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Hệ thống giao dịch
Jan 18, 2012 at 20:11
Hi Birt,I really appreciate you scaling back MDP to be 'useful' for others. Seriously, we get very similar returns each day and I am using a very popular broker, but with a VPS obviously. So your estimation of average I think is spot on.One question if I may birt:You mentioned earlier in this thread about setting up a bridge for serious trading. Can you point me to any articles you found useful with this? Thanks in advance, and thanks for being honest, and generous with your time.Best,Dale
Best ECN Broker for Scalping EAs
Thông tin chung
Jan 18, 2012 at 00:47
Keep in mind guys/girls, that with a system with tight stops, by having a much smaller spread, but paying the difference in commission, can mean you get stopped our less, as your spread is much tighter.So even though you may be paying the same as standard for buy and sell on ECN with commission, you may be stopped out less on an occasional trade.
Pro Trading By MetaCoder
Nhà giao dịch mới
Jan 15, 2012 at 22:48
Hi guys/girls, Just beware that his account does look a little strange in the image above. Ie, the account balance is EXACTLY $100,000 and only the 1 profitable trade, even though he states its his LAST trade of the year. So it doesnt prove Metacoder is successful. And it could simply be a demo account.Please dont take offence MetaCoder, I jsut think more is needed for you to prove that you ARE a successful trader than 1 trade on a large account that could be demo for all we know.You probably are a great trader, but just in case, I would hate to see people lose money by being flattered with yo...
MDPv1.2+MDP modified Live
Hệ thống giao dịch
Jan 13, 2012 at 23:08
Hello,May i ask what order modification speed you are currently getting? Thank you.
Hyper EA 2.3 - Account Closed
Hệ thống giao dịch
Jan 13, 2012 at 05:44
Hello, what risk per trade is this account running on?Thanks.
Wallstreet Forex Robot
Hệ thống giao dịch
Aug 15, 2011 at 16:17
My2kelsilver - you should be expecting this heavy drawdown because you set your position sizing to 5%. This is VERY aggressive.So you should expect 30 to 40% drawdown - more if you set the aggressive "trade more lots" when losing feature.So you either tone down your postion sizing to a reasonable percent if you cant handle drawdown, or if your greed wont let you tone it down, learn to cope with big drawdowns.If you are new to trading - take this as a lesson, so next time trade with a much smaller % risk. Birt and I both trade on 2% risk. We rarely see over 20% drawdown, and we are ad...
Wallstreet Forex Robot
Hệ thống giao dịch
Aug 03, 2011 at 17:15
Hang in there for 100 trades. Im sure you will be in profit by then. Your only 1/4 of the way there! BTW: Are you running on a VPS? If not you should definately consider it. You cant afford connection outages with these systems...
Wallstreet Forex Robot
Hệ thống giao dịch
Aug 03, 2011 at 15:21
I Agree.. as all 3 would have the same connection problem at the same time. Anyway - now I have no Idea!
Wallstreet Forex Robot
Hệ thống giao dịch
Aug 03, 2011 at 15:07
Update - here is my message:Hello,I have 3 live accounts running with the exact same broker, on the exact same VPS, with the same settings (default).However we get different results.So results are slightly different between the accounts.Is that because it depends when the expert was initialised?Ie If I initialised 1 at 7:50 am and the other 2 at 7:53am?Any other timing mechanism?Thanks.Here is their reply:It is not relevant when EAs are initiated, if trades are opened after both experts are running.It is normal to have some difference in performance even if the broker is the same.There are rea...
Wallstreet Forex Robot
Hệ thống giao dịch
Jul 27, 2011 at 16:11
Hi Birt - no I havent because I actually thought the time lapse thing was on purpose - that way everyone isnt buying at the exact same second for any one trade. But I am interested in their reply, so I will see what they say. Ill keep this thread posted!
Wallstreet Forex Robot
Hệ thống giao dịch
Jul 27, 2011 at 06:21
Hello Myk2elS2ilver,I have noticed a similar thing. I actually think that somewhere in the Code it has a time lapse control that executes every min or so from when you initialised the Expert on your chart. I am running the exact same expert on the exact same vps server, using the exact same broker, but on a second account, and my trades are also different between the 2 accounts! They seem to balance up on a whole though - one may win more - but then lose more later on...So the only logical explanation is the time lapse function in thier code somewhere......
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