XXXX- Moved to currentEAs with latest from Bunks and Renexxx - HDBM v0.02 OOTB - ava 508 56730 - CC

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Demo (EUR), AvaTrade , Kỹ thuật , Tự động , 1:400 , MetaTrader 4

Mức sụt vốn: 7.19%

Số dư: €100,533.54
Vốn chủ sở hữu: (100.00%) €100,533.54
Cao nhất: (Jul 09) €101,316.62
Lợi nhuận: -€316.74
Tiền lãi: -€55.62

Khoản tiền nạp: €100,850.28
Khoản tiền rút: €0.00

Đã cập nhật Nov 29, 2013 at 20:39
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Giao dịch: 218
Tỷ suất lợi nhuận:
Pip: -430.0
Thắng trung bình: 54.52 pips / €39.61
Mức lỗ trung bình: -58.47 pips / -€42.52
Lô : 21.80
Hoa hồng: €0.00
Thắng vị thế mua: (64/114) 56%
Thắng vị thế bán: (45/104) 43%
Giao dịch tốt nhất (€): (Aug 21) 311.42
Giao dịch tệ nhất (€): (Jul 12) -188.62
Giao dịch tốt nhất (Pip): (Aug 21) 439.8
Giao dịch tệ nhất (Pip): (Jul 12) -316.9
T.bình Thời lượng giao dịch: 1d
Yếu tố lợi nhuận: 0.93
Độ lệch tiêu chuẩn: €57.26
Hệ số Sharpe 0.00
Điểm số Z (Xác suất): -2.78 (99.99%)
Mức kỳ vọng -2.0 Pip / -€1.45
AHPR: 0.00%
GHPR: 0.00%
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Các hệ thống khác theo cuzgeorge

Tên Mức sinh lời Mức sụt vốn Pip Giao dịch Đòn bẩy Loại
XXXXX- AvaFX Live Amber-Comm, Megadr, Xm(R)Evo 4 + manual pos - F64 and H64 -99.90% 99.95% -13,291.0 Hỗn hợp 1:400 Thực
XXXXX- moved to current eas and now 4 dec stopped altogether. acct- Forex Robot by DC v10.02 AVA 5103108 demo, F32 15.10% 75.24% -9,417.4 Tự động 1:400 Thực
XXXXX- FXPooler v6c single from 18th Feb 2013 OOTB - markets 416756 - H64 0.20% 0.18% -457.9 Tự động 1:200 Thực
XXXXX- Trendy Gary on Markets with EA copied from winning platform - markets 416763 - H64 -4.16% 12.14% -150.4 Tự động 1:200 Thực
XXXX- stopped - tried using 250 for SL from 500, not a good idea. -xMeter v2.3.7c with 50 look back bars updated 13 Jan to 237 and 4feb 237c - markets 578998- - H64 30.32% 11.85% 5,961.7 Tự động 1:200 Thực
XXXXX- moved to new currentEA acct but dropped GDAy2 - GDAY 2 OOTB except for BE and JS, changed from 50 to 30 , started 13 Jan , added xmeter leglac (14april my set and then 12 July to xMH and then 13k)-markets 416758 - f63 50.85% 25.82% 5,288.1 Tự động 1:200 Thực
XXXXX demo expired running Omega, will start again in current EAs- Xmeter (R)Evolution4,grid=50, CCY6,3,2 my set started 28 janwith FP8lite, now Revo4 from 21 May -markets 613423 - H64 35.37% 23.12% 5,285.4 Tự động 1:200 Thực
XXXXX- Demo Expired, one of only Crossfader that was successfull for me- Crossfader 6.2.4 with basket step @ 30 - GP 200686- H64 28.37% 28.97% 5,497.7 Tự động 1:100 Demo
XXXX- Demo Expired- Trendy Gary - Started 7 jan 2013 settings from page 2 of forum, opened up the pairs and MPTM set to 40/20/40 for BE and JS , messed this up after forgot to change lot size from 1.0 to 0.1 after re-install of platform- GP 200826 - H-64 2.82% 61.60% 1,330.4 Tự động 1:100 Demo
XXXX - STOPPED HERE, TOO SLOW TO RECOVER AND BETTER OPTIONS VAILABLE NOW.Simple Beast JL New Beast max pairs version, may 7th updated to pippo5 - GP 200827 - H64 17.67% 36.44% 2,663.9 Tự động 1:100 Demo
XXXX BLOWN, not refunding. Alpari Live 4 nothing here, blown thansk to JPY ,jan - F64 -98.91% 98.91% -444.1 Hỗn hợp 1:500 Thực
XXXXX- demo expired- xMeter Evolution (Manually Starting series)from page 81 mql with my settings , started 6 may agrressive average down with mart shield at 3 and coeff at 1.5 - GP 201547- H64 0.81% 4.72% 459.3 Tự động 1:100 Demo
XXXXX- moved to currenteas acc - Xm cuzlivemaybe with safest settings i can think of on 30march, also '0' magic for manual trades - started 10 march and leaving history to see if can catch up - Alpari classicdemo 268557 1:500 leverage - f64 61.99% 36.55% 768.9 Tự động 1:500 Demo
XXXX - stopped BECAUSE DEMO EXPIRED BUT WORTH LOOKIN INTO WITH MANUAL TRADES TO ENHANCE HOPEFULLY -Script by Gary for hedging and BearsnBulls v1.04a with MPTM handling MM like in TrendyGary -FXCM Boston 1681344 - f64 29.16% 23.69% 2,562.3 Hỗn hợp 1:200 Demo
XXXXX-xMeter leglac cuz special by JL v1 - Ava live 5086744 - CC 288.49% 99.90% 3,689.0 Hỗn hợp 1:400 Thực
XXXXX- MetaNeural SuperDash v1.4 by Dave, falsedave OOTB from 10 April LBB=30 - GP 202175 - CC 0.56% 2.00% -933.5 Tự động 1:100 Demo
XXXXX- Demo expired- Marilyn Monroe by Phil and Niepce v0.35 set file supplied in thread -GP 202026 - CC 5.66% 5.05% 330.2 Tự động 1:100 Demo
XXXXX- demo ended- xM FRI 13k, start12 July with 13e, 0.1lot, max10%, auto LBB and Grid, mart@4, NO hedge, cover or rec on levels. follow @ 6 and 10, recTP @ 15. - GP 202422 - F64 4.59% 14.42% -337.1 Tự động 1:100 Demo
XXXXX- demo expired- this EA is one of the better of JLs flavours - Pygmalion v5, version 2 on 6 chasrts @ 15M TF- GP 202423 - F64 -35.13% 64.39% -3,323.1 Tự động 1:100 Demo
XXXXX -DSU v1c, with trailing @ 10 and BE at 30/5, on 5 main charts @15M and AUDJPY- GP202424 - F64 -2.30% 8.89% -1,053.5 Tự động 1:100 Demo
XXXXX - demo expired- xMeter EvoOptimus 0.1 lots,10 pairs, CCY3,2 follow 6and10 , recTP only at 5,GP 202432 - F32 -16.04% 27.35% -4,548.4 Tự động 1:100 Demo
XXXXX- STOPPED, BLOWN, Settings not right for EA as per GEN TAB)- (R)Evo xmeter mq4file to compare with Evo1 on following demo with same settings - GP 202433 - F-32 -98.71% 99.13% -17,499.1 Tự động 1:100 Demo
XXXXX- demo expired- xM13k OOTB, taken over huge losses from NoLimitsv4, started August -GP 202434 - F64 -35.23% 76.40% -15,633.5 Tự động 1:100 Demo
XXXX- demo expirted, EA did very well but is a dangerous one and must be watched- manual intervention in live advisable- Xmeter v2.2.2-fp1 with magic=0, started 30 May and took over from Fury xMeter -GP 202573 - F64 5.36% 39.87% 241.9 Tự động 1:100 Demo
XXXXX- HDBM OOTB started 26 May - GP 201573 - CC -0.44% 0.75% -1,520.0 Tự động 1:100 Demo
XXXXX- HDBM OOTB started 26 May, GP 201574 - CC -0.57% 0.68% -2,202.7 Tự động 1:100 Demo
XXXXX- HDBM OOTB started 26 May, GP 201569 - CC -0.60% 0.67% -2,172.9 Tự động 1:100 Demo
XXXXX- HDBM, OOTB started 26 May, GP 201570 - CC -0.24% 0.53% -622.5 Tự động 1:100 Demo
XXXXX- HDBM started 26 May OOTB, GP 201572 - CC -0.32% 0.35% -986.6 Tự động 1:100 Demo
XXXXX- HDMB started OOTB 26 May, GP 201571 - CC -2.06% 18.55% 6,999.2 Tự động 1:100 Demo
XXXXX- Crossfader 7SR Pippa version on 5M EURUSD and USDJPY,GU,UC , started 16April with 30 trades max, GP 201568 - CC 2.30% 36.90% 5,658.7 Tự động 1:100 Demo
XXXXX- 10.4 v 2.04 By Andy Long, started 6 May my set - GP 202503 - H642 0.47% 0.34% 244.6 Tự động 1:100 Demo
XXXXX- demo expired- xMREvo5Cover@0 +grid@5 with full tailing@ 30 and 10- GP 202504 - H642 2.20% 1.78% 1,153.1 Tự động 1:100 Demo
XXXXX- demo expired- Special Revo 5 noindi, gridfact@5, no trailing, TPs at 30. - GP 202681 - H622 0.41% 0.59% 414.7 Tự động 1:100 Demo
XXXXX - demo expired but EA was not safe with settings here -!xmeter-(R)evolution pg55 mq4 file hard coded with my attempt at grid space,extra coverage added by JL i also changed indi TFs in code -may22- GP 202682 - H642 0.80% 1.13% 405.0 Tự động 1:100 Demo
XXXXX- demo expired- T.B.A - GP 202683 - H642 -0.02% 0.58% -782.9 Tự động 1:100 Demo
XXXXX- demo expired- T.B.A - GP 202684 - H642 0.88% 1.15% 315.0 Tự động 1:100 Demo
XXXX- xmeter MT5 Version EVENTUALLY BLEW, LITTLE CONTROL OVER CODE Mt5-20053687 17.09% 59.47% -89.5 Tự động 1:100 Demo
XXXXX- XMETER MT5 Eventually Blew, No CONTROL OVER CODE, MAYBE NEXT VERSION -Mt5-20053688 -90.56% 93.48% 300.0 Tự động 1:100 Demo
XXXXX- demo expired- Sunrise v6 OOTB on EU 15M only, started 5 May - GP 202 766 - H642 0.38% 2.99% -488.1 Tự động 1:100 Demo
XXXXX- Tiffany v2 by JL started 8 April on 5k acct, 0.01, with two pairs EU,UC, 5M each - GP 202765 - H642 -92.16% 99.93% 262.6 Tự động 1:100 Demo
XXXXX- Pygmalion v5 from 14 aug, on EU,GU,UC,UJ and EJ on 1hr TF charts-(left old lion king losing trades to see if they come back) AvaFL 5702547 - F64 -99.90% 99.92% -7,673.3 Tự động 1:400 Demo
XXXXX- moved to currentEA's acct- Xm v237cH, starting fresh 3 feb, 16feb new change 21 Sept. intchange to TP/SL with 200 for max loss, 5May, back to 300 after very good results, check gen tab -ava 50852059- F63 -1.46% 54.63% 1,789.2 Tự động 1:400 Demo
XXXXX- blew acct, settings too aggressive - xMeter coral V2, cov = 0 both indis -= true, min pairs at 3 - ava 570 2558 - f64 1.35% 7.18% 1,196.4 Tự động 1:400 Demo
XXXX - moved to current demo, i like this combo with 1.32 settings- 10.4 by Andy v1.31 final with Rsi at 90/10 and BE@15, corr=true, TP@rs2 and using TS as coded with lot size @ 2% , added xM 13K 12 AUG too very few 10.4- ava 5702559 - f64 28.71% 20.22% 3,248.0 Tự động 1:400 Demo
XXXXX- demo expired- xMeter NoLimits v4 OOTB - GP 202932 - H642 12.25% 46.44% 2,416.2 Tự động 1:100 Demo
XXXXX- demo expired but did not like this EA, very high DD and hard to control- xMeter NoLimits v4 my set - GP 202933 - H642 10.33% 34.67% 2,100.5 Tự động 1:100 Demo
XXXXX- demo expired- xM No Limits v4, OOTB - GP 202839- CC 15.23% 15.79% 2,591.8 Tự động 1:100 Demo
XXXXX- demo expired- xM Leglac my set started 15 April - GP 202840 - CC 3.17% 7.12% 1,401.7 Tự động 1:100 Demo
XXXXX- demo expired -xMeter Coral v1on 5k acct with GP, inid true and max size at 0.01 - GP 202841 - CC 4.70% 10.43% 2,396.3 Tự động 1:100 Demo
XXXXX- EVENTUALLY BLEW, HIGH DD Crossfader 7SR FXJoe set 10% DDmax, 4 charts %M TF EU,GU,UC,UJ started 16 April , GP 202842- CC -9.47% 20.38% 2,289.8 Tự động 1:100 Demo
XXXXX- demo expired- xMeter Coral V2, OOTB except 0.01 lot on 5k account(27 arpil turned off stoch), -GP 202843- CC 4.77% 7.89% 2,356.8 Tự động 1:100 Demo
XXXXX- Sunrise v1, OOTB with SL at 300, start 17 April -GP 203023- CC 4.05% 69.12% -272.1 Tự động 1:100 Demo
XXX -Moved to Current EAs with 1.32 using both inids - 10.4 v2.01b by Andy, using RSi at 95/5 with 0.03 lots , correlation is true with symbol trailing at 3 and 1% start 18 April -AvaFloat 570 2679 - CC 1.96% 1.57% 2,517.3 Tự động 1:400 Demo
XXXX- STOPPED HERE, HUGE DD EVENTUALLY -- Take It Easy v4, - Take 2. Only on 15M EU chart - AvaFL 570 2825 - H-32 7.90% 5.58% 233.2 Tự động 1:400 Demo
XXX- Blew small 5k ACCT so BUY/SELL WONT WORK WITH THIS EA- Xmeter special by JL to test buy and sell recovery - GP 203 311 - H32 -48.07% 69.08% -2,467.0 Tự động 1:100 Demo
XXXXX- BLOWN, i suspect small grid size was problem here , AUDUSD was the cause of blow.Xmeter v2.3.7c LookBBars at 20, TF@5CCY, 3,2,1, follow=true@3&6, no hedge, RecTP@30, indis false, Mart@3 and Grid at 30 (from 12 Jan) ava 5102764 - F32 -12.49% 87.86% -420.3 Tự động 1:400 Demo
XXXXX- moved to current eas acct- FR by DC, 10.02 with L4 and Both OBOS = true, Started 21 Mar -ava 552 8091 - F64 0.22% 5.57% 717.5 Tự động 1:400 Demo
XXXXX- moved to new acct for current EAs , doing well- TCO Trader v1.6 using 5 different methods, 5 option is minor code change, started 17 July -ava 5515612 - F64 0.99% 34.90% 746.9 Tự động 1:400 Demo
XXXXX- moved to currentEAs acct- xMeter Fri13 2nd posted EA, Page 98 amlost OOTB , started 9 July, no cover-ava 508 58323 - f64 2.67% 0.88% 3,033.1 Tự động 1:400 Demo
XXXXX - moved to currenteas acct- Xmeter v2.2.2 from Forum and MarcelloT with error fix and my set , modded again on 9th april after very good results -ava 50857364- F64 100.04% 10.92% -5,307.3 Tự động 1:400 Demo
XXXX- GP Live Xmeter (R)Evo4, with thanks to JL - GP 908 467 - CC 0.78% 4.46% 398.1 Tự động 1:200 Thực
xMeter R Evo2 started 16 May -ava 508 58787 - CC 0.73% 0.39% 878.6 Tự động 1:400 Demo
XXXX- something went wrong with platform, but EA is good- 10.4 by Andy Long- 0.1 lots, stealth=false, rsi 90/10 -ava 5518320 - H64 -4.98% 8.09% 730.7 Tự động 1:400 Demo
XXXX- EA is very good, Stopped use of PC- Xmeter FP9 Lite, started 9 Jan -ava 508 52083- H64 188.73% 44.38% 8,976.5 Tự động 1:400 Demo
XXX demo expired , EA is very good and was growing nicely - xMeter Speed V5 my set, Started Jan 16 -ava 508 52080 - h64 19.05% 12.80% 3,889.0 Tự động 1:400 Demo
XXXXX- STOPPED after long run, WOULD TRADE WELL AND THEN SUDDEN BURST OF LOSSES WITH VERY HIGH LOTS, DD GOT TOO HIGH AT TIMES. Bears 'n Bulls v104a OOTB GBPUSD and EURUSD 15M- ava 50853034 - H64 5.20% 15.41% 1,038.7 Tự động 1:400 Demo
XXXXX- MultiBob v1.2.14 running 10.2 only, - from Oct 8 (Look for other demo running 10.2a only) - ava 50852087 - H63 -18.52% 39.25% -2,318.2 Tự động 1:400 Demo
XXXXX- MultiBob V1.2.14 running 10.2A - 8 dec, triple align to 'false' (look for other demo running 10.2 only) -ava 508 56729- CC -1.43% 2.49% -2,020.8 Tự động 1:400 Demo
xMeter from Fury Nick with my settings , started 12 Dec 2012 -ava 508 58784 - CC 88.28% 36.11% 627.0 Tự động 1:400 Demo
Xmeter SPEED v5 Reloaded, started 31 Jan - ava 508 58785 - CC 4.79% 15.36% 1,069.4 Tự động 1:400 Demo
xMeter FP9 started 31 Jan with 0.03% risk and 5% max equity usage, Grid=35 , pos swap, and 5M TF - ava 508 56733 - CC 15.34% 8.05% 3,127.5 Tự động 1:400 Demo
XXXXX- HDBM OOTB started 26 May - ava 508 58786 - CC -10.45% 17.13% -658.7 Tự động 1:400 Demo
XXXXX- HDBM OOTB - ava 508 56730 - CC -3.99% 4.67% -5,244.6 Tự động 1:400 Demo
XXXXX- HDBM OOTB started 26 May -ava 508 56734- CC 8.21% 4.73% 3,663.8 Tự động 1:400 Demo
XXXXX- very slow Growth but not a loser , MOVED ON TO NEWER VERSIONS - xMeter (R)Evolution v2.1 Cuz 26May US version OOTB as per page 91 - GP 204128 - H32 50.42% 79.01% 4,233.2 Tự động 1:100 Demo
XXXXX- DEMO expired- Results very slow to grow, new attempt seem to be too aggressive- FXPooler v6c single from 18th Feb 2013 OOTB - markets 416756 - H64 -2.03% 41.74% -250.9 Tự động 1:200 Thực
XXXXX- Crossfader 6.2.4 with basket step @ 30 - GP 200686- H64 28.00% 24.35% 5,305.1 Tự động 1:100 Demo
XXXXX- Crossfader 7SR Pippa version on 5M EURUSD and USDJPY,GU,UC , started 16April with 30 trades max, GP 201568 - CC 3.21% 8.26% 5,070.1 Tự động 1:100 Demo
XXXXX - Demo Expired- 10.4 by ANdy Long, v2.02a RSI (70/30) and AO=true, RS2 for TP and trailing individually, no basket and only 5 selected main pairs - ava 5108320 - H64 -31.49% 40.93% -4,463.5 Tự động 1:400 Demo
XXXX-slow growth with big loss now and again- MultiBob had open/close prob-MultiBob v1.2.14 running 10.2 only,-Oct 8,2012- added MultiMac 1.0.5 to see how match up 2July, 2013 -(Look for other demo running 10.2a only) - ava 50852087 - H63 -15.66% 22.30% -6,488.7 Hỗn hợp 1:400 Demo
XXXXX-check CurrentEAs with 1.32 using CSS & RSI- MultiBob V1.2.14 running 10.2A - 8 dec, triple align to false, 2July 2013, added MultiMac to see how match up with JLs mod v 1.0.5 -ava 508 56729- CC -1.20% 3.45% -8,163.6 Hỗn hợp 1:400 Demo
XXXXX-- moved to new version- HDBM v0.01 OOTB started 26 May - ava 508 58786 - CC 0.71% 2.66% 366.6 Tự động 1:400 Demo
XXXXX- HDMB v0.01 started OOTB 26 May, 1 July changed SL and TP to 200, GP 201571 - CC -6.98% 11.45% -2,897.6 Tự động 1:100 Demo
XXXXX- HDBM v0.01 OOTB started 26 May, 1 July changed sl and tp to 300- GP 201573 - CC 0.24% 2.29% 118.5 Tự động 1:100 Demo
XXXXX- HDBM, v0.02 OOTB started 26 May, 4 april v0.02 GP 201570 - CC -10.89% 14.41% -4,094.1 Tự động 1:100 Demo
XXXXX- HDBM v0.02 OOTB started 26 May, GP 201574 - CC -5.64% 10.37% -2,261.3 Tự động 1:100 Demo
XXXXX- Moved over to newer version- HDBM v0.03 OOTB started 26 May, 1 July started v0.03 OOTB -ava 508 56734- CC -0.50% 1.37% -797.1 Tự động 1:400 Demo
XXXXX - HDBM v0.03 - started 26 May OOTB,1 July started v0.03 with 200 for sl and tp - GP 201572 - CC 1.31% 3.11% 844.3 Tự động 1:100 Demo
XXXXX - HDBM v0.03 - OOTB v1 started 26 May 1 July started v3 with 300 for sl and tp , GP 201569 - CC 1.44% 2.51% 720.9 Tự động 1:100 Demo
XXXXX- stopped these, both had huge DD- MasterMind v1 and xM NewRevov4 from 17 July to comp trades. Mastermind, as per post 1 on 3 charts , 15M TF, EU,UC,UJ- Revov4 also trailed out too soon, new versions are much better - ava 50858549 - F64 -40.19% 49.15% -4,196.8 Tự động 1:400 Demo
XXXXX- not good- Mastermind v1, 0.01 on 3k acc with 1:100 GPrime demoOOTB only 2 charts 15M TF EU and UC- GP 203 312 - H32 -20.21% 34.42% -1,723.1 Tự động 1:100 Demo
XXXXX- demo ended but happy with performance- xM new Revo v2, started 19th aug, aggressive 0.1 for 5k acct, lbb=auto , mart at 1.7 from L1 - 203640 h32 9.26% 18.59% 1,028.9 Tự động 1:400 Demo
XXX- EA very successfull but wary of settings, stopped using this PC- xM 2.1 with cover =0 and 0.5 lot with Grid at 60, mart at 1.4 and @ 3, only 2 pairs, false to follow lot size for cover, started 26th May - ava 5702824 h32 123.49% 48.85% 1,434.5 Tự động 1:400 Demo
XXXXX- not good- Ziggy Bolly on 4 main charts 15m and EU and UC 1HR, started 19th Aug -GP 204127 - h32 -1.50% 2.19% -189.1 Tự động 1:100 Demo
XXXX - not good at all, xmeter is much better- only tried free version- GridMeUpFX4b started 12 aug- GP 204128 - H32 -27.98% 54.10% -1,762.0 Tự động 1:100 Demo
XXXXX- acct grew but DD was worse, stopping this EA- Crossfader4D MyWay OOTB by JL 26th June - GP 204129 -H32 -23.44% 63.79% -1,148.1 Tự động 1:100 Demo
XXXX- ended with demo expired with GP but definately worth a look- Ichimoku more aggressive with Jumping Stops , 4 charts 15M TF started 21 Aug- GP 204130 - H32 0.66% 0.50% 462.4 Tự động 1:100 Demo
XXXX- going to test on new demos, 1.32 looks good- 10.4 Multi (v1.32 FINAL now) v2.02a with 2% risk, RSI at 80/20, corr = true, trailing symbols at 0.5% when hits 2% - GP 202443 - H32 -16.82% 26.88% -480.9 Tự động 1:100 Demo
XXXXX- demo ended with SR v6a, SR not good for any EA ive tested incl xmeter - xM Revo v2 more aggressive settings, RSI @ 5M- GP 202441 - H32 -5.78% 47.71% -1,073.4 Tự động 1:100 Demo
XXXXX- stopped here, no good results for some time and very few trades on 4HR- 10.5 by Kwanaan , started 21 aug with small changes and JS in place -ava 508 58548 - F64 -99.90% 99.94% -823.5 Tự động 1:400 Demo
XXXXX- stopped 4 Jan 2014- TCO Trader 1.6, all options , 1Hr TF's, 5stock for Lower TF , Jump25, Macd = true, pipstep = 30 , all true.- Ava-5547743 - f64 1.34% 0.90% -692.7 Tự động 1:400 Demo
XXXX- xMeter FRI first release, started 9 July- GP- 200855 - F-64 12.40% 8.15% 4,168.5 Tự động 1:100 Demo
XXXXX - demo expired, moved to current EAs- xM NewRevo v2, started 17 Aug. - GP 1568394503 - F64 -14.77% 38.61% -1,515.9 Tự động 1:200 Demo
XXXXX- demo expired, moved to current EAs - xM NewRevo Omega with Mart and all auto on 5k demo started, 6 sept- GP 1568395077 - F64 -7.76% 27.22% -511.2 Tự động 1:200 Demo
XXXX- MultiMac v1.0.6 by Baluda , modded by JL. Started 24 sept, new 5k GP crim, 0.01 lot and rest OOTB - GP 200124 - F32 0.00% 0.00% 0.0 Tự động 1:200 Demo
XXXX- had to stop here, long demo and not coming right- FR by DC, 10.02 with L4 and Both OBOS = true, Started 21 Mar -ava 552 8091 - F64 -27.81% 5.57% -5,121.1 Tự động 1:400 Demo
XXXXX- blown- xM NSNA started 15 Sept, BE=15, Swap=o, max pairs=5, F=6,10, Hedge=F, Mart@3, coeff1,3, cov=T@0 -ava 551 8319- F64 -99.83% 99.97% -4,556.7 Tự động 1:400 Demo
XXXX- Stopped,30 Nov, looking at settings again- xM NoLimits v5 with co op trading and my set described on pg 130 on SHF thread, started 21 oct - GP 200115 - F64 -99.90% 99.91% -5,993.5 Tự động 1:200 Demo
XXXX- stopped- xMeter fp9 Lite by JL my set updated 12 Jan, 30 march stopping hedge, going to follow @10 & 15 only, ava 5102102 - f32 -99.90% 99.92% -11,840.6 Tự động 1:400 Demo
XXXX - too may pairs, overtraded- CrossFader4x4_KAGI FullMonty page 133 my set using SSRv3 and SS1from 11 Nov, changed to 1% risk from 15 Nov - GP 200120 - F64 -61.04% 69.67% -6,153.6 Tự động 1:200 Demo
XXXX- margin called, starting again- xM NSNA v3 with Paul/Baluda's code change and my set - GP 200125 -F32 -94.77% 95.90% -6,563.2 Tự động 1:200 Demo
XXXX- too many trades, stopping and starting new 13 dec- xM NSNA v3 with my set - GP 200124 - F32 -88.69% 95.16% -3,657.1 Tự động 1:200 Demo
XXXX- too slow and didnt like the way the EA spreads the grid for TP- xM GrassHopper v2 with my set- GP 200122 - F32 23.92% 26.58% 487.0 Tự động 1:200 Demo
XXXX- very successfull with set file posted, stopped to concentrate on latest v5 NL- xMeter NoLimits v3.4 cover to 6 from 2 after losses on 2 and spead=5 from 1st feb -ava 50856723 - f32 24.06% 45.78% 115.3 Tự động 1:400 Demo
XXX- stopped 4 jan 2014, after long successfull run, manual trades at end were also doing well- xMeter Speed V5 Reloaded started on 17 Jan, v5 since 21 feb, dropping hedge here but will follow at 2 and 4- ava 508 58543 - F32 36.11% 32.02% 3,578.0 Hỗn hợp 1:400 Demo
XXXXX- ended 4 Jan 2014, no point here as new versions much better in direction- xM EVOptimus, started this again as i was getting good results here on an old demo -GP 200123 - F32 -66.52% 79.12% -1,904.4 Tự động 1:200 Demo
XXXX- Stopped here 5 Jan ,2014- xMeter Ghia-Protect from Pg 134 with my set, Mart and select pairs from 11 Nov- GP 200116 - F64 15.19% 81.59% 2,624.4 Hỗn hợp 1:200 Demo
XXXX- Ghia would be a better Protect than this one, xM-Evo1-Protect pg131 with my set from 11 Nov - GP 200118 - F64 -72.81% 89.25% 247.5 Hỗn hợp 1:200 Demo
Account USV