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- TraderDesk
TraderDesk (Theo forex_trader_7292)
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TraderDeskThảo luận
Tham gia từ Feb 17, 2010
5bài viết
Nov 17, 2011 at 07:13
Tham gia từ Feb 17, 2010
5bài viết
Nov. 17th:
07:10 GMT- Slowly getting into the market but it is a little choppy as the London maarket is not yet adding volume. Berlin is online but still not adding a whole lot except a continuation of the EURUSD uptrend from Asia. I will be looking for the currency pair heartbeat in an hour or so...
07:10 GMT- Slowly getting into the market but it is a little choppy as the London maarket is not yet adding volume. Berlin is online but still not adding a whole lot except a continuation of the EURUSD uptrend from Asia. I will be looking for the currency pair heartbeat in an hour or so...
Tham gia từ Feb 17, 2010
5bài viết
Nov 17, 2011 at 12:32
(đã sửa Nov 17, 2011 at 12:32)
Tham gia từ Feb 17, 2010
5bài viết
12:29 GMT: After some turbulence in the market price action is following some basic technical's. The heartbeat is more regular then in the morning so better entries and exits for some profit making is happening now.
Tham gia từ Feb 17, 2010
5bài viết
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