EuroDoublerEA (Od eurodoublerea)
Používateľ nastavil svoju stratégiu ako súkromnú.
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EuroDoublerEA Diskusia
Členom od Jul 02, 2020
1 príspevkov
Členom od Jun 01, 2020
1 príspevkov
Členom od Jul 04, 2020
2 príspevkov
Členom od Dec 20, 2019
23 príspevkov
Jul 10, 2020 at 11:45
Členom od Dec 20, 2019
23 príspevkov
Hi! I think the author did a great job on his system. Only system isn't enough to become a profitable trader, but if you use it fully, it can surprise you with the results. The main thing is not to forget to constantly check and improve the system, because the market is also constantly changing, and the system will no longer be as relevant and accurate as you would like it to be.

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