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JEY ACADEMY GOLD BOT (Theo thetradingshark)
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Aug 29, 2024 at 14:16
Tham gia từ Aug 29, 2024
1bài viết
i too have very strong complaints about this and any thing jey trading related . the so called bot . well we all understand markets losses protection understanding . i have no issues with the market or its total understanding . literally everyone account blew up against constant questions about controlled losses . literally took money overnight gone !!.
They blame customer greed !!!!! no sensible investments that can loose yes sure i get that . but a wipe out .
can i ask how and why this does not show .up .
They blame customer greed !!!!! no sensible investments that can loose yes sure i get that . but a wipe out .
can i ask how and why this does not show .up .
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