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Aug 11, 2016 at 09:27
Hola, you thought i was gone eh? , i just took a vacation and stop to trade for a while. I restarted a week ago. I saw many system posted in here in may/june dissapeard as usual. These guys never learn the lesson.
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Jun 02, 2016 at 13:03
When a broker goes bust if is not regulated you can say bye bye to your money. This is the main point why i would always chose a regulated broker, cause deposit will never stay on the company assets but separeted on segregated accounts and controlled by the regulation. I was inside the SNB news on 15 january i wouldn't ever you had an experience like that. But who was inside that time would understand the importance of a regulated broker and the importance to not PUSH LEVERAGE FOR GOD SAKE. You are playing in here. Do trading is not play a game! or show's up a mostruos percent! it'...
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May 31, 2016 at 17:57
i can just agree with you, well said.
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May 31, 2016 at 08:28
Mmmm, you would be a good ballad singer for my children. Yours fairytails are amazing! How much you want for it? but hey can you put some unicorns and dragons as well? it would be fantastic for them. Always better than to be just an IB, Ops. 😁
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May 30, 2016 at 16:05
Anyways i didn't start with 20k from the first step if you seen it accurately i started with 2k then 5k , 10k and 20k for now.So the first month i made around 2% only with 2k... the second month not even fully with 20k.So that's why you see "only around 300€ for now. Cause if the math is not an opinion 3.41% on 20k not makes 300€ right? but around 700€. I just started to deposit, maybe i'll put more money or i'll do two accounts in two different brokers. My living is not made only by this investment.
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May 30, 2016 at 15:33
Do you wanna make me laugh with your account? I let others people answer on this matters after seeing your account if they prefer mine or yours.Anyways i do not invest only in forex. I have others investments as well but not on fx market. If for you a good investment means "high %" you are not a trader not even far. You're just living in your own dream. I'm sorry to say that but is the cruel truth.Regards.
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May 30, 2016 at 11:41
Absolutely not. I'm glad about your considerations on my trading style.
Sistemas de Negociação
May 30, 2016 at 06:34
Only for serious investorsAccount Description:20.000€ Real Deposit - Account Verified 100% - Broker NDD - FCA Regulated - Darwinex - Maximum DD 1.5% - Avarage DD under 0.1% - Gained around 3.5% - History: 3 months - No martingale - No EA - Pure Manual Trading - No using leverage.The risk account can be regulated x2-x3-x4-x5 or whatever you like on your own side.For any info contact me privately.
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May 29, 2016 at 18:36
No offence, don't worry. 😉
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May 29, 2016 at 18:28
And just for say. Just in case you had right and i deposit a lot of money just for cover eventually "heavy" losses. Don't you think i would use a cent account or few bucks? If i'm interested to show a "kamikaze scammer strategy" ?I'm sorry but i don't think any person with mental sanity would risk 20k € REAL MONEY on a stupid strategy like that.He would be such an idiot with all respect. As i said i hate those people so much as you. For me that is not trading at all. Who push with lavarage either.Who try to cheat with a demo/cent or whatever fake statem...
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May 29, 2016 at 18:14
Yeah sure...infact my DD "is so dangerous! i deposit properly for cover my loss!"ahahah seriously? But did you see my signal or what? Did you see the avarage dd? it's under 0.1% mostly. the maximum dd is 1.52% and i do not use leverage most of the times! Your concern can be valid of course in some aggressive martingale account but OF COURSE NOT IN MY OWN CASE.Come on we are kidding us or we analyze seriously in here signals? these conjectures you said, are not my case and you know pretty well that. There is nothing more to say about it.
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May 29, 2016 at 17:25
Is what i'm trying to say...What you made in every month that's the real gain. If i have a pamm or i want to deposit every month more money do not have any effect on the total gain generated.If i have an investor and he deposit 1k the first month and i generate 2% gain and the next month he deposit 1k again total 2k the abs gain it would be 1% and not anymore 2%. So there is no reason to watch that.But it seems people in here don't know how to watch signals.
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May 27, 2016 at 21:46
Fair enough. Everyone has his own idea on what matters. I appreciate any comment don't worry.
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May 27, 2016 at 21:13
deposit more cause I been wrong? Where did i something wrong? You don't know what you are saying. I will continue to deposit more step by step cause I want a bigger a account to show that's it. Nothing wrong as you can see the trading and the equity is totally clean. I'm not here to sell anything. I do trading with my own money and this is what I want to show to potentials investors. Quality trading without pushing leverage. If you think a good account is who has the higher % Gain is just a waste of time talking. Stability and safety are my priority always. Who is interested in hig...
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May 27, 2016 at 20:27
Abs Gain is a gain determinated on the whole deposit. If i start to increasing my deposit every month is obvious the "abs gain" will decrease. It's an elementary thing. Really i have to explain this?If now i deposit other 200k The abs gain will be 0.139%.That doesn't matter. Because the 3.41% is real is what i made with a certain deposit that month every month and made a total gain of 3.41%.I dare you to try to made 1-3% per month without using the leverage but only with your own money. The gain is the last factor to see in my opinion. But i'm not here to concern other st...
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May 27, 2016 at 20:27
Abs Gain is a gain determinated on the whole deposit. If i start to increasing my deposit every month is obvious the "abs gain" will decrease. It's an elementary thing. Really i have to explain this?If now i deposit other 200k The abs gain will be 0.139%.That doesn't matter. Because the 3.41% is real is what i made with a certain deposit that month every month and made a total gain of 3.41%.I dare you to try to made 1-3% per month without using the leverage but only with your own money. The gain is the last factor to see in my opinion. But i'm not here to concern other st...
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May 27, 2016 at 20:27
Abs gain? Yeah sure Cause if deposit now others 200k my abs gain would be 0.139% there is no sense to watch that detail. Cause i started this account with 2k and than increasing step by step. the 3.41% is real. Cause is what i made in all 3 months.
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May 27, 2016 at 20:27
Infact you are watching the Max DD and not the avarage DD who is under 0.1% also the account is still young. The gain is 3.41% cause i started to deposit step by step. If i was started with 20k from the first time they were 3.41% there is no sense to see the abs gain. Cause if i'm gonna doubling my account to 40k abs would be reduced to half than now.
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May 27, 2016 at 07:37
https://www.myfxbook.com/members/neoxis/johnnystrategy/1636755Hi i just discovered this topic few minutes ago. I don't know what other people thinks to post in here, but if there is some serious investor out there, i'd like to invite him to see my account.Description:20.000€ Real Deposit - Account Verified 100% - Broker NDD - FCA Regulated - Darwinex - Maximum DD 1.5% - Avarage DD under 0.1% - Gained around 3.5% - History: 3 months - No martingale - No EA - Pure Manual Trading - No using leverage.The risk account can be regulated x2-x3-x4-x5 or whatever you like on your own side.F...
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Sistemas de Negociação
Nov 02, 2010 at 10:27
Scappa Scappa che è meglio 😈 Ci siamo rimasti solo noi due italiani 😉
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