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Thông tin chung
May 03, 2019 at 06:05
I am obviously talking about strategies that are actually worth investing in, not all strategies available on myfxbook. There are plenty of better ones that are available, just do your research. I am not affiliated with anyone so I will not promote anything but it doesnt take much to find a good on to invest with. For a 26% max DD ( equity stop is probably closer to 40%) you can get at least 6% per month on average and even that is not great.
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Thông tin chung
May 02, 2019 at 11:52
So you are trying to say that 26% DD and 3% avg monthly profit speak for themselves? Thats a below average strategy, nothing to see really...
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Thông tin chung
May 02, 2019 at 07:21
You were advertising your PAMM which had 80k+ in it and you blew up the whole account. Then you were quiet for 6 months and now you are trying to push the same strategy. Are you going to say you didnt lose a 80k PAMM? It was on Alpari btw...
How to choose a good PAMM account
Thông tin chung
Mar 31, 2019 at 06:24
Those are very basic requrements. What about broker regulation? 30% max DD also doesnt tell you a lot. How much are you trying to earn while allowing that kind of DD? How efficient is the system? And 3 months is also not really enough time to evaluate the system. I would say 6-9 months at least.
Hệ thống giao dịch
Feb 21, 2019 at 07:45
Check out the account now. It hasnt been updated for a while but the DD must be around 70% by now or even got a margin call. I told you whats coming and it came even quicker than I thought. It was an all-in strategy from the start, just a matter of time before it failed. Holding and hoping the trades will come back will bite you in the ass eventually. I am surprised nobody else saw this coming. It was too obvious...
Hệ thống giao dịch
Feb 03, 2019 at 07:19
Yes, lets wait. Maybe I am wrong but its highly unlikely you will be able to keep the performance at this level, if you dont lower the risk.Or maybe your plan is to start with a high risk, get lucky for a while and then lower the risk. That way you can manipulate your average monthly profits. Its done regularly on myfxbook.In any case, I still think this is a demo account. I am very, very sceptical. I mean how do you get to 1M deposit? Do you have some other trading history? I mean you must have something, how else did you come up with 1M?And if someone else invested this money, you for sure h...
Hệ thống giao dịch
Feb 01, 2019 at 10:04
I can show you a demo account which is classified as real by myfxbook. I think the same thing happened here. It also makes no sense at all that a 1M account is traded with this kind of risk. Another thing is they set up myfxbook profile on Jan 18 and have no trading history. Where were they before? They just had 1M laying around and decided to start trading? Be serious. I am 99.99% certain that this is a demo account and it will blow up within a few months. The whole thing smells like another scam. I am surprised you cant see it...
Hệ thống giao dịch
Jan 31, 2019 at 07:06
You cant seriously think that this is a real account
James Harrison
Hệ thống giao dịch
Nov 11, 2018 at 13:29
Here is the thread about Sakura:https://www.myfxbook.com/reviews/signal-providers/sakura-fx-trading/1363902,1#?pt=2&p=5&ts=49&o=1363902You will also find a thread about other companies with the same business model as Sakura on this thread:https://www.myfxbook.com/community/trading-systems/global-trading-pros-15/1147886,17
James Harrison
Hệ thống giao dịch
Nov 11, 2018 at 13:28
Just think logically. Why would someone with these kinds of results not want to open an account with a reputeble broker and easily get millions of investors? It makes no sense that they are fighting against their own interest by staying with this "broker". It will end up exactly as SakuraFx did a couple of years ago. Just read through that forum and you will also find screenshots of their performance which looks almost identical to this one.
Show your profitable account here.
Thông tin chung
Oct 23, 2018 at 14:17
So what happened with your account? The last time it was updated was a week ago at a 33% equity DD. If its blown that means it lasted for just over 1.5 months....
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Thông tin chung
Oct 17, 2018 at 10:35
Anyone can do that if you only keep closing the trades that are in profit. Your equity is in constant DD and every once in a while you get in a relatively large DD. Its a terrible system overall, you are just having a good period. Not worth investing in at all.
Show your profitable account here.
Thông tin chung
Oct 05, 2018 at 06:55
You were claiming that 100%+ profit and 2% DD were correct stats. You can see now that the DD is 50%+ and the account hasnt been updated for a long time so its possible you already blew it. Even if you did not, it is just a matter of time. Its ironic that you say other people have no idea how trading really works when you are just a gambler who thinks this system will actually work.😀
Managed Accounts
Thông tin chung
Oct 02, 2018 at 12:45
Open the trading history then. If its true what you are saying, you shouldnt have a problem with that.
Managed Accounts
Thông tin chung
Oct 01, 2018 at 14:54
Its clearly a grid, a hold and hope strategy. It will blow up in his face sooner or later, just like all strategies like this one do. Its in 10% floating loss at the moment as well....
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Thông tin chung
Sep 26, 2018 at 10:44
Check the second trade he took. It closed for 6.4 pips which was 4.45% profit. The trade was 73 pips down at some point which means it was down over 50%. He added the account on myfxbook on September 19, this trade happened 2 weeks earlier and was opened for almost 2 days. Apparently myfxbook did not record the DD that happened during that time. Thats why the results are manipulated. There were other trades that were down over 20 pips at some point which would mean 15% or more DD but myfxbook diid not record the DD on those trades as well. My guess is this guy disconnects the account during th...
James Harrison
Hệ thống giao dịch
Sep 26, 2018 at 10:11
You have been told its a fake account and you still think its nice trading? What else do you need as proof that this is a fake account?
Show your profitable account here.
Thông tin chung
Sep 24, 2018 at 10:43
So its not true that you had a DD of 50%+ at one point on September 5th? Are you going to deny the EurUsd trade that was down 73 pips which was open for about 40 hours? If you dont deny it then why does myfxbook show only a 2.7% DD and you are claiming that its a correct stat? And if you dont admit the DD was 50%+, then you are a liar. Its as simple as that. Besides all this if you are such a good trader, why are your accounts only a couple of weeks old? You suddenly learned how to trade at the end of August?😁 I expect detailed answers...
James Harrison
Hệ thống giao dịch
Sep 24, 2018 at 10:19
Every Ponzi keeps paying out "profits" for a while, until there are no new investors. Only a fool believes these scammers and invests their money with them. Same thing will happen as with SakuraFx. There is a thread about it on myfxbook, everyone should read it.
Show your profitable account here.
Thông tin chung
Sep 23, 2018 at 11:26
Come on man... The results are obviously manipulated, especially DD. DD was over 50% already. Just look at the second trade you took. It was down 73 pips but you kept it open and came back to profit. 73 pips with your risk is over 50%. You should be bannec for manipulatiing results this way.Within a month your account will be blown or in a huge DD if you keep the same risk. Not even worth looking at...
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