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Posts por forex_trader_27988
the trillion dollar fund project.
Negociantes Experientes
Jul 28, 2011 at 02:06
mr margolese is an old fool of the lazy flavor.and his memory is very short..he called me a fool because mark jacked my previous work from me.why, omg, would i want that kind of attitude associated with my work?he is a disease, projectwise..if he were my last option available to me, i would toss my computers into the nearest dumpster and call it quits.did he ever think to apologize to me?of course not.you wanker.position in progress.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mdwZV4Y95Nw
the trillion dollar fund project.
Negociantes Experientes
Jul 28, 2011 at 00:12
position in progress..balance: 2407profit: -129margin used: 980target profit: n/ahttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qa0yHP4bHS4
the trillion dollar fund project.
Negociantes Experientes
Jul 27, 2011 at 23:33
my goals are anything but modest.i came to take home the prize.when i say the prize, i mean exactly that, i mean the prize.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nobel_Memorial_Prize_in_Economic_Scienceshttp://i55.tinypic.com/2jdjtw0.jpg
the trillion dollar fund project.
Negociantes Experientes
Jul 27, 2011 at 20:48
mr goodman is now blocked.😎http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUXoFGopZnQ
the trillion dollar fund project.
Negociantes Experientes
Jul 27, 2011 at 19:56
position in progress..balance: 2404profit: -93margin used: 980target profit: you dont wanna know.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2vMpVrwraEQ
the trillion dollar fund project.
Negociantes Experientes
Jul 27, 2011 at 18:14
mr margolese,i have put every thiing that i have iinto this project.i have insisted that we focus on the ball.i have insisted that we focus on the long term issues.i have insisted that we walk with a strong sense of ethics and character.i insist on these things.your first task, master margolese, is that you make a sincere effort to bring together the team.contact mr jackson and find out what his major mallfunction is.contact mr schweitzer and talk to him.and hey, say hello to my babygrl, will ya?she is really nice.zero/.
the trillion dollar fund project.
Negociantes Experientes
Jul 27, 2011 at 03:55
ok, you caught me....i am a major faker.i am running a bucket shop.sorta kinda sincerely,bernard "zero" madeoff with your shit.http://i56.tinypic.com/2sajz0l.gifbalance: 2404profit: +31margin used: 750target profit: +300just fyi...soon i will disappear from all forums.i expect that all of my business affairs, legal issues and other issues, will be handled exclusively by the law firm of lennox paton.http://lennoxpaton.comall of my calls will be handled exclusively by mr paton's awesomely first class firm.my trading group's fund managers will be the world's finest corporate...
the trillion dollar fund project.
Negociantes Experientes
Jul 27, 2011 at 02:34
partial position closed..balance: 2404profit: +25margin used: 750target profit: +300yes, i am a genius.and, i am very sexy.ok, whatever... i am a genius.you cant have everything.i cant believe that my little babygirl wont talk to me..i tried sweet talkiin her.. nope.. no response.flowers? nope. she aint budging.candy? no sweet tooth, apparently.so i pulled out the secret weapons..i offered to give her twenty five bucks for a bj, three hours maximum, of course..but no... some women are just downright difficult.cranky bitches...zero/.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNY4t2r3Fow
the trillion dollar fund project.
Negociantes Experientes
Jul 27, 2011 at 01:39
this is what do.i watch videos..while i am daydreaming about my next project..videos.oh my...take a look at that massive spike that just took off, in my favor, of course..i may be closing this position shortly..i just finished having the most wonderful conversation with a most lovely young lady...she is actually studying pschology and biotech.i wanted to scream when she told me that..but i did not scream..i may have drooled a bit, however..she said that her interest is gene splicng.she was so joyous to chit chat wiith...i hope that i get to chit chat with her again.position in progress.balance...
the trillion dollar fund project.
Negociantes Experientes
Jul 27, 2011 at 00:15
it is hard to tell that this is the same rocking maniac from the previous video.marilyn really is majorly cool in drag..he is a lunatic.he is so fun.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5R682M3ZEyk
the trillion dollar fund project.
Negociantes Experientes
Jul 26, 2011 at 22:57
people that come to me with questions, such as the questions that mr bond asked above, will not be engaged...when they come to me like that, it is not their intent to contribute anything to my work, but instead they come to gather information about how it is that i do whatever it is that i am doing.the majority of the myfxbook type of trading forums are populated by intellectual children, they come here to play children's games.i, on the other hand, am not here to play.a lot of men, even those with higher level degrees, handle themselves as tho they are children..i remember working with d...
the trillion dollar fund project.
Negociantes Experientes
Jul 26, 2011 at 21:40
everything looks so nice.no more of those nasty losses, omg..i can hardly wait to dig into my next project.i will solve the equation of life.and then, one day, she will speak to me.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPeNUfc8hGk
the trillion dollar fund project.
Negociantes Experientes
Jul 26, 2011 at 19:35
ok now, we cant be serious all day long.well, i could, but i do not want to be a total party pooper.and, my little babygirl might be stopping over....she is so awesomely nice.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1-TrAvp_xs
the trillion dollar fund project.
Negociantes Experientes
Jul 26, 2011 at 18:54
mr jamesbond is now blocked.notice the inquiry from a mr goodman recently.i want nothing to do with people that approach me as he did..i do not care who he is or who he is not.i do not care if you know jim sinclair.i dont give a %^&* if you know how to trade.and, plz, do not bore me with your 1k offers.the only appropriate inquiry to make with me is something along these lines:mr zero... excellent work.. how may i assst you? end.my trading group, btw, may possibly have a twenty five million minimum deposit.. it is my thinking that i wiill advise my fund managers to try to maintain at l...
the trillion dollar fund project.
Negociantes Experientes
Jul 26, 2011 at 15:44
up fifty.targt isi 400
the trillion dollar fund project.
Negociantes Experientes
Jul 26, 2011 at 09:05
i am up forty bucks.gonna wake up in the morning, maybe target is reached or exceeded by then.good mornng,captain boomerang/.
the trillion dollar fund project.
Negociantes Experientes
Jul 26, 2011 at 04:36
notice the inquiry from a mr goodman recently.i want nothing to do with people that approach me as he did..i dont give a ratz azz who he is or is not.i dont giive a phkng sht if he knows how to trade.and, plz, do not bore me with your 1k offers.the only appropriate inquiry to make with me is something along these lines:mr zero... excellent work.. how may i assst you? end.my trading group, btw, may possibly have a twenty five million minimum deposit..iti is my thinking that i wiill advise my fund managers to try to maintain at least a one milliion minimum deposit, but that they should only brin...
the trillion dollar fund project.
Negociantes Experientes
Jul 26, 2011 at 04:30
belief systems are a powerful aspect of intelligence..at the core, we have the standard religious issues.ever try to convert a catholic or a mormon?omg.you might as well be talking to a brick.in the beginning of this project, i informed every person that i was going to produce the holy grail.and all of you proceeded to tell me why you believe that such a thing does not exist.i listened carefully.i took each issue that you presented to me and turned it inside out.i believe that a flawless trading system exists.i hunted for it and i found it.if one goes out into the forrest to hunt for bears...b...
the trillion dollar fund project.
Negociantes Experientes
Jul 26, 2011 at 03:21
i want to explain.all of her pics are outdated.severely outdated..i knew this when i engaged her..this is why she could not bring herself to see me.how silly.i would have been a very good friend, at a minimum.these bondage people almost go mad when they get old.when they get old, they stop posting their pics, or they post outdated pics..there is one older lady at that forum, by reading her posts you would swear that she is some kind of movie star starlet...but, i read her blog and she was whining that she has no teeth and that she is fat and old, omg...it is so silly, it is actually sad.i...
the trillion dollar fund project.
Negociantes Experientes
Jul 26, 2011 at 00:57
and i dont really care whether or not if that fruit loop moderator likes me or not..i really liked her..still do..hate me for that, i dont care.if you are gonna hate me, you had better get in line.zero/.
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