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Príspevky od forex_trader_12656
Obchodné systémy
May 22, 2011 at 17:11
This seems to be a really good system traded by a good trader. Almost one year there. Very best wishes for the years to come.
Where to Find the Fastest Forex News Feed?
May 21, 2011 at 20:35
Try, get the Feed Notifier freeware (RSS tray reader), configure for their RSS feed and set it to update every 1 minute. News will pop with only slight delay compared to paid services.
Clean up all the systems on this site.
May 21, 2011 at 06:07
hi edward,me because of few friends (not on MFB) looking if i managed to blow the acc already or still alive.. but i have a disclaimer in "general" tab for crazy ppl (already PM'd me to manage their money LOL)
May 20, 2011 at 19:22
oh well zero let's see what happens to scammers here on myfxbook.. bruce & co.. they may vanish but what with there trading accounts lol
Clean up all the systems on this site.
May 16, 2011 at 19:58
Rob,you are spot on, this site is misused by scammers in big style. But I really don't understand why you're categorizing this site to serve ONLY PROMOTING PURPOSES (promotion of anything; EAs, services, etc). It's the poor believing people searching for effortless income who's responsible for the unhappy situation. Just look around the forum - you will spot numerous inquires from people actually looking for traders to manage money.. "..please, please, take my money and double 'em every month" or so. AFAIK, myfxbook never encouraged anybody to join someone's s...
The Great Pretender
Apr 24, 2011 at 06:18
heh, this Great Pretender (just the name tells it !!!) is NOT a tradable strategy, it's an exploit of the metatrader strategy tester, just as all the miraculous EAs with gazillion gains alongside near zero drawdowns promoted on this site. Btw Sangmane is one of the most honest people I have seen over at FF, and a great coder. He just pointed to the numerous nonsensical scams luring all over here to catch poor believers like you and rip them off their money. Don't ever rely on a backtest judging a strategy and ignore the impossible - that's the warning message behind The Great Prete...
ATC Brokers
Dec 04, 2010 at 18:41
Instant execution. You can control slippage and place market orders along with stop and target levels. But ATC doesn't quote the prices as market makers do, they use STP to process the order via ECN to the market. Their LP is FXCM so I guess your orders get matched with 1) banks connected to FXCM liquidity pool and 2) clients of ATC, FXCM and maybe even Deutsche Bank retail ( But the last is my speculation only. I'm trading live with them for a short period of time to make ultimate judgements but I have made almost 200 trades with market orders already and the execution is re...
Use of martingale strategy
Skúsení obchodníci
Nov 27, 2010 at 19:48
Wise words.. if there were only the math (and no psychological) issues involved in practical trading, it would be a bit different animal ;-).. May I have a question? What markets do you trade/were trading?
Use of martingale strategy
Skúsení obchodníci
Nov 27, 2010 at 17:28
Hi Karlo,seeing this is your 1st post here, welcome :-). Wow, since '88 ? A lot of respect to you.This depends on initial trade size. It can last more than that and/or have a higher probability of not blowing the entire account. But would I initially trade one microlot with a million dollar account if I knew it is prone to kill it? Even if the chance would be 1% in 100 years; that event might come just tomorrow. Am I willing to watch huge drawdowns shooting for a few bucks? No thanks. The profits aimed for never outweigh the risk with martingale. And due to unpredictable exponential drawdo...
Skúsení obchodníci
Nov 24, 2010 at 08:54
Welcome here, Dustin :-).. great post.
Obchodné systémy
Nov 19, 2010 at 22:27
winner winner chicken dinnerpreliminary congrats 😉
Skúsení obchodníci
Nov 18, 2010 at 01:06
and last but not least:I think the OP talks about inconsistencies resulting from poor psychology and MM - about the cases the trader becomes overconfident and rises his trade size in a rush to make more.. but such a problem is not lots; it's an overshoot of RISK EXPOSURE with that particular trade.. And that's not the same; LOT SIZE IS NOT RISK. LOT SIZE IS AN ATTRIBUTE OF RISK. There have to be some serious money management flaws. Maybe the trader has a working system, but I personally can't imagine any single trade would wipe my previous 5 profits. Yes, there are losing streaks. ...
Skúsení obchodníci
Nov 18, 2010 at 00:23
I set my stop where the market tells me I'm wrong. The size of the stop depends mostly on market volatility. There's no euphoria. I don't care for lot size. I may even don't know how many lots I have on stake. But I have to know that my stop is placed sensibly and that my risk is 1% of equity. I need to see momentum (first signs at best). Then have to see some "room" for the trade to go the right direction; twice the stop size at least. That's all.Then:If I trade one lot with a 50 pips stop (very high volatility) and hitting it makes a 1% loss, then I lose 1% of ...
Use of martingale strategy
Skúsení obchodníci
Nov 16, 2010 at 15:14
it's not only important - it's the only thing that matters. Any long-term losing trading system with martingale will behave the same way in the long run: the sum of account blowouts will always exceed the sum of money withdrawn from its previous profits. And if the system is profitable as-is, its gains can be maximized with a lot of safe money management strategies. In fact, ANY money management approach (whether it's martingale or not) will NOT save any system with negative expectancy; I recommend Van K. Tharp's books to anyone who would like to get a clear insight in this.But...
Use of martingale strategy
Skúsení obchodníci
Nov 12, 2010 at 18:50
The whole idea doesn't make any sense. There's always some trading strategy (trading system) inside and if this strategy is not viable (won't make money in the long run without martingale), then the whole model is doomed to fail, regardless of when/how much to withdraw etc.Let's take a true random system with equal stop and target; its equity curve will go down. That's because of the transaction costs involved in any single trade. Use martingale and the curve will grow as long as consecutive loss count doesn't exceed the margin. You can attempt to withdraw any portions ...
Skúsení obchodníci
Nov 12, 2010 at 14:48
It's a matter of preferences. For me, initial stop loss size of every single trade is the factor determining the lot size, hand in hand with a fixed fraction of account equity I'm willing to risk. In my case, this is 1%. My init stop is never fixed but adjusted to market - I'm putting it exactly there where the market will eventually show me I was wrong so the stop placement is always depending on recent price action. Therefore, my lot sizes can't be constant and have to vary. This actually allows me to apply consistent MM rules and has nothing to do with the technical / statis...
ATC Brokers
Nov 11, 2010 at 20:27
ATC provides a leverage of 1:50 to US residents only. For non-US accounts, the leverage jumped to 1:200 recently. The $8/RT commission is not bad at all, considering that it's not per 100K USD but per 100K base currency! So the commission is less then $6/standard lot of EURUSD and less than $5/standard lot of cable atm. Round-turn. They are tied to FXCM very closely but their approach, proprietary MT4 bridge and access to liquidity (not the same as retail FXCM ECN) make it a different story. I'm not affilated to them in any way, just a very-near-future client who hopes to be satisfied....
Time based equity graphs for individual trades
Box s návrhmi
Aug 16, 2010 at 08:18
perfect, thank you!!
suggestion fr
Aug 13, 2010 at 14:58
thx for the tip :-)
Time based equity graphs for individual trades
Box s návrhmi
Aug 13, 2010 at 14:57
I know equity stats are addressed by many suggestions here, but even if my suggestion is not of the simplest kind, it would be imho revolutionary to implement in the future:Graphs not only for gain/balance/pips etc. A graphed history with EQUITY is what I've searched for all over the various stats sites. Such an equity/balance graph would have to be time based; it would show entry & exit of the trade AND changing level of equity between them. Technically, there shouldn't be a problem. The site could even use relevant broker feeds for the construction of such a graph, although using...
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