Trend Scalping Pro - EURUSD (Theo BrianHarris96)
Mức sinh lời : | +1046.64% |
Mức sụt vốn | 13.97% |
Pip: | 13090.9 |
Giao dịch | 5233 |
Đã thắng: |
Thua: |
Chất lượng mô hình: | 99.9% |
Thanh trong kiểm định: | 71254 |
Số tick mô hình hóa: | 233363065 |
Kiểm định tương lai
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Trend Scalping Pro - EURUSDThảo luận
Tham gia từ Feb 11, 2018
83bài viết
Jun 10, 2021 at 00:11
Tham gia từ Feb 11, 2018
83bài viết
The core logic is short term trend following.
The key feature is "Zero Optimization" in the EA.
All the indicators work with default settings.
No Grid, No martingale.
Merged 10 years Tickdata backtest:
The key feature is "Zero Optimization" in the EA.
All the indicators work with default settings.
No Grid, No martingale.
Merged 10 years Tickdata backtest:
Tham gia từ Feb 11, 2018
83bài viết
Jun 10, 2021 at 00:11
Tham gia từ Feb 11, 2018
83bài viết
Tham gia từ Dec 22, 2020
4bài viết
Tham gia từ Feb 11, 2018
83bài viết
Jun 21, 2021 at 12:41
Tham gia từ Feb 11, 2018
83bài viết
Many thanks for your inquiry.
The key logic of Trend Scalping Pro EA is short term trend following. It is based on an old EA which was created by our team in 2012, but add some new logic to find more reliable entry and exit levels.
It's the best EA in the world.
The key feature is zero optimization. All the indicators work with default settings.
There are thousands of EAs with perfect backtest reports, but almost none could work in real account. Except some scam EAs, we think the over-optimization is a key issue, which could have perfect backtest results but distorted performance in live accounts.
Although the EA's name is "Scalper", the core logic is short term trend following.
When the market has early signs of a potential trend reversal, it will close the open position no matter win or loss.
After our TendencyForex system was created in 2016, any EA is no longer important for us.
In addition, MT4/5 is not our main invest platform.
However, there are a lot of retail traders who are keen to chase a fully automated trading system.
We re-coded the EA started to run the EA on live accounts.
For more details, please visit our site.
You could find it in my Bio page.
Hope this could help,
All the best,
Many thanks for your inquiry.
The key logic of Trend Scalping Pro EA is short term trend following. It is based on an old EA which was created by our team in 2012, but add some new logic to find more reliable entry and exit levels.
It's the best EA in the world.
The key feature is zero optimization. All the indicators work with default settings.
There are thousands of EAs with perfect backtest reports, but almost none could work in real account. Except some scam EAs, we think the over-optimization is a key issue, which could have perfect backtest results but distorted performance in live accounts.
Although the EA's name is "Scalper", the core logic is short term trend following.
When the market has early signs of a potential trend reversal, it will close the open position no matter win or loss.
After our TendencyForex system was created in 2016, any EA is no longer important for us.
In addition, MT4/5 is not our main invest platform.
However, there are a lot of retail traders who are keen to chase a fully automated trading system.
We re-coded the EA started to run the EA on live accounts.
For more details, please visit our site.
You could find it in my Bio page.
Hope this could help,
All the best,
Tham gia từ Mar 16, 2021
447bài viết
Jun 21, 2021 at 23:21
Tham gia từ Mar 16, 2021
447bài viết
Very good strategy. But it would be nice if you could explain the details to me.
Tham gia từ Feb 11, 2018
83bài viết
Jun 22, 2021 at 09:07
Tham gia từ Feb 11, 2018
83bài viết
Many thanks for your good comments.
The details was already posted in the previous thread, also please check the screenshot below.
In short:
1. Short term trend following, No Grid, No Martingale.
2. No over optimization. All the parameters use default setting.
Hope this could help,
All the best,
Many thanks for your good comments.
The details was already posted in the previous thread, also please check the screenshot below.
In short:
1. Short term trend following, No Grid, No Martingale.
2. No over optimization. All the parameters use default setting.
Hope this could help,
All the best,

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