength Index (RSI) 29.67033 45.26749 72.40356 80.90753 26.36917 45.59234 57.22568 11.31039 40.15689
SUM 2325.441 2340.637 2331.985 2341.355 2355.729 2376.368 2458.17679 2138.13217 1597.496
Standard Deviation (SD) 0.02859 0.06036 0.1218 0.29457 0.19503 0.41343 0.76946 4.63144 1.60287
Stochastic (STOCH) 40.02193 53.74566 65.86174 77.19475 39.36576 42.81648 90.47035 32.2387 81.97654
Stochastic Fast (STOCHF) 14.58333 38.23529 72.72727 77.97203 42.02899 70.2275 93.25732 15.76035 72.33594
Stochastic RSI (StochRSI) 0.0 65.48853 100.0 100.0 4.99727 37.18739 56.65833 0.0 25.70644
Stop and Reverse (SAR) 166.051 167.278 166.678 167.572 168.008 170.141 177.20654 146.98199 115.51
TRIX -0.00051 0.02198 -0.01654 0.00399 0.01485 0.0804 0.05464 -0.11315 0.01456
Time Series Forecast (TSF) 166.05254 167.15343 166.77543 167.77036 167.95325 169.91625 176.64269 144.47263 112.70579
Triangular Moving Average (TRIMA) 166.10152 167.1635 166.56475 167.26563 168.26491 169.85459 175.53377 152.83116 114.13136
Triple Exponential Moving Average (T3) 166.11504 167.24729 166.53279 167.07774 168.39439 170.1392 175.4126 155.38323 113.96581
Triple Exponential Moving Average (TEMA) 166.0641 167.20608 166.69909 167.64383 168.03847 169.76223 176.60761 145.52089 113.32152
True Range (TRANGE) 0.023 0.114 0.068 0.134 0.087 0.557 1.07954 4.92361 9.316
Typical Price (TYPPRICE) 166.06233 167.21267 166.745 167.655 168.05333 169.86867 176.68885 143.47187 110.383
Ultimate Oscillator (ULTOSC) 28.33397 29.57427 44.3787 47.39079 33.06462 46.83465 61.20148 44.76225 77.91242
Variance 0.00082 0.00364 0.01483 0.08677 0.03804 0.17093 0.59208 21.45019 2.56921
Weighted Close Price (WCLPRICE) 166.06125 167.2085 166.7435 167.652 168.05025 169.87175 176.69989 143.3964 110.9755
Weighted Moving Average (WMA) 166.08837 167.17827 166.6296 167.39296 168.1759 169.79132 175.88988 150.34008 113.7021
Williams Percent Range (WILLR) -93.20388 -39.20863 -7.57895 -5.59503 -81.18557 -36.02906 -6.74268 -90.1936 -44.80515

CHFJPY Análise

CHFJPY Moeda - Gráfico de moeda em tempo real CHFJPY e desempenho.

CHFJPY Historial de Dados - Historial de dados CHFJPY selecionáveis por intervalo de datas e período de tempo.

CHFJPY Volatilidade - CHFJPY análise de volatilidade da moeda em tempo real.

CHFJPY Correlação - CHFJPY análise de correlação de moeda em tempo real.

CHFJPY Padrões - CHFJPY padrões de preços em tempo real.