Free-Download-EA (Theo forexmarketfm)

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Kiểm định tương lai Free Download EA

Free-Download-EAThảo luận

Apr 25, 2022 at 14:06
5,551Lượt xem
6 Replies
Tham gia từ Jul 10, 2021   1bài viết
Aug 04, 2022 at 11:28
bcz it's fake
Tham gia từ Jun 21, 2020   4bài viết
Oct 25, 2022 at 18:21
LOL.... Who ever posted this fake strategy could of atleast make it look realistic.... just look at the trades duration 😂
Tham gia từ Jan 23, 2023   2bài viết
Jan 23, 2023 at 10:14
Gabrielito809 posted:
LOL.... Who ever posted this fake strategy could of atleast make it look realistic.... just look at the trades duration 😂

what yoou mean fake? i thought myfxbook writes exactly what the person trades in his account , can you explain more??
Tham gia từ Mar 18, 2021   1bài viết
Jan 23, 2023 at 12:56
StecDer posted:
Gabrielito809 posted:
LOL.... Who ever posted this fake strategy could of atleast make it look realistic.... just look at the trades duration 😂

what yoou mean fake? i thought myfxbook writes exactly what the person trades in his account , can you explain more??

Demo account does not have same trading conditions as real.
There are thousands of strategies that are perfect on demo, while on real they're just losing money.
Tham gia từ Jun 21, 2020   4bài viết
Jan 23, 2023 at 17:43
StecDer posted:
Gabrielito809 posted:
LOL.... Who ever posted this fake strategy could of atleast make it look realistic.... just look at the trades duration 😂

what yoou mean fake? i thought myfxbook writes exactly what the person trades in his account , can you explain more??

The duration of the trades isn't adding up.... all of the trades say that the duration was 0... which is unrealistic...
Tham gia từ Jul 26, 2010   80bài viết
Nov 24, 2023 at 15:47
Dear Sir,
Hoe to download the ea?
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