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Who can earn 100% return a month with a DD below 50% and on a regular basis?
Thông tin chung
Dec 15, 2015 at 08:37
What is the point...? What will you do with the DEMO Millions...? Will you invite us to your DEMO mansion to show us your DEMO Lamborghini with the DEMO babes in it while sipping DEMO Dom Perignon on your DEMO yacht...?
Who can earn 100% return a month with a DD below 50% and on a regular basis?
Thông tin chung
Dec 15, 2015 at 08:25
5% average monthly profit for at least 2 years (with less than 25% max. DD)
Nhà giao dịch có kinh nghiệm
Dec 14, 2015 at 08:18
@javforex This one: https://www.myfxbook.com/members/zarni/3232866/1402173
5% average monthly profit for at least 2 years (with less than 25% max. DD)
Nhà giao dịch có kinh nghiệm
Dec 14, 2015 at 08:15
Max. DD above 33%...
5% average monthly profit for at least 2 years (with less than 25% max. DD)
Nhà giao dịch có kinh nghiệm
Dec 14, 2015 at 08:13
@IXBONE I agree that DRAWDOWNS can be HIDDEN on MyFxBook.In other words: DRAWDOWNS can be reported as FALSE LOW, but not as FALSE HIGH.It means that if we see a HIGH DD value, it might be only worse, but definitely not better.
Nhà giao dịch có kinh nghiệm
Dec 13, 2015 at 00:32
No doubt... Some will be richer and some will be poorer... Lets the gamble begin!"Faites vos jeux, messieurs!" (i.e. "Make your bets, gentlemen!") - as you would hear in the Casino of Monte Carlo...http://www.myfxbook.com/files/FxMasterGuru/casino.JPG
Who can earn 100% return a month with a DD below 50% and on a regular basis?
Thông tin chung
Dec 12, 2015 at 17:28
F*** Mr. Market, which is 95% losers...
Who can earn 100% return a month with a DD below 50% and on a regular basis?
Thông tin chung
Dec 12, 2015 at 17:27
So here is the challenge: Who can make 10% a month with only a 5% draw down on a regular basis? Anybody...?? Come on, guys...!!!
Hệ thống giao dịch
Dec 12, 2015 at 17:23
@GloryForex I don't have any problem with low expectancy as long as my account is making profits from which I can pay the subscription fees and my VPS.Please let me know if you decided to enter the Futures arena. There is no "funny business" there, so if you wanted serious investors, you could find them much easier by a Futures track record.
Hệ thống giao dịch
Dec 12, 2015 at 13:01
@GloryForex I have noticed some slippages, but no significant ones on my account. Yesterday I even got a positive slippage (your EURUSD winner got 32.2 pips, while my account pocketed 33.7 pips).Of course, overall the negative slippages are more dominant, but definitely less than 0.5 pips ON AVERAGE, which is not much in absolute value.On the other hand, since your strategy's Expectancy is only 1.0 pip per trade (according to MyFxBook's statistics), even a 0.3-0.5 pips average slippage can singificantly reduce profitability on slave accounts. For now I don't care much about it, as ...
5% average monthly profit for at least 2 years (with less than 25% max. DD)
Nhà giao dịch có kinh nghiệm
Dec 12, 2015 at 08:00
@eNyComics It is just so-so funny Jean-Pierre... You write in your bio: 'I'm a Forex Trader that trades in multiple countries, main countries is Georgia I trade all around the world. It's good money and I stay at home to work. I love to help people become rich.'Just look at your REAL account's screenshot...!! -83% DD on a 100(!) USD account...Well, I wonder where do you live where this performance counts as "good money". Also, I wonder how do you help people becoming rich... Actually it is not funny... simply pitiful and pathetic...
Hệ thống giao dịch
Dec 12, 2015 at 03:44
Indeed, it was a very nice week. Congratulations!Just please be careful with the approaching Holiday Season trading...
5% average monthly profit for at least 2 years (with less than 25% max. DD)
Nhà giao dịch có kinh nghiệm
Dec 10, 2015 at 13:04
@eNyComics 1. This thread was started almost 3 years ago .2. Since then it has reached 56 pages.3. On those 56 pages there was only ONE strategy which had fulfiiled the stated criteria. Since that strategy was not run at a mainstream and reputed broker, its authenticity is questionable. But lets assume that it was not handcrafted by the broker (I have seen many fabricated "real" and "verified" MyFxBook accounts over the past years).4. In other words: all the other 55 pages are full of b***t.5. Good luck to you, too!P.S. What about starting your OWN thread with the title: &q...
Hệ thống giao dịch
Dec 10, 2015 at 08:23
What do you mean by "play it safe"....?How could one play it safe with 15 open short positions in the red...?
Show your profitable account here.
Thông tin chung
Dec 10, 2015 at 08:11
Wow, ONE DAY trade history on a DEMO account...! What else to add...
5% average monthly profit for at least 2 years (with less than 25% max. DD)
Nhà giao dịch có kinh nghiệm
Dec 10, 2015 at 08:05
@eNyComics I think you misunderstood the title: It says AT LEAST TWO YEARS (of trade history), not TWO DAYS...If you did not misunderstand the title, then your rambling does not belong here...
Opening a New Real Account: Best Broker to Choose
Nhà giao dịch mới
Dec 10, 2015 at 08:00
Sorry, I don't know them.What I know is that ANY broker offering higher than 50:1 leverage to you will "B-book" you. There is nothing wrong with "B-booking" until "B-booking" is supplemented by multiple "virtual dealer plug-in" parasite software to eat up your account alive...Since most brokers "B-book" most of their retail clients, their only way NOT TO LOSE against profitable clients on high leverage is to unleash their army of "virtual dealer plug-ins" on their accounts.P. S. The above is not an "urban legend". I know...
Who can earn 100% return a month with a DD below 50% and on a regular basis?
Thông tin chung
Dec 10, 2015 at 07:53
MyFxBook records and displays max. highest DD ever happened on the account, incl. floating DD.
Who can earn 100% return a month with a DD below 50% and on a regular basis?
Thông tin chung
Dec 10, 2015 at 07:19
Are you blocked in discussion groups....?!!! Please come here and tell us..!
Thông tin chung
Dec 10, 2015 at 05:21
"AGGRESSIVE SCALPING ROBOT REAL ACCOUNT Discussion" posted by an old Scammer.I am blocked - preemptively - from the discussion... I guess, he knows me well...
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