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Aug 05, 2016 at 03:58
Hello,Although a big DD, still very interested to see the monthly updates. As long as the account is not being blown up, it is worth the risk, because of the small initial investment !So please go on and update both your Myfxbook accounts. Maurice
Alvin-Trader v1.2
Obchodné systémy
Feb 17, 2016 at 08:19
Hello CKDORgay, I looked at the charts, but you uploaded two different charts, GBPUSD and EURUSD, so it not possible to see the differences. Regards,Maurice
BlueMonkey Real Money Live Test == Ended Oct 2014
Obchodné systémy
Sep 18, 2014 at 08:00
Hello Atssie,The same happened to me. At this moment the EA has a drawdown of $ 306, - with an accountbalance of $ 952,- dollars, see the stats of FPA.The risk is now 31 % which is more than the official 30% risk. The vendor is not using the 30% account balance risk, otherwise he would have been stopped out now.I am becoming more and more disappointed because there is no stop on the gridtrading activity, so taking unneccessary risks. What I also do not understand, why is this EA always taking contrary trades and trading with reversals. It should be much easier to go with the trend and also ...
BlueMonkey Real Money Live Test == Ended Oct 2014
Obchodné systémy
Sep 11, 2014 at 09:55
Hi Alex,Is a VPS a virtual Private Server ? I have no VPS and using my computer as a workstation for Forex platforms.Is a VPS a better solution for trading instead of using my own computer, regarding speed, better connections, etc. ? What do you recommend ? The only way to have a look in my computer is with Teamviewer. We have then to make an appointment, which day, time, takiing recognition of the time difference of about 6 hours, etc. An other question : could the spreads be a cause for not trading as often ? The spreads with Alparii : EURUSD = 1,5 and EURGBP 2.1 pips. So please let me kno...
BlueMonkey Real Money Live Test == Ended Oct 2014
Obchodné systémy
Sep 10, 2014 at 18:42
Dear Alex, I have only three selltrades EURGPB last week until now , while in the meantime at the FPA site, BM has made about 10 selltrades My leverage is 1:300. I do not understand, why the EA is trading so little, compared to your forex Platform. Please can you help me ? Regards, Maurice van Mourik
BlueMonkey Real Money Live Test == Ended Oct 2014
Obchodné systémy
Sep 08, 2014 at 11:40
Hello Atsie,One more thing : if you choose for 1/3 of the risk, there is also a bigger chance being stopped out too early. This EA needs more "trading room", because of the nature of gridtrading. When the lotsize and the leverage are small enough, I think, the chances of being stopped out, will be less. Everything depends on the right and exact calculation of this EA, when it is taking a reversal trade. In that case it needs a lot of room for its trades. In the beginning I found this rather scary, because when you are trading manually, you will take only a risk of 2,5 % on your ...
BlueMonkey Real Money Live Test == Ended Oct 2014
Obchodné systémy
Sep 08, 2014 at 11:36
Hello Atsie,thank you very much for your reaction. I think, that with your account of 4500+ you have much more room dealing with large drawdowns, although your lotsizes will be also bigger. It simply depends on the relation betwee the lotsize and the risklevel, i.d. stoploss level. With my account of 485,- euro's my room for drawdowns is supposedly more thight. When this forex stom again will happen, like last week with the EURGBP, I have to quit some trades, in order to diminish the drawdowns and avoiding being stopped out. When the trading goes well again, I will try a leverage of 1:...
BlueMonkey Real Money Live Test == Ended Oct 2014
Obchodné systémy
Sep 03, 2014 at 12:07
Hi Alex, The EA should be able to trade with the trend when this trend is becoming firmer and stronger. Now the EA is trading with a "reversal "strategy . The advantage is, that you are in the trade, but have to wait if all the reversals will end with a profit. So in a way it can be risky ! What is the opinion about this ?Maurice
BlueMonkey Real Money Live Test == Ended Oct 2014
Obchodné systémy
Sep 03, 2014 at 12:07
Hi,I fully agree with you, that the EA should be able to take the opposite side as the up trend becomes firmer and stronger. Now the EA is trading with a "reversal "strategy . The advantage is, that you are in the trade, but have to wait if all the reversals will be won with a profit. So in a way it can be risky ! What is the opinion of Blue Monkey / Alex about this ?Maurice
BlueMonkey Real Money Live Test == Ended Oct 2014
Obchodné systémy
Sep 03, 2014 at 07:25
Hi Askew8,this EA needs a lverage of 1:300, in order to survive.Today I lost 248,- euro's because of hitting the stoploss. I used a leverage of 1:500, but could not change it, because of all the trading activity and hoping that the stoploss will not been meanwhile hit. Also I changed now the lotsize to 0.02 on both pairs. It happened with a loss of 248,- euro loss, an expensive lesson. Still I think this EA has good qualities. Regards,Maurice
BlueMonkey Real Money Live Test == Ended Oct 2014
Obchodné systémy
Sep 01, 2014 at 06:59
Hi Alex,The pair which is causing the big drawdwon, is the EURGBP.Regards,Maurice
BlueMonkey Real Money Live Test == Ended Oct 2014
Obchodné systémy
Sep 01, 2014 at 06:59
Alex,I am now minus 114,- euro's and the profits of the last two weeks are at stake at this moment. I still do not understand the strategy of this EA, because it had been a lot easier to make a profit by selling and not buying. From other e-mails I understood, that the EA is expecting a reversal, but when and how will this happen ???Can you explain this strategy and the reasons behind it ?Maurice
BlueMonkey Real Money Live Test == Ended Oct 2014
Obchodné systémy
Aug 30, 2014 at 11:56
Hi Alex, Today I sent this e-mail to Parlavink. I would be happy, if you will answer my e-mail, sent to Parlavink. regards,Maurice
BlueMonkey Real Money Live Test == Ended Oct 2014
Obchodné systémy
Aug 30, 2014 at 11:56
Hi Parlavink, I have the same as you, but find it quite scary, because I am now minus 81,- euro's . The profits of the two last weeks are at stake at this moment. I still do not understand the strategy of this EA, because it had been a lot easier to make a profit by selling and not buying. From other e-mails I understood, that the EA is expecting a reversal, but when and how will this happen ???Perhaps can Alex explain this strategy and the reasons behind it ?Maurice P.s. are you Dutch, looking at your flag of your e-mail ?
BlueMonkey Real Money Live Test == Ended Oct 2014
Obchodné systémy
Aug 23, 2014 at 07:29
Hi Alex,The EA is now working very well during the last three days and made a profit of 32,- euros with starting accountbalance of 542,- euro's . So that is about 6% in three days, not bad. I am only wondering why the lotsizeof all my trades is 0.02, while at myfxbook, the lotsize of your EA is varying between 0.05-0.15 and with a much smaller accountbalance My question is why there are these differences and how the lotsize of my account will develop in the coming month's. The default lotsize is now set on 0.04. Is the default setting of your EA at myfxbook the same as mine in orde...
BlueMonkey Real Money Live Test == Ended Oct 2014
Obchodné systémy
Aug 12, 2014 at 07:31
Hey Growforex,Can you explain me, where I can find custom analysis om myfxbook and how to use it ?Thanks,Maurice
BlueMonkey Real Money Live Test == Ended Oct 2014
Obchodné systémy
Aug 12, 2014 at 07:30
BlueMonkey Real Money Live Test == Ended Oct 2014
Obchodné systémy
Aug 12, 2014 at 06:34
Hey Growforex,Can you explain me, where I can find custom analysis om myfxbook and how to use it ? Thanks,Maurice
BlueMonkey Real Money Live Test == Ended Oct 2014
Obchodné systémy
Aug 06, 2014 at 19:15
Hi Alex,Can you explain (shortly) how the reversal strategy is working , as used by your EA ? Is this strategy risky, because of the drawdowns of 15-20% of the accountbalance ? What is the risk of this strategy ? It seems, that this strategy is one of more ?What are the other strategies, how are these working (shortly) and what are the risks ? regards,Maurice van Mourik
BlueMonkey Real Money Live Test == Ended Oct 2014
Obchodné systémy
Aug 04, 2014 at 06:42
Hi Alex,to be clear with my previous question about "handling these risks/drawdowns "safely"" : I do not expect 100 % wins, only a positive win/loss ratio, lets say 70-80%. regards,Maurice van Mourik
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