XAUJPY Indicator

1 minute 5 minutes 15 minutes 30 minutes 1 hour 4 hours 1 day 1 week 1 month
Absolute Price Oscillator (APO) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Accumulation Distribution (AD) 0.0 0.0 0.0 734.0202 0.0 0.0 0.0 -7285.32502 11627.48276
Accumulation Distribution Oscillator (ADO) 0.0 0.0 0.0 412.39904 0.0 0.0 0.0 4104.22429 35766.08761
Aroon Oscillator (AROONOSC) 78.57143 -57.14286 78.57143 -85.71429 42.85714 71.42857 42.85714 -21.42857 -85.71429
Average Directional Index (ADI) 67.75205 11.62812 51.15679 11.16795 15.31901 15.35874 26.68779 30.48912 47.40679
Average Directional Movement Index Rating (ADXR) 65.65903 11.22254 25.69412 17.75057 12.2756 26.91216 50.20108 20.07994 65.21361
Average Price (AVGPRICE) 454692.75 453895.75 454226.0 452163.5 452658.5 433558.5 408110.75 272941.85 194764.6
Average True Range (ATR) 150.07143 298.21429 538.07143 929.78571 1587.5 4229.57143 6966.71429 6342.40714 14742.21429
Balance of Power (BOP) -0.60465 -0.11429 0.77778 -0.24495 -0.38914 0.02616 -0.69506 0.08045 -0.37886
Chande Momentum Oscillator (CMO) 75.89641 -18.88437 38.41193 -14.32153 -4.52716 5.16772 -9.4849 -20.03502 -39.37927
Commodity Channel Index (CCI) 109.91576 -248.63851 -39.43825 -166.89859 90.96229 -11.14551 74.82725 -37.05366 -61.92816
Directional Movement Index (DX) 95.00275 24.95033 17.28984 31.79577 21.62022 2.04147 11.38607 10.78947 38.11313
Double Exponential Moving Average (DEMA) 454664.55432 454183.8732 455055.16209 452539.72667 452183.58513 435044.25691 397963.04903 271565.13655 186562.18974
Exponential Moving Average (EMA) 454304.92857 454261.07143 454535.42857 452886.64286 451891.0 433792.78571 401140.28571 274507.46429 200157.72857
HT_DCPERIOD 15.6467 15.6467 15.6467 15.6467 15.6467 15.6467 15.6467 15.6467 15.33476
HT_DCPHASE 171.93711 212.57978 162.05611 -41.87833 39.24263 176.31877 0.84137 21.50661 -
HT_TRENDLINE 454081.75905 454140.42618 453969.61966 453118.36753 452244.79818 432323.90958 404115.75574 276833.84175 -
HT_TRENDMODE 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 -
Kaufman Adaptive Moving Average (KAMA) 454657.07175 454089.94808 454854.92327 452703.18222 452022.78566 431137.75801 402554.45007 272866.28273 185993.61058
LINEARREG 454712.05714 454127.14286 455090.65714 452486.4 452450.48571 435586.02857 396473.11429 272586.05714 188994.78
LINEARREG_ANGLE 89.08532 -87.22143 89.32928 -89.06959 89.33438 89.79232 -89.9202 -89.80617 -89.96664
LINEARREG_INTERCEPT 453897.8 454395.0 453980.2 453286.88571 451331.51429 431999.54286 405807.45714 276428.87143 211320.67714
LINEARREG_SLOPE 62.63516 -20.6044 85.41978 -61.57582 86.07473 275.88352 -718.02637 -295.6011 -1717.3767
MEDPRICE 454696.5 453898.5 454201.5 452078.0 452826.0 433999.0 408406.5 274441.7 192905.9
MIDPOINT 454288.0 454198.0 454446.0 452792.5 451700.0 432679.0 404602.5 274818.95 202249.5
MIDPRICE 454283.5 454159.5 454468.5 452697.5 451395.5 432306.0 404012.5 275018.45 204239.4
MINUS_DI 0.99704 19.57131 14.4402 18.44351 14.04338 13.60834 23.39577 11.39542 23.13818
MINUS_DM 21.0 817.0 1045.0 2395.0 2570.0 7681.0 23069.0 10203.4 34442.0
Momentum (MOM) 577.0 -343.0 434.0 -1069.0 1768.0 -2749.0 205.0 388.6 -6589.0
Money Flow Index (MFI) 0.0 0.0 0.0 21.68932 0.0 0.0 0.0 42.59355 33.92328
Moving Average (MA) 454304.92857 454261.07143 454535.42857 452886.64286 451891.0 433792.78571 401140.28571 274507.46429 200157.72857
Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) 262.56426 74.11768 515.92315 -201.91728 -114.22266 1640.10882 -3610.36156 -5352.01351 -20079.32355
OBV 0.0 0.0 0.0 3928.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 13533.0 51029.0
PLUS_DI 38.90654 11.75523 20.4774 9.54451 21.79081 13.06384 29.40805 14.15183 10.36795
PLUS_DM 720.0 400.0 1126.0 1153.0 4802.0 7682.0 28080.0 9545.1 21285.9
ROCR100 100.16787 99.92845 100.21008 99.79826 99.92046 100.26387 99.03298 97.99555 82.42006
Rate of Change (ROC) 0.16787 -0.07155 0.21008 -0.20174 -0.07954 0.26387 -0.96702 -2.00445 -17.57994
Rate of Change Percentage (ROCP) 0.00168 -0.00072 0.0021 -0.00202 -0.00080 0.00264 -0.00967 -0.02004 -0.1758
Rate of Change Ratio (ROCR) 1.00168 0.99928 1.0021 0.99798 0.9992 1.00264 0.99033 0.97996 0.8242
Relative Strength Index (RSI) 87.94821 40.55782 69.20597 42.83924 47.73642 52.58386 45.25755 39.98249 30.31037
SUM 6360269.0 6359655.0 6363496.0 6340413.0 6326474.0 6073099.0 5615964.0 3843104.5 2802208.2
Standard Deviation (SD) 258.54219 146.00757 411.542 413.09971 621.30163 2461.46972 5826.35954 2140.8409 8769.8953
Stochastic (STOCH) 88.14723 33.06212 62.41021 43.41298 31.29124 41.24211 62.031 35.8067 26.95104
Stochastic Fast (STOCHF) 87.53316 18.79383 56.65266 24.78903 29.22374 41.05832 34.62087 23.08311 44.51635
Stochastic RSI (StochRSI) 57.31456 0.0 0.0 24.58185 37.83591 24.87957 100.0 0.0 91.11376
Stop and Reverse (SAR) 454615.0 454214.0 454881.0 452756.0 451657.0 430206.0 415357.0 279289.4 183091.0
TRIX 0.00517 -0.00275 0.00626 -0.00689 0.01425 -0.04706 -0.15197 -0.49828 -1.53401
Time Series Forecast (TSF) 454774.69231 454106.53846 455176.07692 452424.82418 452536.56044 435861.91209 395755.08791 272290.45604 187277.4033
Triangular Moving Average (TRIMA) 454293.60714 454296.5 454597.75 452904.75 451886.08929 434607.57143 398967.375 274781.54464 199566.9875
Triple Exponential Moving Average (T3) 454213.4647 454219.09853 454256.1615 453006.55116 452087.91671 432784.13314 400870.62407 272971.81423 -
Triple Exponential Moving Average (TEMA) 454692.39472 454106.25702 454989.50204 452466.75127 452311.76874 434297.45279 399582.87131 271918.69058 187859.21211
True Range (TRANGE) 68.0 356.0 1107.0 1034.0 1468.0 4868.0 13901.0 9695.4 13870.9
Typical Price (TYPPRICE) 454689.66667 453890.66667 454328.66667 452102.66667 452628.33333 433722.66667 406599.0 273571.8 193371.26667
Ultimate Oscillator (ULTOSC) 41.43079 45.09574 72.35668 51.26051 19.92718 39.33522 18.05091 28.67015 56.3756
Variance 66844.06631 21318.2092 169366.81631 170651.37247 386015.71429 6058833.16833 33946465.48978 4583199.74084 76911063.48775
Weighted Close Price (WCLPRICE) 454686.25 453886.75 454392.25 452115.0 452529.5 433584.5 405695.25 273136.85 193603.95
Weighted Moving Average (WMA) 454440.6381 454216.42857 454720.50476 452753.22857 452077.49524 434390.53333 399584.5619 273866.99524 196436.74571
Williams Percent Range (WILLR) -5.34699 -83.99044 -42.19496 -76.85869 -31.243 -41.56085 -54.53303 -78.00315 -72.42861

XAUJPY Analysis

XAUJPY Currency - Real time XAUJPY currency chart and performance.

XAUJPY Historical Data - Historical XAUJPY data selectable by date range and timeframe.

XAUJPY Volatility - XAUJPY real time currency volatility analysis.

XAUJPY Correlation - XAUJPY real time currency correlation analysis.

XAUJPY Patterns - XAUJPY real time price patterns.