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- FXFurious Real
FXFurious Real (Theo fxfurious)
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FXFurious RealThảo luận
Tham gia từ Sep 24, 2010
45bài viết
Mar 29, 2011 at 22:06
Tham gia từ Sep 24, 2010
45bài viết
there is any stop lost on the trades or it's hold and pray system?
there is any stop lost on the trades or it's hold and pray system?
Tham gia từ Apr 01, 2011
17bài viết
Apr 01, 2011 at 18:58
Tham gia từ Apr 01, 2011
17bài viết
can the user control the number of open trades that are open simultaneously?
can the user control the number of open trades that are open simultaneously?
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