Contest - kittysuryo_01 (Theo forex_trader_106700)

Mức sinh lời : +7.72%
Mức sụt vốn 41.69%
Pip: -466.0
Giao dịch 115
Đã thắng:
Loại: Demo
Đòn bẩy: 1:100
Giao dịch: Tự động

Contest - kittysuryo_01Thảo luận

Jan 26, 2013 at 01:11
478Lượt xem
1 Replies
Tham gia từ Jan 15, 2013   7bài viết
Feb 11, 2013 at 07:14
The first attempt was a failure. It failed because of mistakes in my source code (wrong magic number and static range). I have fixed the EA and now it has a dynamic range based on average high-low price at some periods. Nonvolatile areas have different range with the volatile ones. At the volatile areas, range will be much higher than the nonvolatile ones.
Tham gia từ Jan 15, 2013   7bài viết
Feb 11, 2013 at 07:14
And in the fixed EA, I also changed the conditions for open new order, it will not be strictly limitged to nonvolatile areas.
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