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Trading Sistemleri
Oct 11, 2009 at 08:02
Removed by Staff.
PAMM Account
Trading Sistemleri
Oct 10, 2009 at 21:12
Removed by Staff.
Trading Sistemleri
Oct 10, 2009 at 17:07
This issue has been brought up multiple times and still hasn't been fixed. What matters is how much money will you get back on closing the account and all trades which is $28 518. The deposit was $25 197 and thus the gain is: 13% and not 154% or 122%(abs gain). The request that was made to the site owners was that the an accurate reflection of the system perfomance is given as a %, there should be no need to drag a calculator closes and manually calculate. The difference between 13% and 122% is simply preposterous .
Jsut For Fun
Trading Sistemleri
Oct 10, 2009 at 09:03
1) How did you do it? By running 10000 seperate EA's aligning one say with the phases of the moon , which produced record results then only posting this one EA and discarding the other 9999 which didn't work. 2) what were your settings ? For the winning EA the settings were the fluctuation in the number of people believing in space aliens, for the other 9999 ea's this though didn't work..
Jsut For Fun
Trading Sistemleri
Oct 10, 2009 at 08:57
All the top results are posted by the same person - Profijet , I think. Posting under various aliases from various websites but a single individual. We will have to be patient as site management is working on filters that will allow fictitious demo or real results to be displayed on a separate page. Something like a flagging a trading result , then based on such flag the results aren't deleted just not as prominently displayed. Sellers of EA's for example could be displayed with a filter so we don't have to wade through 400 results just to discover that 390 of the results is the sa...
Trading Sistemleri
Oct 08, 2009 at 13:48
We don't know what broker he is using, there is no way to determine if these results are real. Only Oanda at the moment can provide you with this data. I believe that a search on Oanda option will soon be available.
Real Time Updates
Öneri Kutusu
Oct 07, 2009 at 10:11
Or just send a real-time alert with every trade if the trader so desires, with opening and close. This shouldn't overload a pc. I think it is a great idea and the trader could always deactivate the option should he wish. With Oanda use some autoit script that captures the buy , sell clicks if one-click trading is enabled. The link you gave is broken in firefox
Private King Arthur
Trading Sistemleri
Oct 07, 2009 at 09:58
Elsewhere I addressed this issue:".....Automated entries don't work because during a specific time period of say 3months a specific pattern emerged that just happened to generate good returns on this 1 out of 1000 EA's you are running at the same time. This is why there is always a few people making good returns during the Metatrader EA contest, out of hundreds of EAs , the probability due to random luck that a few of them will just so happen to make money during a specific trading pattern that won't repeat itself(months 1,2), is very high. Keep on running the same competition...
flaw in charts - we need pips growth not equity
Öneri Kutusu
Oct 07, 2009 at 09:36
It is an excellent suggestion, many who push fraudulent systems wouldn't want it though.
System search on account broker or verified flag
Öneri Kutusu
Oct 07, 2009 at 09:02
I have discussed this issue here: http://www.myfxbook.com/community/trading-systems/eurusd/1897#?pt=2&p=1&o=1897 noting how myfxbook.com is presently being gamed by EA sellers posting 15000% profits , which is impossible. Added search criteria will help a lot as has been suggested. Thank you for taking up this issue.
Trading Sistemleri
Oct 07, 2009 at 08:51
Removed by Staff.
Private King Arthur
Trading Sistemleri
Oct 07, 2009 at 08:38
Would the moderators please remove this nonsense, it is an obvious scam to sell his system. Nobody made 15tillion% or whatever figure he is gaming myfxbook.com with, impossible. What is your real name? My real name is Stephanus Rensburg from South Africa. Show me some real results with a real account with Oanda, like my system ForexTiming here https://www.myfxbook.com/portfolio/forextiming/333 presently down nearly 20%, but at least it isn't fraud. If I manage to turn the account around it will reflect in the gainers column, but this 50tillion% gains at number one is undermining the integ...
Trading Sistemleri
Sep 17, 2009 at 13:01
Not really he isn't closing his losing trades - not a single one in fact it seems. This is fraud, it gives the illusion being able to tradebut in real life you won't just allow a losing trade to keep on escalating. There should be some sort of marker to flag this in the stats page. If the losing trades are factored in his account is running at a loss.
Trading Sistemleri
Sep 16, 2009 at 19:50
Which isn't the point , it is cluttering the site, it is spam and rubbish. Nobody knows how you gamed the system or what you hacked to generate 60000000000000000%. http://www.collective2.com/ is another forum like this with strict controls to protect the integrity of site, your tripe won't be tolerated there and is undermining the integrity of myfxbook. There must be some sort of manual reality check and my manual reality check tells me you are a liar spamming this site with fabricated results. You are selling something this EA from http://obchodujeme.eu/en from this thread http://ww...
Trading Sistemleri
Sep 16, 2009 at 12:08
profijet you deleted this system http://www.myfxbook.com/community/trading-systems/aos2009-turbo/1145#?pt=2&p=2&o=1145 after lying saying it was real when it was clearly demo. You are welcome to your fantasy world trading results of 6000%, 700% etc. The problem is your nonsense now clutter up the first page of http://www.myfxbook.com/systems your bogus results have no reflection on reality, it just spamming myfxbook and undermining the integrity of this site: You should be banned.
Trading Sistemleri
Sep 15, 2009 at 14:00
Everything is marked as private which makes the results meaningless. May I suggest that accounts where to many things are marked private; be able to be filtered out. For example a button that filters out all systems with their historical trades marked private. It becomes tedious to click on these systems only to find everything marked private, being able to filter them out will save a lot of time and make the tradings stats more meaningful. We are looking for systems to subscribe to which accurately reflect reality, there are to many con artists out there abusing the platform at present. A dem...
FXCH - Demo - FAP Turbo
Trading Sistemleri
Sep 14, 2009 at 07:58
Or at least he claims it is Fapturbo but we don't know this. He could for example have been running the EA in step with the phases of the moon (short fiber if full-moon, long if half-moon) or perhaps based on the polling fluctuation of the number of people who believe in space aliens (if it goes up short fiber, down long cable). Thus out of lets say 2000 Demo accounts which must really be straining the bandwidth accounts of forex.com, Alpari etc. by now he only uploads that one demo (based on phases of the moon on not Fapturbo because Fapturbe doesn't work). The result : More sales fo...
Trading Sistemleri
Sep 14, 2009 at 07:19
It is a demo account and this is a problem but is marked as Real , thus you are lying. Why did you mark it as real if it clearly is demo? If your demo system is really this good then why didn't you open a small real account and trade micro-lots with http://www.forex.com ? The other issue is that lets presume you have a 1000 demo accounts running at the same time on different servers using the same basic EA tweaked in hundreds of different ways and you only show us the demo for which this specific tweak actually worked during an arbitrary time period, then it would amount to fraud. Wher...
PAMM Account
Trading Sistemleri
Sep 09, 2009 at 17:15
Removed by Staff.
What is considered a great EA? :)
Deneyimli Traderlar
Sep 09, 2009 at 16:46
I am not so sure about Robominer he has multiple systems open all showing 2700% or some preposterous figure. But if you look closer you will note he hasn't closed his loosing trades - just keeps them open. Some of the open trades ran at $14000 losses, in a real account you wouldn't do this. Factor in his loosing trades(open) , compare equity with opening deposit and he is actually running at a loss on his systems.
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