V25 Quality Trades
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V25 Quality TradesThảo luận
Nov 12, 2019 at 16:06
Tham gia từ Mar 19, 2019
4bài viết
Hi Luciano,
Sorry bro i don't sell the Robotron EA, i'm just a a user of the EA. However you can get the EA through this website https://forexrobotron.com/
The only thing i can provide is my own settings for Robotron 😀
Sorry bro i don't sell the Robotron EA, i'm just a a user of the EA. However you can get the EA through this website https://forexrobotron.com/
The only thing i can provide is my own settings for Robotron 😀
Nov 12, 2019 at 16:07
Tham gia từ Mar 19, 2019
4bài viết
shano52 posted:
do you sell the EA?
Hi Luciano,
Sorry bro i don't sell the Robotron EA, i'm just a a user of the EA. However you can get the EA through this website https://forexrobotron.com/
The only thing i can provide is my own settings for Robotron grin

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