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Winsor's Five Trading EAs in Real Time
Negociantes Experientes
Jul 28, 2010 at 03:50
Thanks DoubleTrap, greatly appreciate!
Winsor's Five Trading EAs in Real Time
Negociantes Experientes
Jul 28, 2010 at 03:08
DoubleTrap,Thanks for joining our discussion. If you are concerned about viruses, you could scan the exe file first before running it. If you scan through all of the posts, none of the users have complained about virus.Can I get one of the volunteers to vouch/response to Double Trap that there are no viruses in the attachment?My EAs are based on swing methodology with a maximum stop loss of 120 pips and a maximum take profit of 280. The last three winning trades of Haley were 740 pips. My EAs are not based on indicators and I don't like scalping. For those that want to download the 5 Exper...
Winsor's Five Trading EAs in Real Time
Negociantes Experientes
Jul 27, 2010 at 17:32
Hi Lu18,Thanks for testing our expert advisors and posting your observation. We understand your concerns, and are working on a pricing scheme that will accommodate small accounts. One of the proposals is volunteers. If you help out promoting our automated trading systems, you will get to use our trading systems for free. 😎If anyone has ideas and comments, please let me know what you think.
Winsor's Five Trading EAs in Real Time
Negociantes Experientes
Jul 27, 2010 at 02:51
Haley’s subsystem 5 hits its take profit today at 8:41 for 200 pips. For the past three trades, we gained a total of 740 pips. It demonstrates our sound trading methodology. Since May 21, 2010, Haley has gained 1,850 pips after 152 trades. Our average wins are 125 pips, and our average losses are 77 pips with a winning percentage of 44%. Our best trade is 280 pips, and our worst trade is 120 pips. Since May 21 to July 26, 2010, Jasmine has gained 2,470 pips, and Leah has gained 2,530 pips. Some months are going to be stellar while other months are slow. Remember our fundamental goal o...
Winsor's Five Trading EAs in Real Time
Negociantes Experientes
Jul 24, 2010 at 04:43
The two GBPUSD buy trades of Haley’s subsystems 1 and 2 hit their take profits today. That was nice since subsystem 1 achieved 280 pips and subsystem 2 achieve 260 pips. On July 22 at 13:00, subsystem 5 has entered the GBPUSD buy trade at 1.5285 with a stop loss of 80 pips and a take profit of 200 pips. There was a possibility that subsystem 5 was going to be late to the buy festivity. The Pound rocketed up and we are currently floating with 131 pips in profit. See attached chart. http://www.myfxbook.com/files/winsor/HaleyJuly23.png
Winsor's Five Trading EAs in Real Time
Negociantes Experientes
Jul 23, 2010 at 04:25
Yesterday July 21 at 21:00, Haley’s subsystems 1 and 2 entered the GBPUSD buy trades at 1.5147. Subsystem 1 uses a stop loss of 120 pips with a take profit of 280 pips while subsystem 2 uses a stop loss of 100 pips with a take profit of 260 pips. Our fundamental for profitable trading is to use a slightly large stop loss with a greater take profit trade. Since we can’t always predict the market, we ensure that we make more profit when we are correct. Most trading systems out there are based on scalping with 90% winning percentage because they use a small take profit with a very la...
Winsor's Five Trading EAs in Real Time
Negociantes Experientes
Jul 22, 2010 at 04:47
July 20 Update.I haven’t talked much about Leah; hence, I will cover it today. Many people have asked: why do you have 3 systems trading the EURUSD? It is because Jasmine can open up as many as 6 open trades and Sienna can open up as many as 8 open trades. The original intent was for Leah to open up as many as 7 open trades. I have yet to find a solution that would satisfy all of my requirements; hence, Leah is currently remained at a maximum of 6 open trades. Although Jasmine, Leah, and Sienna all trade the EURUSD; however, they are based on different strategies, different stop losses a...
Jul 22, 2010 at 04:46
Brokers hate scalpers; hence, this strategy will not work on real account.
An stable expert advisor for 1000 Euro
Negociantes Experientes
Jul 21, 2010 at 15:58
Alex,You must understand that risk and reward go hand-in-hand. You should focus on getting 40% per annum then you risk will go down.
Winsor's Five Trading EAs in Real Time
Negociantes Experientes
Jul 21, 2010 at 15:45
Forex trading is a journey and it will take time to accumulate experience. Slow down Horse97 and read the daily journal. Trading is 70% psychology, 20% money management and 10% method. I am showing you the method right now. Even if you rush to learn the method, you will still need to learn the money management and the psychology.
Winsor's Five Trading EAs in Real Time
Negociantes Experientes
Jul 21, 2010 at 05:34
Here you go!http://www.myfxbook.com/files/winsor/CTSFOREX_dot_COM.zip
Winsor's Five Trading EAs in Real Time
Negociantes Experientes
Jul 21, 2010 at 04:32
The British pound vacillated 151 pips today with a roller coaster ride down and then up. Haley’s subsystem 1 finally closed its sell trade with a profit of 20 pips. As for subsystems 5 and 8, both sell trades got stopped out with 80 pips each. Our subsystem 3 was a casualty of this strong moment where it entered the buy trade on July 20 at 07:00 and got stopped out at 100 pips. Our subsystem 2 was correct in guessing the uptrend. Presently, we have 5 subsystems with all buy trades and a floating profit of 100 pips. Forex trading is a marathon that should be counted in years not days or m...
Winsor's Five Trading EAs in Real Time
Negociantes Experientes
Jul 20, 2010 at 02:16
Update for July 19, 2010.Haley continues to hold its sell trade on Friday, July 16 at 18:00. This trade was opened by subsystem 1 and is currently in profit of 52 pips. Today, subsystem 5 and subsystem 8 also open two more sell trades of the GBPUSD at 17:00 and 19:00. An interesting development occurred at 22:00, subsystem 2 has entered a buy trade at 1.52345 with a stop loss of 100 pips and a take profit of 260 pips. As it stands, 3 subsystems believe that it is a down trend for the Pounds; whereas, subsystem 2 thinks that it is an uptrend for the Pounds. Stay tune to see what happened next.
Winsor's Five Trading EAs in Real Time
Negociantes Experientes
Jul 18, 2010 at 03:56
On July 16 at 10:00, Jasmine’s subsystem 1 entered a EURUSD sell trade at 1.29406 with a stop loss of 80 pips and a take profit of 260 pips. The previous ten days high of the EURUSD is 1.3006. Within the same day at 19:00, subsystems 3 and 4 also entered their sell trade at 1.29153 and 1.29168 respectively. Subsystem 3 uses a stop loss of 100 pips and a take profit of 240 pips while the subsystem 4 uses a stop loss of 100 pips and a take profit of 220 pips. Since May 21, 2010 to July 16, 2010, Jasmine has gained a total of 3,000 pips in less than 2 months. If you are trading this system ...
Drawdown Calculation
Caixa de Sugestões
Jul 16, 2010 at 18:06
People who trade without stop loss will always get very high winning percentage; however, the risk in their accounts is also very high. The drawdown is reflected by measuring peak to trough distance.
An stable expert advisor for 1000 Euro
Negociantes Experientes
Jul 16, 2010 at 17:56
I agree with you to certain extend. I have been following my demo accounts and my real accounts for the past 15 months and the results more or less do correlate. It depends on the trading styles. My trading style is swing; hence, I don't have the same problem as those using scalping methodologies.
Standard SMAs
Novos Negociantes
Jul 16, 2010 at 17:43
When using SMA, note that there is a big difference between open and close price setting. Do you know how to set the open and close price setting in SMA? It is important to select a trading tool but it is more important to understand how the tool works instead of using it because everyone else is using it.
hi. I'm new to forex trading.
Novos Negociantes
Jul 16, 2010 at 17:38
For new traders, don't even think about trading real money until you practice trading demo account for one year. During this time, read and learn as much as you can.
Winsor's Five Trading EAs in Real Time
Negociantes Experientes
Jul 16, 2010 at 01:47
On July 15, 2010, at 16:00 Haley was stopped out on 3 consecutive sell trades. Two GBPUSD sell trades were opened on July 15 at 04:00 and one sell trade opened at 09:00 on the same day. Our stop losses for the three sell trades were 100 pips, 102 pips and 120 pips. We lose 322 pips within a span of 4 hours because the GBPUSD rocketed up for 220 pips. Do you see why it is necessary to trade with a stop loss? Without the stop losses, our three trades would have caused us a loss of 660 pips. On the bright side, we just made a string of winning trades: 260 pips, 169 pips, 136 pips, 136 pips, 200 p...
Winsor's Five Trading EAs in Real Time
Negociantes Experientes
Jul 15, 2010 at 05:01
Haley’s subsystems 1 & 5 continue to hold their GBPUSD buy positions since July 13 at price 1.5106. The total floating profit of the two trades is over 300 pips. Most manual traders would exit; however, our automated forex trading system is extremely discipline. It would only exit a trade based on 4 conditions:1) The stop loss is hit.2) The take profit is achieved.3) The moment has subsided and the trade is exited prior hitting the stop loss or take profit.4) The market condition has reversed. The current trade is close and a reverse trade is opened. Only July 15 at 04:00, subsy...
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