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- Forexoholic
Forexoholic (Theo inwestor86)
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ForexoholicThảo luận
Tham gia từ May 18, 2010
4bài viết
Feb 14, 2011 at 14:32
(đã sửa Feb 14, 2011 at 14:34)
Tham gia từ May 18, 2010
4bài viết
Today SL on cadjpy was sponsored by Go markets AUS. My stop loss was at 84.85, the highest price by them was 84.83 while 2 other brokers i trade with had 84.75 and 84.67 and the positions are still in. I complained with them, waiting for an answer.
btw. tried talking with live chat:
GO Markets Support 5: Hello. How may I assist you?
you: hello
you: i have a question: what was the high for cadjpy today?
GO Markets Support 5: I'm sorry but I dont believe we offer that pair.
you: yes you do
GO Markets Support 5: you are right..on the live..it didnt appear on my demo.
btw. tried talking with live chat:
GO Markets Support 5: Hello. How may I assist you?
you: hello
you: i have a question: what was the high for cadjpy today?
GO Markets Support 5: I'm sorry but I dont believe we offer that pair.
you: yes you do
GO Markets Support 5: you are right..on the live..it didnt appear on my demo.
Price action and good MM are the basics you need to start making profits in this market.
Tham gia từ May 18, 2010
4bài viết
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