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1st Showcase Account
Hệ thống giao dịch
Oct 06, 2011 at 11:04
As a subscriber i know the real trading account. In September there was a very big loss - the September ended with -24,47%! And that was the 3rd strong drawdown in life ot that account. The system wins permanently 10 cent or 1.50$. The big loss kills more than 300$. And if the account is nearly crashed, suddenly there are more 200,- cash on the account to avoid the margincall. If you want to make money, you cannot deal with wins of 0.10$ - you have to bring much more money - only to pay the subscription. And if there is another crash, you will lose not only 300$ but 30.000$. At the moment this...
instant forex signal - FXPro
Hệ thống giao dịch
Sep 07, 2011 at 09:14
Manual trades on the peaks - but my broker did not accept the orders.You can verify it in the comments.They requote - have to change the broker again!Instant forex signals EA runs fine.
Million Dollar Pips (discontinued)
Hệ thống giao dịch
Sep 01, 2011 at 23:16
You can find more information about this account on this german website:http://forexgermany.de/expert-advisors/expert-advisors-million-dollar-pips.htmlThe Broker is Pepperstone, the account an ECN.The system is running on an Australian VPS: Mammoth VPS.
Instant Forex Signal - FinFx
Hệ thống giao dịch
Aug 28, 2011 at 03:01
No SIM, it is because 0,3 Lots here equals to 3,0 lots on your masteraccount.My risk was 5 times higher than your recommandation.In July i had 35,88% gain.The masteraccount had 6,53% in July.A smaller spread cannot make 450% difference.You can verify that in all of the trades here in this account.
Instant Forex Signal - FinFx
Hệ thống giao dịch
Aug 26, 2011 at 01:28
I had a demoaccount with 25,000 Euro - and i used 30 Lots in the EA.The first trade starts with 0,3 Lots.I used the standard settings. You can verify everything in the History of the account.cheersSepp
instant forex signal - FXPro
Hệ thống giao dịch
Aug 26, 2011 at 01:25
Of course it is at FXPro.You are right - they dont have mini lot accounts - and i dont have a mini lot account.
1st Showcase Account
Hệ thống giao dịch
Aug 25, 2011 at 16:23
After a great performance on a Demo Account herehttp://www.myfxbook.com/portfolio/instant-forex-signal-finfx/126149i changed the system to a real money account here:http://www.myfxbook.com/portfolio/instant-forex-signal-fxpro/155094The demo account is stopped.
Instant Forex Signal - FinFx
Hệ thống giao dịch
Aug 25, 2011 at 16:20
After a great performance i changed to a real-money-account, you can find here:http://www.myfxbook.com/portfolio/instant-forex-signal-fxpro/155094
1st Showcase Account
Hệ thống giao dịch
Aug 16, 2011 at 21:25
Hi Sim,on Juli 12th you open 59,46 lots into one direction because the chart did not go to your direction.Isn't this a too high risk - starting with 0,25 lots and ending with a buy of 23,02 lots - the whole position had in 59,46 lots?A little move in the wrong direction and your account would have been blown off without your deposit of more 1000 US$ on Juli 12th.Which lotsize can i trade with 20,000 US$ to be on the save side?12.07.2011 12:47 Deposit 1000.00 0sEröffnungsdatum Schlussdatum Symbol Aktion Lots SL TP Eröffnungskurs Schlusskurs Basispunkte Gewinn ...
Hệ thống giao dịch
Aug 11, 2011 at 19:32
is this crash only with instantforexsignal?
Magic-Champ II PRO - Account 01
Hệ thống giao dịch
Jul 18, 2011 at 14:19
und wie heißt der "mit weitem Abstand beste Scalper EA aus USA"?
1st Showcase Account
Hệ thống giao dịch
Jun 21, 2011 at 01:55
Nice.6 hours E-Mail did not help.10 minutes after this article here it worked. Good to know how to reach the service.After activation my firewall asked to allow the Trojan service.The system now works fine.I publish my liveresults here:https://www.myfxbook.com/de/portfolio/instant-forex-signal-finfx/126149
1st Showcase Account
Hệ thống giao dịch
Jun 20, 2011 at 23:59
Very interesting,you have to install a trojansoftware with access to your PC from their side - and they send you the signals to your PC.I have subscribed for the "Kick Off Plan". But the password does not work.I only get errormessages.The mailsupport does not answer mails since six hours - so it does not work in reality.
Hệ thống giao dịch
Jun 09, 2011 at 21:46
I just see - they have no impressum but they only seem to sit in Australia.In fact they sit inSunnyvale, California, USA.So i hope, all US customers will report them to the police.
Hệ thống giao dịch
Jun 09, 2011 at 21:45
I just see - they have no impressum but they only seem to sit in Australia.In fact they sit in Sunnyvale, California, USA.So i hope, all US customers will report them to the police.
Hệ thống giao dịch
Jun 09, 2011 at 13:18
Kangoroo is dangerous! In short time your account will be empty! The EA is build to earn money - but only for the developers. Great marketing - great backtests - ugly results. It is a wurststall -not a developercompany!They have a great tuned backtest but on real trading you cannot win money.I had two big drawdowns within one month.The system is to earn very often small money with anextreme risk. Often this works well - but if it does notyou loose ...
Hệ thống giao dịch
Jun 09, 2011 at 13:15
Kangoroo is dangerous! In short time your account will be empty! The EA is build to earn money - but only for the developers. Great marketing - great backtests - ugly results. It is a wurststall -not a developercompany!They have a great tuned backtest but on real trading you cannot win money.I had two big drawdowns within one month.The system is to earn very often small money with anextreme risk. Often this works well - but if it does notyou loose ...
Magic-Champ II PRO - Account 01
Hệ thống giao dịch
Mar 09, 2011 at 11:01
Woran liegt es, dass die Performance so unterschiedlich ist bei den drei Konten, die etwa gleich lang laufen hier?Magic Champ II - REAL I @ metatrader-experts.de +224.86% 27.39 Technical Automated Real 1:500 Nov 12 2009 at 00:00 55 44Magic Champ II - REAL II @ metatrader-experts.de +280.98% 27.08 Technical Automated Real 1:500 Nov 30 2009 at 00:00 19 0FxPro / Magic Champ II +56.73% 23.34 Technical Automated Real 1:500 Dec 26 2009 at 00:00 4 0Ein Konto hat 225%, das andere "nur" 57% Ertrag.Der einzig erkennbare Unterschied ist der Average Loss - dieser ist b...
Magic-Champ II PRO - Account 01
Hệ thống giao dịch
Jan 15, 2011 at 03:45
Ich habe die Entwickler direkt angeschrieben - mal schauen was kommt.================================Guten Tag ForexInnovation UG,in diesem Forumhttp://www.myfxbook.com/community/trading-systems/magic-champ-ii-real-i/8628,3wird mehrfach erwähnt, dass die getradeten Konten teilweise massiv vonIhrer Publikation abweichen.Woher kommt das.Und was ist der Grund für den Absturz Anfang Oktober?Was wurde dagegen getan.Können Sie auch im Forum Stellung beziehen?Danke.Freundliche Grüße=================================
Magic-Champ II PRO - Account 01
Hệ thống giao dịch
Jan 13, 2011 at 16:44
Hallo pc8multifx,den verlinkten Thread kenne ich bereits.Anfang Oktober gab es einen massiven Drawdown - der ist hier ja auch "sauber" ausgewiesen.Alles davor und danach schaut aber gut aus.Gibt es noch Personen, die danach handeln und ist die Abweichung von den Ergebnissen hier noch immer so massiv?Alle anderen EAs die ich gefunden habe sind entweder pleite oder "geheim" - also womöglich auch gefaked.
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