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Big Bank
Hệ thống giao dịch
Aug 19, 2010 at 17:38
I have heard the cries from the community ... Although I am extremely busy with my work and currently undergoing licensing process with the Ontario Security Commission, I have decided to give back to the community. A community that is so eager for a new voice, a community lost in the Forex market, a community who's been anticipating the return of the ART. I am now pleased to announce that I will on my spare time trade a demo account (The ART) on this site for the purpose of showcasing our talent. By no means will I be advising other traders. Simply watch and learn. (Crowd) Chanting......&q...
Big Bank
Hệ thống giao dịch
Aug 19, 2010 at 08:32
Order! order! Order... please remain seated. the Forex Jury has now reach there decision. (Case #1 )The forex market versue PATIENCE:VERDICT: count 1 Inability to provide any trading stats (Guilty) count 2 conspiracy to distract others (Guilty) count 3 use of ineffective sarcasm (Guilty) count 4 First degree blogging (Guilty) count 5 logging with the intention to creep (Guilty) &Dear Speki, As far as you are conc...
Big Bank
Hệ thống giao dịch
Aug 18, 2010 at 22:57
Speki, its ok !! its ok this level of anger can perfectly be explained by your display of a negative performance track record.... trading is not for everyone. Relax yourself , get some fresh air, laugh a little, take a break from trading, take a break from blogging, go back to the drawing board and focus on turning your red into green. and if you need help Just ask.you can thank me later
Big Bank
Hệ thống giao dịch
Aug 18, 2010 at 17:43
Guys! guys! ... lets be very clear. I did not join this network site for the purpose of recruiting. We just wanted to display our abilities p.s had to move funds from our usual broker Dukascopy who by the way did not offer meta trader as a platform to Ikon royal. After a friendly competition with a group of traders it was time for me to focuse on what I know the Business, so I am currently working with my Broker Dukascopy as an external money manger.This level of sensitivity I've noticed from most of you to me only makes me wonder how can traders be so emotional?scratching my head.and yes ...
Big Bank
Hệ thống giao dịch
Aug 18, 2010 at 06:18
Sorry kidos... we are currently focusing on the expansion of the company and also taking proper steps to acquire the necessary licenses to do business on a global scale. For those who are familiar with my work ,follow us at the world money show October 20th -24th. Also looking towards receiving the award for Dukascopy Trader of the month. Gil Barden and Patience I would love to take the time and entertain all your comments however time is of essence. Nevertheless expect my graceful return on myfxbook. Will be back before the both of you will have a chance to miss me.Au Revoir
Hệ thống giao dịch
May 09, 2010 at 23:06
Hang in there my friend... remain calm and do what you have to do to off set the negative trades you are holding. Nevertheless I hope this experiences turns you into a strong advocate of stop loss and cutting your lost short and quick. But it happens, you can pull through.PK
Big Bank (www.Kapendinvest.com)
Hệ thống giao dịch
Apr 28, 2010 at 20:41
Hello, Thank you, in regards to the verification we have tried on many occasion to no success. The vast majority of the company funds are with Dukascopy (our broker and partner). However since they still don't offer MT4 on live accounts, we've set up a smaller account with Ikon royal for the pupose of advertising our skills through the FXbook community.best regards, Pistis K fund manager
Millet Dad(小米爸爸)
Hệ thống giao dịch
Apr 27, 2010 at 16:17
Traders like these are the ones who mess it up for the real traders/portfolio managers.... For many this is just a game, for others its almost like a casino ( gambling, unnecessary risk, no money management skills) and then there are the selected few who truly utilize this site as a platform to exhibit a trading art.
$$$ Manager
Hệ thống giao dịch
Apr 14, 2010 at 15:33
Well my friend you heard the community..... My opinion is that base on naked eyes statistics, you are definitely doing something right... however if you truly want to be mentioned in the same brackets as some of the greats ( George Sorros, Buffets ecttt) you need to be lil more transparent as to what you are really doing. I mean I hope you didn't expect for people not to be skeptical because those are Beyon man imaginagion results ...Therefore I will conclude by saying this its either you ARE the holly grail or You are the best Con man I've ever come accross either or you are at the b...
Hệ thống giao dịch
Mar 30, 2010 at 01:26
Robert,You are right your ratio is greater than a 3:1. However your average win stands at (21.62 Pips / $25.62) compared to the average loss at (-135.18 Pips / -$27.09). These are the numbers you should focus on working on. Beside its not the 90% of traders that you should be focusing on beating, its that 10% that you must beat. Whisper from the big bird, 90% of traders are gamblers who don't understand the psychology and the art of trading.www.kapendinvest.com please take time to check out the PDF.best regards,PK
Hệ thống giao dịch
Mar 28, 2010 at 14:12
First and formost, those are some impressive results you have there. however their is a flaw to your trading.I like the fact that you are capable of recognizing a high risk trade hence you open smaller position but your only flaw is that you get out of trades to quickly. You need to learn how to maximize your win to lost ration to atleast a 3 :1.I would like to go head to head with you for a month.
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