EURNOK Indikator

1 Minute 5 Minuten 15 Minuten 30 Minuten 1 Stunde 4 Stunden 1 Tag 1 Woche 1 Monat
Absolute Price Oscillator (APO) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 - - -
Accumulation Distribution (AD) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 - - -
Accumulation Distribution Oscillator (ADO) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 - - -
Aroon Oscillator (AROONOSC) 100.0 57.14286 64.28571 35.71429 100.0 71.42857 - - -
Average Directional Index (ADI) 4.41037 80.70627 23.71822 36.09704 32.95949 - - - -
Average Directional Movement Index Rating (ADXR) 29.27172 26.7819 27.52908 7.02934 17.82007 - - - -
Average Price (AVGPRICE) 11.74989 11.74128 11.76623 11.77216 11.797 11.79617 - - -
Average True Range (ATR) 0.00149 0.00739 0.01376 0.00788 0.01133 0.029 - - -
Balance of Power (BOP) -0.23776 -0.64796 0.32308 -0.29419 -0.09091 0.57941 - - -
Chande Momentum Oscillator (CMO) 28.57143 14.16592 -3.86974 7.81208 51.26108 31.7325 - - -
Commodity Channel Index (CCI) 124.40889 215.36792 23.30804 178.88907 154.99483 113.49069 - - -
Directional Movement Index (DX) 18.21895 52.11063 7.41931 42.16556 29.52417 10.81481 - - -
Double Exponential Moving Average (DEMA) 11.7495 11.73391 11.7706 11.76486 11.79624 11.79745 - - -
Exponential Moving Average (EMA) 11.74895 11.734 11.76368 11.76331 11.78987 11.77942 - - -
HT_DCPERIOD 15.6467 15.6467 15.6467 15.6467 15.6467 - - - -
HT_DCPHASE 122.27936 44.76315 33.48279 30.2016 176.24432 - - - -
HT_TRENDLINE 11.74855 11.73552 11.76586 11.76455 11.78159 - - - -
HT_TRENDMODE 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 - - - -
Kaufman Adaptive Moving Average (KAMA) 11.74894 11.73383 11.77322 11.768 11.79668 11.79707 - - -
LINEARREG 11.74961 11.73452 11.77292 11.76554 11.79481 11.79876 - - -
LINEARREG_ANGLE 0.0058 0.00455 0.08143 0.01962 0.04353 0.17045 - - -
LINEARREG_INTERCEPT 11.74829 11.73348 11.75444 11.76109 11.78493 11.76008 - - -
LINEARREG_SLOPE 0.00010 0.000080 0.00142 0.00034 0.00076 0.00297 - - -
MEDPRICE 11.74988 11.74136 11.76612 11.77276 11.7977 11.79472 - - -
MIDPOINT 11.74857 11.73381 11.75979 11.76242 11.79006 11.78401 - - -
MIDPRICE 11.74898 11.72671 11.75768 11.76824 11.78955 11.77073 - - -
MINUS_DI 14.65861 30.1106 19.89133 10.16269 6.34376 16.45198 - - -
MINUS_DM 0.00308 0.02962 0.03639 0.00753 0.0101 0.06605 - - -
Momentum (MOM) 0.00018 0.00802 0.02537 0.00469 0.00472 0.04028 - - -
Money Flow Index (MFI) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 - - -
Moving Average (MA) 11.74895 11.734 11.76368 11.76331 11.78987 11.77942 - - -
Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) 0.00021 -0.00248 0.00342 0.00064 0.00697 - - - -
OBV 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 - - -
PLUS_DI 21.18982 9.4798 17.1436 24.98139 11.6589 13.24077 - - -
PLUS_DM 0.00377 0.00987 0.03313 0.02713 0.01826 0.04534 - - -
ROCR100 100.02213 100.0403 99.96729 100.02473 100.25566 100.34471 - - -
Rate of Change (ROC) 0.02213 0.0403 -0.03271 0.02473 0.25566 0.34471 - - -
Rate of Change Percentage (ROCP) 0.00022 0.00040 -0.00033 0.00025 0.00256 0.00345 - - -
Rate of Change Ratio (ROCR) 1.00022 1.0004 0.99967 1.00025 1.00256 1.00345 - - -
Relative Strength Index (RSI) 64.28571 57.08296 48.06513 53.90604 75.63054 65.86625 - - -
SUM 164.48533 164.276 164.69154 164.6864 165.05821 164.9119 - - -
Standard Deviation (SD) 0.00070 0.00284 0.01145 0.00346 0.00401 0.01439 - - -
Stochastic (STOCH) 52.15312 42.19144 57.35258 67.59004 78.34207 73.68709 - - -
Stochastic Fast (STOCHF) 56.86275 84.94962 22.95981 48.59031 74.91653 85.90877 - - -
Stochastic RSI (StochRSI) 83.22058 100.0 49.1097 100.0 65.7527 - - - -
Stop and Reverse (SAR) 11.74881 11.73349 11.76278 11.78085 11.79197 11.77378 - - -
TRIX -0.00149 -0.00192 0.00608 0.00034 0.00138 - - - -
Time Series Forecast (TSF) 11.74971 11.7346 11.77434 11.76588 11.79557 11.80173 - - -
Triangular Moving Average (TRIMA) 11.74899 11.73369 11.76176 11.76261 11.78966 11.77674 - - -
Triple Exponential Moving Average (T3) 11.74819 11.73394 11.76467 11.76355 11.78506 - - - -
Triple Exponential Moving Average (TEMA) 11.7495 11.73489 11.77258 11.76625 11.79596 - - - -
True Range (TRANGE) 0.00171 0.00866 0.0078 0.01618 0.00847 0.04187 - - -
Typical Price (TYPPRICE) 11.74983 11.74109 11.76626 11.77157 11.7971 11.79973 - - -
Ultimate Oscillator (ULTOSC) 43.91093 67.13167 30.68494 29.98767 36.39635 76.79402 - - -
Variance 0.0 0.000010 0.00013 0.000010 0.000020 0.00021 - - -
Weighted Close Price (WCLPRICE) 11.7498 11.74096 11.76634 11.77097 11.79681 11.80223 - - -
Weighted Moving Average (WMA) 11.74917 11.73417 11.76676 11.76406 11.79152 11.78587 - - -
Williams Percent Range (WILLR) -27.16049 -7.35837 -29.39809 -46.2728 -24.27302 -6.56723 - - -

EURNOK Analyse

EURNOK Währung - EURNOK Echtzeit-Währungschart und Performance.

EURNOK Historische Daten - Historische EURNOK Daten, die nach Datumsbereich und Zeitrahmen ausgewählt werden können.

EURNOK Volatilität - EURNOK Echtzeit-Währungsvolatilitätsanalyse.

EURNOK Korrelation - EURNOK Echtzeit-Währungskorrelationsanalyse.

EURNOK Muster - EURNOK Echtzeit-Preismuster.