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- Forex Envy Long Cycle
Forex Envy Long Cycle (Theo forex_trader_47717)
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Forex Envy Long CycleThảo luận
Tham gia từ Apr 18, 2012
102bài viết
Apr 26, 2012 at 00:12
Tham gia từ Apr 18, 2012
102bài viết
As the Long only cycles have shown to exhibit a much lower DD that the combined Long & Short cycles which means they need less HeadRoom / capital invested to operate), I have started a live trail of increasing the BaseLotSize from 0.01 to 0.06 in 0.01 increments every week. My analysis suggests Envy Long cycles with a BaseLotSize = 0.06 should be as safe as combined Long and Short cycles at 0.01 lots but requiring 5-6 times the capital to protect against the higher DD that have been observed. The effect will be to boost the monthly Long only cycles' ROI by 6 times (at 0.06 BaseLotSize) over the standard result of 0.01 as reported here.
My results can be seen here:
My results can be seen here:
No ROI in a dead account
Tham gia từ Aug 10, 2009
5bài viết
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