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- MDP-M-Trader
MDP-M-Trader (Theo forex_trader_26365)
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MDP-M-TraderThảo luận
Tham gia từ May 21, 2011
45bài viết
Aug 17, 2011 at 02:55
Tham gia từ May 21, 2011
45bài viết
what are your StopOrders: and HardStopTrailing: settings ?
Do you have slow execution time with Thinkforex?
Mine gives a slow execution time and they recommend I turn off both StopOrders and Hardstoptrailing.
I';m using Thinkforex too
what are your StopOrders: and HardStopTrailing: settings ?
Do you have slow execution time with Thinkforex?
Mine gives a slow execution time and they recommend I turn off both StopOrders and Hardstoptrailing.
I';m using Thinkforex too
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Tham gia từ Jul 25, 2011
7bài viết
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