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- TotalGrid 1.3.4 PAMM Forex4You
TotalGrid 1.3.4 PAMM Forex4You (Theo Citrullone)
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TotalGrid 1.3.4 PAMM Forex4YouThảo luận
Tham gia từ May 24, 2010
354bài viết
Sep 14, 2012 at 07:15
Tham gia từ May 24, 2010
354bài viết
You all accounts big DD. You do not have any protection account. Neither does not surprise that only you have centoce and demo accounts.
You all accounts big DD. You do not have any protection account. Neither does not surprise that only you have centoce and demo accounts.
Tham gia từ Nov 10, 2011
54bài viết
Sep 14, 2012 at 07:29
Tham gia từ Nov 10, 2011
54bài viết
Jarora posted:
You all accounts big DD. You do not have any protection account. Neither does not surprise that only you have centoce and demo accounts.
Why are you posting on different account the same thing. I already answered:
This week many grid systems suffered. I've big DD only on this account Crazy 2 and 3k Pepperstone that had a stop loss of 50% https://www.myfxbook.com/members/Citrullone/totalgrid-3k-pepperston/365490.
Pamm account blown up because in DD of 30% some trader leaved Pamm and TotalGrid didn't change lot size for open basket, opened with full balance.
This caused the blow up!
Anyway a leave it on my website, in this page https://www.totalgrid.it/index.asp?action=liveresults, so everybody can see that martingale is a very risky trading style!
I'm working on new version and next week i will stop all accounts and i will started new only with this.
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