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forex_trader_113355 tarafından yazılan gönderiler
Trading Sistemleri
Sep 21, 2014 at 06:56
Hi ex4system,I used your mfm3 for my two live accounts and in both accounts I had huge loss so I stopped using it. If you have improved your EA, I will give another trial hoping to gain!! Can you send me you back test results for last two years and forward test for at least for 6 months. Please send me your EA as had taken license for two accounts for mfm3 and need to be upgraded.Regards,Dhiraj
BlueMonkey Real Money Live Test == Ended Oct 2014
Trading Sistemleri
Sep 21, 2014 at 06:51
Hi,So can you guide the group to set exactly what should be risk level means % loss at at that level it will close all trades in loss. Please share the test result if you have optimised the input data to the EA. This is very tight control Copier and not EA so you can not properly back test as per my understanding. Any way I stopped using it.Regards,Dhiraj
Trading Sistemleri
Sep 15, 2014 at 20:47
Your signal copier is not working. I wrote to support and there is no help!!Simple trader copier is hroble!! If you give contract to provider service for copying signal, I have a great system which copying 1000 customers in instance with very nominal fee per customer.Regards,Dhiraj
Trading Sistemleri
Sep 15, 2014 at 20:47
Your signal copier is not working. I wrote to support and there is no help!!Simple trader copier is hroble!! If you give contract to provider service for copying signal, I have a great system which copying 1000 customers in instance with very nominal fee per customer.Regards,Dhiraj
Trading Sistemleri
Sep 14, 2014 at 13:46
This is a problem of Simple Trader copier. Its a horrible copier. If author gives me contract to provide signal services I will provide best signal copier services with a very nominal charge per client.
BlueMonkey Real Money Live Test == Ended Oct 2014
Trading Sistemleri
Sep 14, 2014 at 13:45
Thanks! These information of back test and setting of of your EA must have been declared to all in advance so that they would have saved 30% which they lost caused by your EA setting as default.
BlueMonkey Real Money Live Test == Ended Oct 2014
Trading Sistemleri
Sep 13, 2014 at 10:27
Hi Alex,If EA detects news from your server then its copier and not EA. EA has to detect news directly from forexfactory.com or any independent web site. I am still not clear why your EA is still making profit whereas many users lost 30%? Please share your exact setting for the EA which is used in the account being displayed at myfxbook.com My trades never match with the trades taken by your EA on myfxbook.com I do understand intial capital and the initial lot size relations. Once you told me setting for one pair 0.02 with initial capital USD 1000. After that you told me initial lot 0.03 for ...
Sep 07, 2014 at 06:51
Hello!What is difference between "gits_DST" and "gits" scalper? The drawdown is less here. How can I get this scalper?Best Regards,Dhiraj
Sep 07, 2014 at 06:51
Hello!Seems a good scalper. Would you please share this scalper with me. Can you send me scalper please. Are you using in live account or demo?Best Regards,Dhiraj
Golden fx trader
Trading Sistemleri
Sep 05, 2014 at 07:49
Because of Draghi reduced EUR interest rate!!!
BlueMonkey Real Money Live Test == Ended Oct 2014
Trading Sistemleri
Sep 03, 2014 at 12:09
Hi Alex,Your EA has already caused 30% loss in my account and why your account is not showing loss???? It has closed all trades in loss when floating loss exceeded 30%. This EA need to be tested rigorously other wise it seems a scrape EA!!!!Lat time you checked this account and said your EA is having only 15% floating loss but now your EA closed all loosing trades at 30% floating loss. So this is an accepted risk! whereas the reward is not at all achieved.Regards,Dhiraj
BlueMonkey Real Money Live Test == Ended Oct 2014
Trading Sistemleri
Sep 02, 2014 at 10:04
Hi Alex,Please explain me about floating loss and EAs closing all trades at 30% loss. For example I am using your EA and manual trading and my floating loss is about 50% wherein your EA has contributed loss of 15% of total floating loss so in this case EA will ignore the floating loss due to manual trading or trading by another EA and consider its own floating loss 30% then it will close all trades with 30% loss??? My common understanding is that EA should consider over all money management and take/close trades based on that and not limited to its own trades in the account. Please clarify.Re...
BlueMonkey Real Money Live Test == Ended Oct 2014
Trading Sistemleri
Sep 02, 2014 at 06:28
Hi Alex,Thank you for checking my account. Sorry for inconvenience, yes, I agree that floating loss total is not only because of your EA as I do manual trading too. My worry is as follows:1. it jumped from 2.23 lots to took 25.49 lots against trend for EURUSD that is high risk2. It takes different trades in different accounts. in One account number of EURGBP trades are more than EURUSD trades and in another account number of EURUSD trades are more than EURUSD trades.Can you please explain why its like that?Best Regards,Dhiraj
BlueMonkey Real Money Live Test == Ended Oct 2014
Trading Sistemleri
Sep 02, 2014 at 06:27
I was waiting many hours, Password can not kept open for years for security reasons. You have to come at specified my time 5.30PM My time(+4GMT) to 9.30PM (+4GMT). I am running many MT4 and my presence is required when you come.
BlueMonkey Real Money Live Test == Ended Oct 2014
Trading Sistemleri
Sep 01, 2014 at 20:16
Hi Alex,Your EA is very dangerous, It has taken 18 trades of more than 2 lots each and one trade 24.60 lots all buy trades of EURUSD and EURUSD is going down. Drawdown is more than 50%, seems it will blow out the account. I sent many e-mail and waiting the rescue operation. Shall I hedge manually or your EA will take care?? I sent ID and Password for Teamviewer and still waiting for you to see your crazy EA!!!!Regards,Dhiraj
BlueMonkey Real Money Live Test == Ended Oct 2014
Trading Sistemleri
Aug 31, 2014 at 06:46
Can you tell who is your broker and VPS provider? and what are your EA settings?Regards,
BlueMonkey Real Money Live Test == Ended Oct 2014
Trading Sistemleri
Aug 30, 2014 at 13:34
Hi xxomen!Thanks for remembering ,me. I am trying all successful methods. Excellent-5, I forgot to top up money and its lost! Excellent-1 still kicking on! Excellent-5, the account is topped up afterward and trading is on, You will see big gain soon. Its doing well on PAMM accounts.
BlueMonkey Real Money Live Test == Ended Oct 2014
Trading Sistemleri
Aug 30, 2014 at 13:34
End of Friday I have follows trade active:Account1: EURUSD: 1 Buy trade from 25th still open , EURGBP: 7 trades opened on Friday and all are activeAccount2: EURUSD: 1 Buy trade opened on 16th still active and 4 new market trades opened and one buy limit pending order on Friday still active and EURGBP no trade opened.My question is that the same EA with same setting in two accounts why it is not taking same trades in both accounts?I appreciate your effort to resolve the issue.Regards,Dhiraj
BlueMonkey Real Money Live Test == Ended Oct 2014
Trading Sistemleri
Aug 30, 2014 at 13:33
My all orders are still open in floating loss!!!
BlueMonkey Real Money Live Test == Ended Oct 2014
Trading Sistemleri
Aug 30, 2014 at 11:44
I did not get profit but the floating loss is increasing so I hedge the position. Same EA is still running 1 BUY trade of EURUSD and SELL trade of EURGBP in my another account. The same EA is taking different trades in different account which is strange!! There is some deficiency in this EA which is reveled after I run it on two different accounts. I agree Waseem as it leaved trades unlinked and floating loss goes high.Alex, Please resolve this issue.
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