Day Trading Buy (Theo DayTrading_)

Mức sinh lời : +102.77%
Mức sụt vốn 35.43%
Pip: 5993.1
Giao dịch 18353
Đã thắng:
Chất lượng mô hình: 0.0%
Thanh trong kiểm định: 30980
Số tick mô hình hóa: 75750733
Kiểm định tương lai Day Trading++

Day Trading BuyThảo luận

Oct 24 at 15:48
159Lượt xem
1 Replies
Tham gia từ May 15, 2024   26bài viết
Oct 24 at 15:56
Reach out to find out how you can enroll in our winning strategy! Diversify your portfolio and invest in Day Trading to enjoy passive income managed by the pros!
Let the pros do the work for you!
Tham gia từ May 15, 2024   26bài viết
Nov 04 at 15:29
With our investors interests always at the forefront, we have decided to halt trading activity through the US elections. This decision has come directly from our managing director to safeguard our client’s interests. We expect major volatility and therefore we have decided to commence trading post US election results. We thank all our clients for their trust and wish you all good luck!!
Let the pros do the work for you!
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