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Very tough business.
Thông tin chung
Nov 20, 2019 at 15:05
forex trading is of course not easy to learn, but look at my account from 25 dollar up to currently 400 dollar and my goal is still big i want to trade the account up to 25k. That way i think i can show people that it is possible to make money with trading but i dont say its easy. mostly people which lose in forex, do lose because they dont know what they do and at same time they do it with to much volume.
How to recognize a Forex Scammer ?
Thông tin chung
Nov 19, 2019 at 09:59
Forex is full of scammers, many fakes, even fake broker and with fake accounts dont wonder me anymore.Best to use just big brokers which can not be faked, i would never open a account with a small broker that is not knowed.Also at Roboter selling you must be carefull, specialy here at myfxbook you will find many fake accounts and fake strategies, sometimes people invest much money they build fake companys just to show some fake statistics and so on.
Control your greed.
Thông tin chung
Nov 19, 2019 at 09:54
People always talk abouth emotions this and that feelings, i tell you somethink, greed can be manage best with correct money management. For example a correct money management is to use maximal 2.5 lot on a trade with account size like 120k. Or a lotsize like 0.1 lot on a 10K account. That will already help to control greed, without doing yoga or meditation or whatever thinks people always tell, just follow correct money management.
Forex is profitable ?
Thông tin chung
Nov 13, 2019 at 12:46
if you look to my account it would not be right to say forex is not profitable, i am makeing money all the time, but its also true that the majority is losing money with trading. so lets say it can be profitable if you have enough experience. beside of good money management you need also know how to trade how the charts working, you must know what you are doing to build somethink like a trust but always with enough care.
90% are loser ..why ?
Nhà giao dịch mới
Nov 06, 2019 at 22:12
I think in this topic all reasons have been sayed, so i just can say my idea why many people lose in forex, i think its because they dont take enough care about money management, because they dont know how important it can be, because if you use to much lotsize and somethink goes wrong then you lose to much or everythink and the markets are full of false signals, everyday things go other way then somebody have think and only if you did not use to much lotsize you have the chance to continue with trading but if you have use to much lotsize then you have propably already lose the complete accoun...
Show your profitable account here.
Thông tin chung
Oct 30, 2019 at 08:41
I trade manually and you can also copy my trading for free:https://www.myfxbook.com/members/Forexquanten/onlinetrading/3481859
Hệ thống giao dịch
Sep 24, 2019 at 15:54
Hello Community, this trading account have start with only 25 dollar, next goal is 250 dollar, then 2500 dollar and then 25000 dollar. Lets see how long it will take to reach the goals. Drawdown should show smaller after account is growing, because when you start with only 25 dollar then you get fast big drawdown from only a few pips.The money management for this strategy is simple, i use 0.01 lot till 220 dollar balance is reached, after that i use 0.02 lot till i make another 1000 pips win. This continues the same way, always after 1000 pips new win i use a bigger lotsize, that way there is ...
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