Please choose the desired RSS feed:
With RSS feeds, you can get the latest updates of the recently discussed topics, forex news, or forex calender events directly in your RSS reader free of charge, for individual (non-commercial). You can even embed it into your blog or website.
RSS is a way for you to stay updated with websites you like. Instead of you having to go to websites to see if a new post or a new article has been added, you can use RSS (Really Simple Syndication) to get them to tell you every time they have something new. RSS is a system whereby websites update information using a 'feed' comprising just the headlines, and important stories. By using special RSS-reading software on your computer, you can receive these instant updates directly. An RSS reader automatically updates itself with the latest items from the sites you tell it to watch, so it's always fresh. You don't have to go from site to site, or constantly click the refresh button to know what's been published by the sites you frequently use. it is very simple and instead of going through all those newsletters or visiting websites, you just open your RSS reader and scan the headlines from your chosen sites. If something catches your attention, click on the link and the full story is displayed. This way you can monitor multiple websites from one convenient browser, and customise it so that it only displays material and content that you are specifically interested in.
First, you need to download a program called a News Reader. This displays RSS information feeds from your chosen websites on your computer. All you have to do then is choose which RSS feeds you want from your favorite websites. Once you've installed a reader, choose one of the available RSS feeds at the top and cut and paste these URLs into your reader to read the site in RSS. After a few seconds, a list of headlines should appear. Most RSS readers have a Preferences option that lets you tell the program how often to check sites for updates.
There are a range of free News Readers available. Different News Readers work on different operating systems, so you will need to take this into account when you make your choice. Simply search for news reader