AGILE Cybernetic System (Theo maxumfx)

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AGILE Cybernetic SystemThảo luận

Apr 06, 2011 at 13:51
499Lượt xem
2 Replies
Tham gia từ Apr 06, 2011   3bài viết
Apr 15, 2011 at 01:07 (đã sửa Apr 15, 2011 at 01:10)
The AGILE is not an automated trading system. It does not place trades for you like an automated system does. It is a cybernetic system designed for manual traders alike. It is designed with the intent of replacing manual trading completely by eliminating the cumbersome features in MT4 altogether, using simple graphical objects such as trend lines to allow users to determine graphically where they want to enter and exit the trade.

Apart from its powerful user-interface, perhaps the next most important feature is its Money Management (MM) system. AGILE employs a sophisticated MM concept, known as Objective-Driven Money Management (ODMM), designed to work seamlessly with any trading strategy in systematically driving for growth based on the set performance objective. Not only that, the control over the ODMM engine is also actively synchronized with the active graphic objects in such a way that users are empowered with the ability to visualize in real-time and derive the optimal stake size for any particular trade based on the current graphical trade setup.

With the current version, we have also introduced the concept of Mass Cybernetic Trading, where trading can be carried out by independent Master Traders and multiple users are able to subscribe and tune in to their trade setup. In that sense, the Master Traders are able to trade for the users of the system remotely and users are able to select which Master Trader they wish to follow.

Tham gia từ Apr 06, 2011   3bài viết
Dec 21, 2011 at 12:29
It has been 9 months since I first started testing. Happy to be alive to this date 😄
Tham gia từ Apr 06, 2011   3bài viết
Oct 24, 2012 at 00:06
New interface with UI elements for manual trading.

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