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- Beastie
Beastie (Theo MMGood47)
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BeastieThảo luận
Tham gia từ Feb 01, 2011
21bài viết
Feb 03, 2011 at 23:22
Tham gia từ Feb 01, 2011
21bài viết
heyho nice stats! =)
can you say tell me something about your settings, please?
can you say tell me something about your settings, please?
Money makes the world go round! ;-)
Feb 04, 2011 at 15:13
Tham gia từ Nov 22, 2009
1bài viết
as you know, beastie is the latest version of the Beast by Steve Hopwood on Forex factory. My settings are pretty much OOTB except lot size .3 on 10K demo and trading 21 pairs. Gold line BE is false. Auto calc trade closure true and recovery at 2. I turned off TT trades or I would have made over 50% in 2 weeks on this demo. Break even is set at 30/15 and jumping stop at 30.
as you know, beastie is the latest version of the Beast by Steve Hopwood on Forex factory. My settings are pretty much OOTB except lot size .3 on 10K demo and trading 21 pairs. Gold line BE is false. Auto calc trade closure true and recovery at 2. I turned off TT trades or I would have made over 50% in 2 weeks on this demo. Break even is set at 30/15 and jumping stop at 30.
Pips Ahoy Matey
Tham gia từ Feb 01, 2011
21bài viết
Feb 04, 2011 at 17:29
(đã sửa Feb 04, 2011 at 17:31)
Tham gia từ Feb 01, 2011
21bài viết
Thank you for the informations!
Yes, i know about Steve and his developments =)
I don`t like the TT`s because i think you can can gain much more without them. Most of time they close at pretty high loss!
Have a nice trading!
Yes, i know about Steve and his developments =)
I don`t like the TT`s because i think you can can gain much more without them. Most of time they close at pretty high loss!
Have a nice trading!
Money makes the world go round! ;-)
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