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Trading Sistemleri
Jun 27, 2010 at 11:02
zulutrade no longer takes trades from Fxpro.com. This account is linked to Fxpro, no further updates will be sent to zulutrade for now. My Skype contact is: stephanusR
Discrepency between absolute gain and Gain
Öneri Kutusu
Jun 26, 2010 at 09:58
The gain stats isn't displayed correctly , there is to much difference between Absolute gain and Gain.http://www.myfxbook.com/members/stevetrade/cast-iron-man/9591 is flagged as 61% gain in the Systems section.I posted on cast-iron-man: Your deposit was 3651, your equity at the moment is 3734, thus your return on capital is only 2.28% over an eight month period and not 61% as indicated. When one does a search your system is flagged as 61% gain which is incorrect. On his site http://stevetrade.wordpress.com/ he prominently displays 61% gain, it is only 2.28% gain actually.
Trading Sistemleri
Jun 26, 2010 at 07:36
Of course it will be free, how could they charge you for editing an Excel spreadsheet after the event on MT4 server. The account is an obvious fake from Alpari, it is meant to generate the illusion that somebody out there generated 220 winners out of 223. This "Boris" person for example hasn't posted a single live real-time trade on his stocktwits.com account. And the reason is because Alpari don't have a stocktwits.com account. Gambling houses do the same, rig the machines so that the owners , brother's half sister "wins" a million dollars, draws in all the g...
GarantProfit 1
Trading Sistemleri
Jun 26, 2010 at 07:28
Not just Instaforex, it seems even Alpari is doing the same stunt with http://www.myfxbook.com/members/boriskvc/boriskvc/19249. His account has 220 winners out of 223! This is obvious nonsense.
Trading Sistemleri
Jun 26, 2010 at 07:05
One person could for example open up 100 real accounts with $1000 in each. Since he would rake in lots of PAMM funds for the one account making 3000% he would write of the $99000 as an operational loss because he is taking 30% of the profits from the one account aligned with the temperature fluctuations in the North-Pole. He must take 30% because he knows that once the North-Pole cools down a bit the account will rapidly loose money, he has to cash in while he still has time. You also withdrew your profits leaving only $43 dollars in your account, how do want to trade with $43? You expect peo...
Trading Sistemleri
Jun 26, 2010 at 06:32
A few things don't make sense. The deposit was only a tiny $700, surely if you want to trade PAMM for people you would trade your own $50000 with Oanda ? Why only $700, what happened to the other $49000, in which of the hundreds of sub-accounts one can open with Oanda are this money and what are the losses. In short I have a vague suspicion that you are somehow running multiple accounts with Oanda and only showing us the one winning account.I could be wrong, though since I don't know what measures Oanda takes to prevent fraudulent misrepresentation of trading ability. What would real...
GarantProfit 1
Trading Sistemleri
Jun 26, 2010 at 06:10
If it is a russian broker, the statement is most likely fake, probably the broker himself generating trade of an Excel spreadsheet. All Myfxbook does is verify the trades on a server, they can't verify that the trades weren't doctored. One can only trust FXCM, Fxpro, Alpari , MBtrading, Oanda etc. Went to his website and used Google translate from Russian to English. He had a sharp drop of $600 which he claims was a withdrawl, but on his myfxbook page his withdrawl is only about $1.13. Why would anybody withdrawl $1 from Instaforex which seems to be his broker.? Where is the $600 wi...
Trading Sistemleri
Jun 25, 2010 at 19:18
Which I pointed out previously, still can't find the physical address of Liteforex, no phone number, no actual person to talk to, it seems that Liteforex themselves using a copy of MT4 server edition is generating fake trades. Myfxbook should close this account as it is damaging to their reputation.
Trading Sistemleri
Jun 23, 2010 at 15:00
What competition where? The only "winners" for example in the Italian lottery business turned out to be close associates, friends and family of the lottery owners. 99.99% of all forex traders eventually fail .....
Trading Sistemleri
Jun 22, 2010 at 19:23
You should see FXCM King of the Microlot, every month somebody makes 3mil% yet not one of these "winners" have ever posted any results on any forex forum. Me thinks somebody edited an Excel spreadsheet somewhere. The competitions are rigged, if they see somebody making 900%, they edit their Excel spreadsheet and enter 1000%. It all just for marketing purposes, nobody made 1000%.
Jun 21, 2010 at 18:00
Problem with backtesting is that you had historical events taking place, like Hungary, German short suspension etc. History never ever repeats itself, but there is repeating patterns. A trader takes historical events into consideration as he trades. My best trading is done when there is no news, no downgrades , no surprises, just the normal ebb and flow of the market.
Trading Sistemleri
Jun 18, 2010 at 10:18
The private messaging system doesn't work, I get an email but not the actual private message. Do a search for stephanusR on stocktwits.com for my contact details.
Flag martingale systems
Öneri Kutusu
Jun 13, 2010 at 20:16
Another issue would be to flag trades that remain in excessive negative equity for to long a period lets say two days. One needs to differentiate between random market flux and trading insight. If the individual trade draw-downs are to large and period in negative equity is long an arbitrary score should be assigned to a trading system. Collective2.com has a grading index. We should agree on some method of scoring a system. It should not though excessively penalize a system, lets say the system only had a 50% exposure three months ago for one day then the scoring system should "soften&qu...
Flag martingale systems
Öneri Kutusu
Jun 11, 2010 at 17:14
Trades should only be flagged as martingale or excessive averaging down, if a cluster of trades is opened that exceeds 5 , 6 or some arbitrary % of equity. Opening 30 micro lots isn't the same as 30 mini lots within a 5min bar. Thus staff should put the arbitrary % to a vote or allow user input on a webpage to set some arbitrary limit. You as an evaluator of a system should be allowed to set your own arbitrary martingale or averaging down limit, depends on the server load really.
Voucher system for users
Öneri Kutusu
Jun 10, 2010 at 07:59
Be careful with this because the top systems showing 1000% gain are all from the same sockpuppet.
Flag martingale systems
Öneri Kutusu
Jun 10, 2010 at 07:51
You have a point, we should decide via voting with staff on what algorithm to use. If you martingale but keep your trades open for only 5min the risk could be less than leaving it open for 4hours. Excessive averaging down should also be flagged. Most important the draw-down per trade in pips and % terms must be displayed like they do on collective2.Another issue is opening a cluster of 10 trades within 5min, it actually skews the win/loss ratio, there are lots of nuances to this whole business.
NightRide v2.26 - EURUSD
Jun 09, 2010 at 17:57
Back tested systems don't work they suffer from data-snooping bias. look it up on wikipedia.
Flag martingale systems
Öneri Kutusu
Jun 08, 2010 at 20:17
Another idea is to factor in the time it took until a security rallied. It becomes very difficult to distinguish between trading insight and random market movements as time moves on. If the majority of the trades rallies within a 10min period it would indicate trading insight. Thus I propose a trading evaluation parameter: Time till rally.... How long did it take for a trade to rally. It could also be combined with some form of individual draw-down per trade. 60% of the time we have a counter trend, 30% a trend and 10% a break-out. The euro was in a massive consistent down-trend for months now...
Trading Sistemleri
Jun 07, 2010 at 16:55
it was just luck all his trades were short euro. Euro has only been crashing , in a strong downtrend. Once it hits counter trend though things won't be so easy.
Trading Sistemleri
Jun 04, 2010 at 21:41
The minimum amount is probably $1000, although the minimum amount of brains would be needed to send them even $100.
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