Frero EURUSD (Theo wassel2017)
Mức sinh lời : | +1647.66% |
Mức sụt vốn | 16.87% |
Pip: | 29431.4 |
Giao dịch | 1367 |
Đã thắng: |
Thua: |
Chất lượng mô hình: | 90.0% |
Thanh trong kiểm định: | 7979 |
Số tick mô hình hóa: | 22081519 |
Kiểm định tương lai
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Frero EURUSDThảo luận
Tham gia từ Mar 12, 2019
8bài viết
Tham gia từ Oct 27, 2016
16bài viết
Apr 22, 2019 at 10:38
Tham gia từ Oct 27, 2016
16bài viết
Dear fellow,
The system is available for subscription on signalstart :
The system is available for subscription on signalstart :
Tham gia từ Aug 05, 2016
119bài viết
Aug 14, 2019 at 07:22
Tham gia từ Aug 05, 2016
119bài viết
Excellent trading so far - have vouched for your system.
PAM Fund (Mount Cook Financial). Please vouch for my system. “Learn from your mistakes and do not give up!”
Tham gia từ Dec 18, 2019
5bài viết
Dec 20, 2019 at 14:37
Tham gia từ Dec 18, 2019
5bài viết
I am a partner at Scandinavian Capital Markets and we are currently looking for some new strategies to run through our execution venue. We have a large investor with our asset management side of the business who is eager to invest more money.
He has a relatively strong risk appetite and is looking for above-market returns. He could allocate some serious capital starting with around 300,000 EUR. You will be recieving a generous performance fee paid out at the end of each month.
Please let me know when there is a convenient time for us to have a chat. I would really like to learn about your strategy and see if this could be the right fit.
Kind regards,
I am a partner at Scandinavian Capital Markets and we are currently looking for some new strategies to run through our execution venue. We have a large investor with our asset management side of the business who is eager to invest more money.
He has a relatively strong risk appetite and is looking for above-market returns. He could allocate some serious capital starting with around 300,000 EUR. You will be recieving a generous performance fee paid out at the end of each month.
Please let me know when there is a convenient time for us to have a chat. I would really like to learn about your strategy and see if this could be the right fit.
Kind regards,

*Nghiêm cấm sử dụng cho mục đích thương mại và spam, nếu vi phạm có thể dẫn đến việc chấm dứt tài khoản.
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