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- Guinevere DPGL
Guinevere DPGL (Theo Pheniox)
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Guinevere DPGLThảo luận
Tham gia từ Aug 23, 2009
18bài viết
Oct 17, 2009 at 22:30
Tham gia từ Aug 23, 2009
18bài viết
how is this version of lady guinevere different from V2.1
how is this version of lady guinevere different from V2.1
Tham gia từ Nov 02, 2009
11bài viết
Nov 02, 2009 at 21:29
Tham gia từ Nov 02, 2009
11bài viết
I have been reading about you and your products and of course I am impressed. Just one question about the Guinevere EA so far...
On your website, the following quote is found in the description of Guinevere.
'Fully beta tested and has not lost one trade since its release'
I was just checking to see if that still holds true. Please keep in mind I am still a relatively new to this. It appears that it has actually lost some trades. Can you explain the discrepancy, or am I missing something?
I have been reading about you and your products and of course I am impressed. Just one question about the Guinevere EA so far...
On your website, the following quote is found in the description of Guinevere.
'Fully beta tested and has not lost one trade since its release'
I was just checking to see if that still holds true. Please keep in mind I am still a relatively new to this. It appears that it has actually lost some trades. Can you explain the discrepancy, or am I missing something?
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