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Max draw down data on closed trade ?
Mar 31, 2010 at 18:04
This question I ask above is somewhat covered here http://www.myfxbook.com/community/suggestion-box/tradewise-drawdown-pips/24239,1 however I'm looking for a statement type report that can be dropped into a spreadsheet and analyzed rather than stepping through a chart with visual observations.
Max draw down data on closed trade ?
Mar 31, 2010 at 02:06
Not sure if this is a programming question or I missed some functionality in MT4.I need to capture the max draw down number on each winning trade, I need this data to help establish stop loss with tighter limits for existing EA to mitigate some of the bigger losses. The EA has no issue making great profit, the losses are killing it.I don't think it's possible to capture this date from MT4 straight out the box and suspect I need second EA that captures tick data as trade is opened then analysis on close the lowest (or highest value on a short position) that the trade reached before clos...
FRWC - Fusion V - Alpari
Trading Sistemleri
Mar 29, 2010 at 21:25
SteveNot sure why the delay, but Fusion (HiRider only settings per request) is now trading and chart is updating, let me know if you need any other data or observe anything interesting my untrained eye doesn't :-)K
FRWC - Fusion V - Alpari
Trading Sistemleri
Mar 26, 2010 at 16:08
Irbis -assuming your path is the right one listed above for those who want to continue playing with settings etc, once you have cracked it in the demo, how do you trade live at that point with it. I thought you need the valid Plimus number to make it work which presumably is deactivated on refund ?
HiRider Advanced Beam
Trading Sistemleri
Mar 26, 2010 at 13:32
HA on Demo trading Negative against deposit for about a week now, I'm not so sure they have HA figured out yet, have had PM of small profit on live account but I'm not seeing it in my demo results.Best results I have is using Fusion with all others turned off (I just set up a fresh demo of this and attached it to my profile so folks can follow it's progress)I hate to encourage people to seek refunds, but unless you have faith in FRWC to get their act together eventually and can forgo the $1000 you have to seriously consider this option folks.To sum up my thoughts / views - FRWC is ...
HiRider Advanced Beam
Trading Sistemleri
Mar 26, 2010 at 13:19
BuggyCheck Fusion Forum - Some of us ran into same issue on HA with no trades, put it on a new demo, apply to older account does not work, suspect it is to do with peoples default settings in MT4 under Tools Options which says do not trade as default on change of EA (or words to that effect), if this isn't obvious to you when you look I can post a screen shot if need be. If this setting is changed prior to application of new EA it should trade, otherwise it won't. You could try changing setting, then remove EA, close MT4, Restart and apply EA again, this will also likely work.K
FRWC - Fusion V - Alpari
Trading Sistemleri
Mar 26, 2010 at 11:45
louisDid you open HA on a brand new demo account ?Several comments further back on this, same happened to me, I then applied it to a new demo account and it worked.HiRider did open a bunch of trades yesterday for me as well, looked like it was predicting a short trend but so far things have gone the other way.Irbis, I hear you :-)
FRWC - Fusion V - Alpari
Trading Sistemleri
Mar 26, 2010 at 03:10
SteveIf I have done things right, we should be up and trading with it tonight / tomorrow.K
FRWC - Fusion V - Alpari
Trading Sistemleri
Mar 25, 2010 at 11:33
SteveI'll need to figure out how to do that but if somebody can fasttrack me with instructions I'll do it today. All my current demo's run on my own HW with FXCM demo accounts, no VPS. I assume I just need a fresh demo and somehow in MyFXBook I point it to the account with Username & Investor Password ?Please Note - This IS NOT the new version of HiRider (HiRider Advanced), it's a settings modified version of Fusion V 1.21 HiRider Advanced is still sucking wind on my demo for that :-(Any specific $Deposit / Leverage settings you guys want it modeled on ?Are we OK with F...
FRWC - Fusion V - Alpari
Trading Sistemleri
Mar 25, 2010 at 03:54
SoonerI agree, transparency is key to something like this as it was originally billed, clever marketing, and a cover up when it blew up in their face, rather than scientific if you ask me. Highly disappointing approach by FRWC.If you are to believe their website and say 65K views on the video for Royal trader and assume a 1% take up rate, you are at 650 buyers by my guestimate.K
FRWC - Fusion V - Alpari
Trading Sistemleri
Mar 25, 2010 at 03:16
I'm glad folks are getting refunds that seek them! - It would not have been good were these not honored.For those still in - stumbled on this on one of my demo accounts - it was an experiment with Fusion V 1.21 kicked off on the 15th ( ignore first 5 trades on 15th from previous test in the account) This was per option 1 advice to Irbis Mar 17th. Rather interesting to see theory in motion ;-) If at first you don't succeed, try, try again !Not recommending folks abort on refunds - it's too early to draw conclusions here !DetailedStatement_Nl.htm
FRWC - Fusion V - Alpari
Trading Sistemleri
Mar 23, 2010 at 21:44
KagiFX1Excuse my lack of FOREX here if this is dumb, but isn't it the magic number that they would use to identify this ?If that's the case, can't you change the Magic Number on HA properties to something obscure that doesn't conflict with any of your other Magic Numbers to mask the fact you are using HA ?Begs the next question to all experienced FOREX / MT4 traders - is there a global list of Known EA magic numbers that anyone has compiled / come across - the brokers must have one to be able to initiate delaying tactics on all known profitable EA's - no ? or am I just bein...
FRWC - Fusion V - Alpari
Trading Sistemleri
Mar 23, 2010 at 00:50
Irbis / Wilson1I also had issues with first install of HiRider Advanced, I applied to old demo account I had had LMD running on. I thought it was me / LMD and so I set up new demo account and it started trading just fine (Well except it's down nearly 300 on a 2K account so graph looks nothing like that sooooooper smoooooooooth graph they posted ;-)Sorry I didn't post this info earlier, assumed it was something I did :-((Maybe it was but this is looking like a common theme - advice would be to set it up on a new demo first if possible)I do have HiRider at 3656 with 3490 available Equity...
FRWC - Fusion V - Alpari
Trading Sistemleri
Mar 22, 2010 at 12:09
CarlOn direction for getting out of your Fusion trade gone bad (Strasha)jonfxbot has a note on the bottom of his posts for a site - www.Dukascopy.com which I had not come accross beforeI checked it out in more detail late last night and looks like it has some good directional info / hourly video feeds for members - not sure if that means demo or live account holders but there seemed to some nice info there that you should be able to establish guidance on. I ran out of time before falling asleep at the keyboard to figure that bit out :-(Thanks to Jon for that data point.Anybody else that has go...
FRWC - Fusion V - Alpari
Trading Sistemleri
Mar 21, 2010 at 23:39
Thanks Carlsorry to hear about the loss on Strasha portion with that missed setting - it's always much harder with real money :-(you may want to investigate Steve Hopwoods Mutli Purpose Closing Robot mentioned earlier in the forum for these types of scenario's, it has many different closing components to suit your closing needs when live trades go bad.I'm still in demo but have had some limited success with the MPTM - the hedge section worked best for me on trades gone bad but you have to experiment with the entry for the lossing trade based on EA strategy going bad, the currency ...
FRWC - Fusion V - Alpari
Trading Sistemleri
Mar 19, 2010 at 18:25
Due to some PM's I have included this post for clarity on the Graphs / Statements posted earlier today - sorry I was in a rush :-(On Fusion -The first one is the vanilla flavor out of the box from FRWC that I use as my baseline to test results against.The other demo account is the same as above but with Steve Hopwoods Trade Manager EA running on it - this EA DOES NOT Place trades (except Hedge trades), it runs on a separate chart (any chart) and all it does is monitor the account and closes any trades that in this case Fusion opens that meet the conditions set. The hedge trade looks most ...
FRWC - Fusion V - Alpari
Trading Sistemleri
Mar 19, 2010 at 14:12
Kool WillNot sure if I helped, but glad you finally got in, that simple stuff's frustrating !Better get busy before the wife finds out about the holiday money ;-)K
FRWC - Fusion V - Alpari
Trading Sistemleri
Mar 19, 2010 at 14:02
Thanks Fulltime247
FRWC - Fusion V - Alpari
Trading Sistemleri
Mar 19, 2010 at 12:45
Another couple of question - It appears FRWC in one of their last updates on fusion refined some of the adjustable settings to normalize some of the robots which for some of the EA's this seems to be key to peak performance in current market conditions based on recent previous market conditions. How do you do this analysis yourself and how often does it need to be done. (Note this is a general question here not specific to fusion but I will use it on fusion if it's possible)I hear talk from more experienced FOREX folks that Jan / Feb 2010 were tough months to make money in FOREX, I don...
FRWC - Fusion V - Alpari
Trading Sistemleri
Mar 19, 2010 at 03:46
Publishing info like I said I would, and as I said before input appreciated :-)Fusion x 1.21 demo 40 -Gross profit 3248.89 (over 100% on a 3K account) in 2 weeks, loss is the reason some closing assistance in the form of an additional trade manager appears to be necessary till there is revised version that addresses the loss.Fusion v1.21 closing vs vanilla - Trade Manager on Hedge setting appears to be making a difference (Hedge at 250 pips 100% close on Break Even) are those settings as optimal as it can be or can this be bettered ? don know - thoughts ?HiRider - all loosing trades where made...
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