EURNOK Indikator

1 Minute 5 Minuten 15 Minuten 30 Minuten 1 Stunde 4 Stunden 1 Tag 1 Woche 1 Monat
Absolute Price Oscillator (APO) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Accumulation Distribution (AD) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 36195.13271 -278392.64083 1380390.34908
Accumulation Distribution Oscillator (ADO) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1692.7686 67378.5878 307380.60833
Aroon Oscillator (AROONOSC) -92.85714 7.14286 -64.28571 28.57143 -42.85714 -85.71429 100.0 50.0 -71.42857
Average Directional Index (ADI) 22.34564 13.54489 45.67666 35.09252 18.43253 41.75872 14.54592 13.23601 12.08712
Average Directional Movement Index Rating (ADXR) 51.29795 18.71879 36.42323 23.70176 12.23171 30.59875 20.70584 17.10363 12.57211
Average Price (AVGPRICE) 11.76095 11.75024 11.69513 11.70316 11.68979 11.56517 11.94866 11.44059 9.01145
Average True Range (ATR) 0.00196 0.00268 0.00667 0.01479 0.01301 0.03593 0.09765 0.37079 0.3317
Balance of Power (BOP) 0.77206 -0.51916 0.67495 0.03509 -0.09811 -0.6148 0.24596 -0.12505 0.41666
Chande Momentum Oscillator (CMO) -24.79062 -15.50152 -5.39616 -28.01886 -2.78014 -69.8778 62.29365 9.75484 -40.53992
Commodity Channel Index (CCI) -16.04522 -20.12823 92.86048 -83.93244 9.17484 -66.56837 168.05337 -127.71047 -73.71986
Directional Movement Index (DX) 13.39273 30.78046 13.44397 18.24293 24.18565 60.05869 60.80433 25.65754 38.36781
Double Exponential Moving Average (DEMA) 11.76048 11.7485 11.68967 11.70956 11.68566 11.54451 11.8947 11.65482 8.98239
Exponential Moving Average (EMA) 11.76136 11.75039 11.69224 11.71338 11.68943 11.60392 11.76739 11.64237 9.26998
HT_DCPERIOD 15.6467 15.6467 15.6467 15.6467 15.6467 15.6467 15.6467 15.6467 15.6467
HT_DCPHASE -17.96589 3.86413 24.62982 252.23733 -37.49918 -32.75406 145.16611 175.85979 -28.94458
HT_TRENDLINE 11.7622 11.75236 11.69811 11.7118 11.69064 11.64233 11.70102 11.54753 9.4309
HT_TRENDMODE 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0
Kaufman Adaptive Moving Average (KAMA) 11.75952 11.74831 11.69303 11.70196 11.68888 11.5446 11.96297 11.6025 9.02746
LINEARREG 11.76036 11.74856 11.69062 11.70736 11.68242 11.52976 11.91656 11.66213 8.9134
LINEARREG_ANGLE -0.00882 -0.01614 -0.01428 -0.05307 -0.06178 -0.65368 1.31469 0.17414 -3.14001
LINEARREG_INTERCEPT 11.76236 11.75222 11.69386 11.7194 11.69644 11.67808 11.61821 11.62262 9.62656
LINEARREG_SLOPE -0.00015 -0.00028 -0.00025 -0.00093 -0.00108 -0.01141 0.02295 0.00304 -0.05486
MEDPRICE 11.76099 11.7502 11.69497 11.70302 11.68989 11.56447 11.94339 11.46444 8.99627
MIDPOINT 11.76195 11.75025 11.69292 11.71557 11.69026 11.61896 11.79232 11.5855 9.38631
MIDPRICE 11.76176 11.75059 11.69312 11.71685 11.68769 11.62355 11.79954 11.59021 9.35848
MINUS_DI 21.95115 24.58516 12.4757 21.88648 18.62926 31.5972 6.13717 12.47951 25.64233
MINUS_DM 0.00485 0.00882 0.01102 0.04536 0.03396 0.15985 0.08255 0.65024 0.90936
Momentum (MOM) 0.00040 -0.00246 0.00564 -0.00161 -0.00322 -0.06674 0.28517 -0.38742 -0.16995
Money Flow Index (MFI) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 61.1113 43.86408 45.71351
Moving Average (MA) 11.76136 11.75039 11.69224 11.71338 11.68943 11.60392 11.76739 11.64237 9.26998
Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) -0.00116 -0.00094 -0.00967 0.00563 -0.00195 -0.02644 0.05085 -0.006 -0.17556
OBV 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 76974.0 500229.0 1877768.0
PLUS_DI 16.76588 13.01245 9.51877 15.13304 11.37302 7.88482 25.17839 21.09352 11.42168
PLUS_DM 0.00461 0.00481 0.00889 0.03139 0.01718 0.03704 0.34602 0.76867 0.53207
ROCR100 99.97484 99.9783 99.98248 99.77706 99.98324 98.78301 103.20941 101.71933 92.07428
Rate of Change (ROC) -0.02516 -0.0217 -0.01752 -0.22294 -0.01676 -1.21699 3.20941 1.71933 -7.92572
Rate of Change Percentage (ROCP) -0.00025 -0.00022 -0.00018 -0.00223 -0.00017 -0.01217 0.03209 0.01719 -0.07926
Rate of Change Ratio (ROCR) 0.99975 0.99978 0.99982 0.99777 0.99983 0.98783 1.03209 1.01719 0.92074
Relative Strength Index (RSI) 37.60469 42.24924 47.30192 35.99057 48.60993 15.0611 81.14683 54.87742 29.73004
SUM 164.65899 164.50545 163.69133 163.98729 163.65197 162.45483 164.7434 162.99325 129.77968
Standard Deviation (SD) 0.00119 0.00155 0.00385 0.0099 0.00815 0.04881 0.10248 0.15851 0.27185
Stochastic (STOCH) 30.00578 36.00612 76.33024 7.97708 59.60585 25.90272 83.16959 38.09182 53.29411
Stochastic Fast (STOCHF) 64.24731 53.57143 95.39249 11.59355 85.27828 46.62709 91.65242 8.88107 60.48331
Stochastic RSI (StochRSI) 95.21971 49.6103 100.0 4.96334 90.17068 76.05878 100.0 0.0 55.20725
Stop and Reverse (SAR) 11.75905 11.7481 11.68942 11.70102 11.68781 11.54054 11.89637 11.35216 9.2487
TRIX -0.00357 -0.00274 -0.01294 0.00716 -0.00253 0.0202 -0.05024 -0.04824 -0.27525
Time Series Forecast (TSF) 11.7602 11.74828 11.69037 11.70643 11.68134 11.51835 11.93951 11.66517 8.85854
Triangular Moving Average (TRIMA) 11.7612 11.75058 11.69082 11.71476 11.68648 11.59817 11.75957 11.69406 9.26177
Triple Exponential Moving Average (T3) 11.761 11.75083 11.69108 11.71661 11.6893 11.63526 11.70247 11.5853 9.33017
Triple Exponential Moving Average (TEMA) 11.76049 11.74854 11.69176 11.70651 11.6868 11.54404 11.91839 11.60013 8.97467
True Range (TRANGE) 0.00224 0.00335 0.00523 0.00399 0.00265 0.03704 0.09404 0.2517 0.19073
Typical Price (TYPPRICE) 11.76114 11.74998 11.69567 11.70313 11.68978 11.56225 11.95076 11.44393 9.01963
Ultimate Oscillator (ULTOSC) 72.81572 34.33243 78.40613 50.47391 39.95058 41.96353 73.04604 32.20133 70.17667
Variance 0.0 0.0 0.000010 0.00010 0.000070 0.00238 0.0105 0.02513 0.0739
Weighted Close Price (WCLPRICE) 11.76121 11.74987 11.69601 11.70319 11.68973 11.56114 11.95444 11.43368 9.03132
Weighted Moving Average (WMA) 11.76102 11.74978 11.6917 11.71137 11.68709 11.5792 11.81711 11.64896 9.15112
Williams Percent Range (WILLR) -55.90406 -62.76202 -23.42586 -89.07246 -45.12195 -89.59412 -6.52521 -69.56431 -75.57075

EURNOK Analyse

EURNOK Währung - EURNOK Echtzeit-Währungschart und Performance.

EURNOK Historische Daten - Historische EURNOK Daten, die nach Datumsbereich und Zeitrahmen ausgewählt werden können.

EURNOK Volatilität - EURNOK Echtzeit-Währungsvolatilitätsanalyse.

EURNOK Korrelation - EURNOK Echtzeit-Währungskorrelationsanalyse.

EURNOK Muster - EURNOK Echtzeit-Preismuster.