remake (Theo chocholousek)
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remakeThảo luận
Tham gia từ Dec 12, 2012
7bài viết
Jan 26, 2013 at 09:19
Tham gia từ Dec 12, 2012
7bài viết
no, i don't manage money. not interested.
advice: if you see similar gains, better run away.
this is just a test. a challenge.
it's called gambling.
it's a cent account by now.
this account is supposed to be blown one day.
very likely, it will be blown repeatedly, lol.
once it happens, it will be reloaded from the buffer, using previous gains.
triple >> divide by 3 >> keep the third >> repeat.
round 02 completed yesterday.
22 rounds to go.
a failure is just a single step back; that's the key.
cheers :-)
advice: if you see similar gains, better run away.
this is just a test. a challenge.
it's called gambling.
it's a cent account by now.
this account is supposed to be blown one day.
very likely, it will be blown repeatedly, lol.
once it happens, it will be reloaded from the buffer, using previous gains.
triple >> divide by 3 >> keep the third >> repeat.
round 02 completed yesterday.
22 rounds to go.
a failure is just a single step back; that's the key.
cheers :-)
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