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- Martin Locker King
Martin Locker King (Theo bestforexea)
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Martin Locker KingThảo luận
Tham gia từ Jun 10, 2010
13bài viết
Apr 04, 2011 at 13:17
Tham gia từ Jun 10, 2010
13bài viết
What do u think of this expert, i wanted to purchase it.
y did u stopped trading it?
do u advise using it?
y did u stopped trading it?
do u advise using it?
Tham gia từ Oct 29, 2009
76bài viết
Apr 04, 2011 at 15:51
Tham gia từ Oct 29, 2009
76bài viết
Because I was more interested in Pitbull which trades multiple currency.
Martin Locker King only trades EURUSD.
However... I am not sure if the algorithm are the same. So both these products might be different. I never really took the time to see if MLK and Pitbull uses the same algorithm
Martin Locker King only trades EURUSD.
However... I am not sure if the algorithm are the same. So both these products might be different. I never really took the time to see if MLK and Pitbull uses the same algorithm
NEVER say DIE!!!
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