INOU Roboforex 1 (Theo INOUGibraltar)

Mức sinh lời : +93.29%
Mức sụt vốn 49.60%
Pip: 1582.6
Giao dịch 343
Đã thắng:
Loại: Demo
Đòn bẩy: 1:200
Giao dịch: Không xác định

INOU Roboforex 1Thảo luận

May 08, 2014 at 21:35
346Lượt xem
1 Replies
Tham gia từ May 07, 2014   11bài viết
May 14, 2014 at 06:42

Đính kèm:

There are good losers, and bad winners.
Tham gia từ May 07, 2014   11bài viết
May 14, 2014 at 13:33
TAS Pro Box on daily chart projection resulted in one long and one short winning trades. Yesterday we bought 1.3704 with exit reverse 1.3722. These two price levels TAS Pro Boxes displayed on April 4th 2014, the historic box Demand (Green) and Point of Control (POC), (Red).
We keep trading this range, until one side will break.
If, and when it break, refer to chart above for targets and direction.

Đính kèm:

There are good losers, and bad winners.
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