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Black Panther
Trading Sistemleri
Apr 14, 2010 at 22:59
Some hacking sites showed how the EA was coded to look good on backtesting by not trading during specific dates. How low can these garbage vendors go?
A Secret
Trading Sistemleri
Apr 14, 2010 at 22:53
In the book "Trading in the Zone" which really is about the psychology of money management, Mark Douglas gives a test for any trading system. Use the exact system for 20 trades. Trade 2% of your account balance on each trade. At the conclusion of 20 trades, if you have not made a profit, you don't have a trading system. So 90 trades later, I'm down 1.4%(**) so it is time to pull the plug. Thankfully this has excellent money management and for that reason the account still has 98% of the balance. But, it isn't making money. So either the mathematics behind the book ...
Robovore IQ
Trading Sistemleri
Apr 14, 2010 at 22:51
In the book "Trading in the Zone" which really is about the psychology of money management, Mark Douglas gives a test for any trading system. Use the exact system for 20 trades. Trade 2 % of your account balance on each trade. St the conclusion of 20 trades, if you have not made a profit, you don't have a trading system. So 56 trades later, I'm down 1.4% so it is time to pull the plug. Thankfully this has excellent money management and for that reason the account still has 98% of the balance. But, it isn't making money. So either the mathematics behind the book are...
Robovore IQ
Trading Sistemleri
Apr 10, 2010 at 22:11
Well, this is a disappointing start for an EA that is touted to make about 10% a month or more safely. I do agree that it does use proper money management right out of the box unlike any of the other "commercial" EAs that I have tested.
A Secret
Trading Sistemleri
Apr 10, 2010 at 14:06
This is another example of a scalping EA that performs very well on demo but does not make the transition to live. If anyone is considering using a scalping EA, they need to test it live otherwise they are just wasting their time.
Shocker 2.0
Trading Sistemleri
Apr 10, 2010 at 14:02
On demo it has recovered from the loss due to the bad RR ratio but on live it is suffering badly. There is no real value of testing a scalping EA on a demo account and as such I am terminating the test.
Trading Sistemleri
Apr 10, 2010 at 14:00
I have not seen anything to indicate that this EA uses any sort of intelligence in its trading. The test is being ended.
Black Panther
Trading Sistemleri
Apr 10, 2010 at 13:59
I don't see much point in continuing this test. The documentation doesn't offer any insight on how or why it trades so there is no sense in continuing.
FX Brilliance
Trading Sistemleri
Apr 10, 2010 at 13:57
Well I have decided to end the test and get a refund. This is just another EA without a solid foundation.
Trading Sistemleri
Apr 10, 2010 at 13:56
Yes. I'm ending the test due to the poor RR ratio and poor money management - Opening 10 trades at one time??? Come on
Trading Sistemleri
Apr 09, 2010 at 17:03
Jeffstar - Here is the contact info: Denis Sotnikov
[email protected]
. He doesn't offer demo copies or refunds. Also, I would not be surprised if you have to write several times. It is not for the faint of heart as it trades counter trend, takes time to learn, and it is very broker dependent. If the broker filters or otherwise plays with the feed, you are unlikely to get any trades. Works best on ECNs.
Trading Sistemleri
Apr 09, 2010 at 10:36
For now, I'm living in Costa Rica but am considering another move maybe to to Panama or Uruguay.I think it is great that you are continuing to improve your EA and I wish more developers would put the time and effort into continually improving their products. I honestly believe that this EA has a lot of potential with the great win / loss rations more than 75% and 100% winning trades on the UJ. The only reason the account is negative is due to the lopsided SL to TP. There may be another way of managing the losses other than a large SL and I would be glad to discuss that with you private...
FX Brilliance
Trading Sistemleri
Apr 09, 2010 at 00:45
The only "Brilliance" I see here is how rapidly it cam lose 10%. Lets see where it is at the end of the month and make a decision then.
Trading Sistemleri
Apr 09, 2010 at 00:44
Well, the backtests showed a disaster. With its good money management it may still lose money but it will be a long painful ride. I'll give it a few more months of "sliding down the razor blade" before I pull the plug.
EAKain V1.03
Trading Sistemleri
Apr 09, 2010 at 00:42
Like it's newer version, this one bites the dust due to the poor RR ratio and will be deleted at the end of this month. Trade it at your own risk.
Robovore IQ
Trading Sistemleri
Apr 09, 2010 at 00:41
This EA is in its infancy. It lacks STP and ENC support and more importantly, it requires a tremendous amount of history to be on line. I can tell you that The Collective and Jade don't maintain the required history plus being STPs they are out of the question. Because the developer is open to fixing the issues and the strong money management, I will keep this here for one more month before making a final decision.Besides that it is the only one making money :)
A Secret
Trading Sistemleri
Apr 09, 2010 at 00:37
This is part of a subscription group and it definitely isn't worth paying for. Fortunately it was trading 0.01 lots on a live account but even at that level, it doesn't warrant the time to maintain it on my VPS. You can say good bye to it at the end of April.
Trading Sistemleri
Apr 09, 2010 at 00:35
Bad period to start or double trades - it really doesn't matter. BTW double trades also applied to the winning trades. In any event, this EA has proven that the RR ratios are not worthy of my investment. You may feel otherwise and I wish you the best of luck. This will be discontinued at the end of this month.
EAKain v1.04
Trading Sistemleri
Apr 09, 2010 at 00:33
Along with version 1.03, you can say good bye to this EA at the end of the month die to the terrible RR ratio.
Trading Sistemleri
Apr 09, 2010 at 00:32
After seeing the bad RR ratio this scalper is going into the digital dust bin along with so many others. You can say good bye to this at the end of April.
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