7Trading Pro (Theo LohanTran)

Mức sinh lời : +185.91%
Mức sụt vốn 2.74%
Pip: 9236.0
Giao dịch 81
Đã thắng:
Loại: Thực
Đòn bẩy: 1:200
Giao dịch: Thủ công

7Trading ProThảo luận

Nov 12 at 15:41
37Lượt xem
3 Replies
Tham gia từ Mar 29, 2023   4bài viết
Nov 27 at 15:53
Welcome to my strategy
The most optimal trading, maintaining good and stable profits
I believe in analysis and not forecasting
Tham gia từ Mar 29, 2023   4bài viết
Hôm qua lúc 07:06
November Summary
We have achieved a profit growth of 58.61%, a very good trading month. We still maintain safety and control risks. Thank you investors for trusting and copying
My goal for December is to continue to maintain stability and good profits for investors
Always ready to welcome new investors to cooperate and copy 7Trading Pro
I believe in analysis and not forecasting
Tham gia từ Hôm qua lúc 12:25   1bài viết
Hôm qua lúc 12:27
DearTeam ,

Please send me details to get started with you for 500 usd and once satisfied will add more funds

Tham gia từ Mar 29, 2023   4bài viết
Hôm qua lúc 15:48
puravshah posted:
DearTeam ,

Please send me details to get started with you for 500 usd and once satisfied will add more funds

set according to my capital ratio
I believe in analysis and not forecasting
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