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- EA Henrich
EA Henrich (Theo romeucosta)
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EA HenrichThảo luận
Tham gia từ Jul 19, 2011
2bài viết
Jul 21, 2011 at 13:56
Tham gia từ Jul 19, 2011
2bài viết
I developed this EA a few weeks ago and it's running in a real bonus account (trading point) since the begginning of July. As I only have 6 months on forex, I really don't know if it will continue profitable for long time so I ask the experience traders to give me possible scenarios that make this EA fail.
He is acting with three diferent strategies: buy gold every 30 minutes, running then a trailing stop when in profit; sell USDCHF every 30 minutes, running then a trailing stop when in profit of 20 pips; buy&sell EURUSD and GBPUSD, running trailing stop when profit of 10 and 20 pips.
I developed this EA a few weeks ago and it's running in a real bonus account (trading point) since the begginning of July. As I only have 6 months on forex, I really don't know if it will continue profitable for long time so I ask the experience traders to give me possible scenarios that make this EA fail.
He is acting with three diferent strategies: buy gold every 30 minutes, running then a trailing stop when in profit; sell USDCHF every 30 minutes, running then a trailing stop when in profit of 20 pips; buy&sell EURUSD and GBPUSD, running trailing stop when profit of 10 and 20 pips.
Tham gia từ Jul 19, 2011
2bài viết
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