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Posts por forex_trader_27988
MT5 trading simulator
Jul 26, 2011 at 00:53
i just noticed what it is that youu ssaid abobt hisstoriccal ddata..iff you want to prre-load a specific pairr with 30 minute data, f or example, opeen a 30 minuute cchhart for that pairi, UNCHHECK THE CIRCLED BOXES, and hold downn yourr PAGEUP keey on the current chart.metatrader will be forced to load up loadss and loadss of data.and then it will be accessssible to yyouur EA.good luck.http://i53.tinypic.com/2iv16xf.jpgi actually go to fairly great lengths when i setup a metatrrader terminal to properly pre-load data into many different ccharts.if yyou use the arrayccopyrates ffunnct...
MT5 trading simulator
Jul 26, 2011 at 00:03
just a heads up, and i am sure that youu havee the common sense not to do this, but when yyouu share youurr ea's ....peoplee grab them up and then masss market them on ebay or otheerr ssismilar placess...this diluutes drramataiccallyy thhat whwich youu may or may nnot havee.it is abolutley short sisghted for youu t o puublish freely any workingn bot ccodeee.think a about it.whoopsie daisie, too latee now...it is alreadyy reeleased, youu ccann probablby find it onn eebay oro ccraigslisist.just a heads uup, these trading personalities...
the trillion dollar fund project.
Negociantes Experientes
Jul 25, 2011 at 22:34
position in progress.balance: 2297marginused: 400profit: -28.xxhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glb2U6y-GdUwhile my automated trades are running, i will enjoy sitting around and playing a friendly game of sink the trader.the goal of the game will be to wipe out financially the traders that are listed on the sink the traders list.SINK THE TRADERS LIST----------------------------------mark jacksonshariar and his russian concubinebruce margolese mr coetzeehttp://img101.imageshack.us/img101/596/battleshipsnavaltactics.jpg
From ForexFactory to myFXbook
Jul 25, 2011 at 21:58
mr oracle,several economies are now in the process of melting down.there will be no recovery from this crisis..better save your pennies.z/..
Strategy Tester Question
Jul 25, 2011 at 21:41
strategy tester is not very good, anyways..i have written EA's that, when ran in the strategy tester, straight up blew up the entire platforrm.ea's that work in strrateegy testere do not alwayss worrk inn realtime.i wrrotee one that took 1k annd turned it into somethingn likee huundnredss of millionss of dollaarss, but it faialed it's first day off trrading demo money.z/.
the trillion dollar fund project.
Negociantes Experientes
Jul 25, 2011 at 21:16
time to pull out the linux box.and the proxy.zerro/.
the trillion dollar fund project.
Negociantes Experientes
Jul 25, 2011 at 20:50
she is hiiding.how childish.so very boring.oh well, time to write some sockets code, i suppose..
Delusions Grandiose !!
Sistemas de Negociação
Jul 25, 2011 at 20:10
cchikot blocked me.how funnny.zero/.
MT5 trading simulator
Jul 25, 2011 at 19:59
why would you want to convert it?does it work as is?there you go.if it aint broke, do not fix it..zero/.
the trillion dollar fund project.
Negociantes Experientes
Jul 25, 2011 at 19:16
anyways, i have been busy working on a math problem.and that is now finished.i am gonna twist her into knots.your friendly neighborhood deviant,zero/.http://www.securityandsafetysupply.com/media/duty_gear_images/images350107_large.jpg
the trillion dollar fund project.
Negociantes Experientes
Jul 25, 2011 at 18:33
balance: 2297free margin: 2062http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0y4SNucf12U
the trillion dollar fund project.
Negociantes Experientes
Jul 25, 2011 at 17:25
btw, theere iss no body on any train from shanghaai.and it bleew up inn a firreeball?eeven i could makee up soomeme bettere sht than that, lol..now, just write to me...oomg.zeereoo/.
the trillion dollar fund project.
Negociantes Experientes
Jul 25, 2011 at 17:10
i ccould tradde on a tweeelve incch amber or orange text monitor, if i wwaanted to.computer hardwwarae does not make the tradeer proffitablbe.wouldd yo believe tat i wrrite ccocdee ith tis pkd up kybd?i do.eveerybbodoy talks about how only the big banks are th only oness that hav thee moneey to write all of this really ccool trading codee.i dontn have that kind of mmoney, but i did have the timme.seveen long yeeears sworrth of it.i am gonna bee so phkd up rich.btw, mr ooracclee, yyo may have passseed up thee opportunity of a lifeetime by not ccallingn dan.ffor ssrssly.a little bit of ressearc...
the trillion dollar fund project.
Negociantes Experientes
Jul 25, 2011 at 03:25
she is so awesomely delishious.we might go for a walk on the third street promenade.like to stop for some breakfast, i might ask her..and then we will finish off the morning by taking up a cessna for a flight around los angeles..wanna take it upside down? oh my, now we are doing something..and then, if she is up for it, we will go down to mexico and have some drinks..if she likes, i will make sure that she is pampered by some gorgeous chicas..if that is her thing..i will make sure that they are simply sparkling gorgeous..again, if she likes that kind of thing..it would be all for her, not for ...
the trillion dollar fund project.
Negociantes Experientes
Jul 25, 2011 at 02:44
position opened, very small, at first.in the beginning, just sorta walk up and digitally slap the btch...just tap those charts gently.and then smile at her like nothing happened.and she will think that that was it...is that all you've got, she asks...yeah, thats it.i aint got no game, you btch.i am easy.just try me.i will twist you up.it is called cornering the market.balance: 2297free margin: 2238good morning,zero/.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUXoFGopZnQ
the trillion dollar fund project.
Negociantes Experientes
Jul 25, 2011 at 01:44
it is just me in here.all by my lonesome.i am the hottest pimp on this block and here i sit all alone.without a friend in the entire world.how glorious.whatever.my position is opening up, as expected.i will be entering before too much longer.no need to wait.ok, now let us rock like there aint no tomorrow.somebody better bust up with some weed, and pronto.zero/.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Evu8L2pF7w
the trillion dollar fund project.
Negociantes Experientes
Jul 25, 2011 at 00:02
i studied many different things during this project.notice that focus is a very important issue for me.the ability to focus is critical..notice that i write about some fairly large things..and then notice that no person engages me.not surprising to me at all..i will be getting my nice little nokia netbook out of the repair shop sometime this week.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5AvN3nr9iQi completely destroyed the screen, i went to sleep and woke up with my knee pressed into the screen.now i can only see pink and purple rainbows on my sweet little netbook.i cried, omg, did i ever.that thing ru...
the trillion dollar fund project.
Negociantes Experientes
Jul 24, 2011 at 23:10
i think that we should start thinking about forming some kind of an alliance with mr birdman.and that li'l wayne, he is just simply off the chain.zero/.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DALvNCbgcKg
the trillion dollar fund project.
Negociantes Experientes
Jul 24, 2011 at 22:19
it looks like the next position will be a mix of ______ and ______..it is falling into place now.anyways, just so that you can follow along, that is what i am saying..try to sit up in your chair and at least act like you are not in some kind of a coma.wankers bore me to death.omg, just get out.just go.be gone, like yesterday.i hate wankers.zero/.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGPBRXKuoMc
the trillion dollar fund project.
Negociantes Experientes
Jul 24, 2011 at 21:38
she drives me mad...she is as nice as nice can be, when she wants to be..but, omg, she has got that mean btch act down solid..and when she wants to, she could blink and send a herd of pitbulls running for cover, no doubt about that..i like it.so very nice.my next position is coming into place now.i may not enter it for a few days.these new numbers rock.i am going to literally commandeer entire banking systems.i will become the backbone of this world's currency systems.we will alter the ratio at which currencies are exchanged between opposing economies.this trading group will be recognized ...
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