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Sistemas de Negociação
Feb 18, 2010 at 22:37
Introducing Release 3.0 of the Volatility Trader software.This set-up is running on an account that was previously used with earlier versions of some of our other software. (Hence the custom start date.)Since its start-up on February 3, this account is running with a set of 8 signals generated by our software:The strongest of our earlier set, developed during December 2009:a) vtr3b(21)1: vl28/td5b) vtr3b(21)2: vl60/td180c) vtr3b(21)3: vl140/td220The "new-improved" "vl80" set, featuring tighter stops, developed during January 2010:d) vtr3b(31)15: vl80/td240 (contrarian mode...
Sistemas de Negociação
Feb 18, 2010 at 22:16
Another update...VTr3 is proving very effective, now that we have resolved the problem of the overly large losses that we were taking a few weeks ago by replacing some of the weaker models with better ones that take smaller losses when necessary. The resulting set-up looks like it should be able to do 10% a month quite easily without much risk exposure.Our trades are still open for viewing, analysis, and comments from the public. We are moving forward with the signal service, currently running a test client/server signal environment that is working quite well.If you wish, see the "volit...
System not updating, nor does it show in list of systems
Feb 17, 2010 at 16:26
Just an update on the situation here:It seems like some of my MT4 platforms stop sending if the cpu in question is really busy so it helps to find a machine that is not too busy. When I do that the system -r30-LIVE-A set-up keeps updating. So thanks for the tip about restarting MT4. I can't do that as the systems are trading live but on the other hand I can monitor the account from non-live set-ups and send the data from those and that is working good now.BUT there's another oddity now -- I've got a custom start date on volatility-trader-r30-LIVE-A but for some odd reason it has...
Forex Robot World Cup - A Scam?
Feb 17, 2010 at 03:49
Hey wilkinson --The other day I was on their site. I watched the video till they mentioned "dna". That's when I killed the window. I've coded lots of mq4, but not a single line of dna. I feel sorry for people that happen on their website and don't know any better than to close that window fast.
Forex Robot World Cup - A Scam?
Feb 15, 2010 at 04:16
Wouldn't submit a winning EA even if they paid thousands to submit it and did NOT include those terms. Anyone who's got a winning EA would be insane to release it to anyone, let alone an outfit that could simply be trying to scam people out of their code!How about they pay us the $100,000 price money up front and then we'll give them rights to trade a single copy of our EA. But they can't have any marketing rights.
System not updating, nor does it show in list of systems
Feb 11, 2010 at 20:37
thx, t.
System not updating, nor does it show in list of systems
Feb 11, 2010 at 04:08
Well, you're right about setting the selection criteria to get the system to show-up of course. But I still don't know why.It does get listed if I select "Show systems where profit is at MOST 0%" but that does not make sense to me at all as the profit is currently 1.7%. If I choose "Show systems where profit is at LEAST 0%" it does not show up at 1.7% in the 1%-2% range.This is what I'm referring to with it not showing-up in the list. If I set the parameters incorrectly it shows up. If I set them correctly it does not. Is it possible that this is due to usi...
Sistemas de Negociação
Feb 11, 2010 at 02:45
Quick update on our system.We have been running the "sustainable" losses set-up since February 5 and it has been working very well. The system is making good consistent gains and taking small losing trades here and there when it needs to. Overall the performance seems to be much better. We plan to go live with a signal service with the new set-up sometime in the next little while.The Volatility Trader signal service will provide fully automated copying of our account activity into clients accounts. Currently in the planning stage, with anticipated roll-out in the next month or so...
System not updating, nor does it show in list of systems
Feb 08, 2010 at 23:25
Hey there tech support...Any idea why one of my systems is not updating, nor does it show up in the list of systems? I can help troubleshoot this with you if it turns out to be an issue on your end. It's also possible I've got a setting wrong but I don't think so as it's like my other one that is working in all respects... Any assistance would be appreciated!thx, t.
Equity vs. Balance
Caixa de Sugestões
Feb 06, 2010 at 04:25
Did not know it was requested before, but I'm glad to hear that and that it's in the works. Looking forward to seeing it.thx, t.
Equity vs. Balance
Caixa de Sugestões
Feb 05, 2010 at 19:05
Hi there...The true value of any given system at any given point in time is measured by EQUITY, not BALANCE.If one were to close all open trades at market right now, the balance will adjust to equity, as opposed to the equity adjusting to balance.I believe a fundamental problem with the reporting of system performance in MyFXBook (which I think is a great platform by the way) is that the true value of systems is by default obscured by balance emphasis instead of equity emphasis. My suggestion is that all of the primary reporting of system performance be by equity ranking, not balance ranking....
Sistemas de Negociação
Feb 05, 2010 at 06:57
Well...It's clear that the big stop set-up is a problem, but we already knew that.The plan is to remove the most frequent / largest stop combination, that uses a VL40 & TD360 combination and works with an initial stop of 450 pips. While it has made some good wins in January the losses are simply too big when they hit.In the meantime a new set-up that is designed to trade with SUSTAINABLE losses is being plugged in. As a result the chart activity will look significantly different going forward.
Sistemas de Negociação
Feb 03, 2010 at 05:35
About what you wrote -- in the context of our overly large hard stops you are absolutely right about the curve fitting issue. So as you are suggesting, for the past few days our emphasis has been on coming up with a configuration that takes many small losses but even more larger wins.That's exactly what is running now on another account -- a set-up that enters about 100 trades per month with 57% or so winning and those winning trades being about 57% on average larger than the losers.That release of the Volatility Trader (r3), running with this new configuration, will be under the account ...
Sistemas de Negociação
Feb 02, 2010 at 05:16
Thank-you wilkinson, there does seem to be some good potential.Lately we have been working with signals that go long and short on cable simultaneously with very strong historical back testing results (some with 100% accuracy, both sides -- short and long, 6 months backtesting.) Again here though the trouble is the size of the stops. With that in mind the extreme potential losses and gains as well as averages are being computed for these set-ups using FX options to protect the positions.In testing the main set-ups under review the results are encouraging, with only 2.3 winning trades on avera...
Sistemas de Negociação
Feb 01, 2010 at 17:06
Feb 1/10 update:Well, we knew it had to happen sooner or later. Interestingly we had a solid month of gains without a single loss, and then it only took one loss to wipe out half of the gains.Obviously the "Achilles heel" of our system is the SIZE of the losses. The winning trade rate is fantastic, but if a single loss takes out 2 weeks' earnings then either we need a near 100% success rate or we need to manage the loss size somehow.Accordingly we are working on determining if some combination of new modeling with tighter stops and/or FX options (as insurance) and/or fully hedg...
Sistemas de Negociação
Jan 25, 2010 at 19:35
2010 January 25 update:Still going strong; still batting 100 so to speak. Interestingly we are getting differing signals at this point suggesting a potential for another drop in cable over the next few days. (The instance that is signaling short is 100% accurate in 6 month back-testing, so it will be interesting to see if it holds.) Also, due to the differing short-term and medium term signals, the system is currently hedging across chart instances.Anyway, comments from experienced traders in the gallery are welcome. We have noticed that martingale set-ups and locked open trades are not ap...
Sistemas de Negociação
Jan 21, 2010 at 14:33
Just a quick update... With the GBPUSD cross hitting new low territory last night (during the euro session that is) the system closed out its short positions to maintain its 100% average. Will be interesting to see how long it can keep up this accuracy rate.Note that VTr2 is expected to trade with decent accuracy (at this point!) but not 100% ongoing so if you are following our open trades please be careful as there are no guarantees!thx, t.
Tracking my resume
Negociantes Experientes
Jan 19, 2010 at 20:23
(That's because the central nervous system is extremely difficult to transplant successfully... And borrowing is probably a mistake anyway - I would suggest a full organ donation programme.)
Sistemas de Negociação
Jan 15, 2010 at 17:05
Thank-you pavelr.Our long GBPUSD positions closed today with over 100 pips each... We'll see next how it does on these new short side positions. Still 100% after a couple of weeks.
Sistemas de Negociação
Jan 12, 2010 at 18:14
FX Traders,Introducing the latest version of the "Volatility Trader" (Rel. 2.0) running live on a $30K account. All details are pretty much wide open at this point. Currently batting 100% after a week or so -- of course that can change at any time.As far as can be understood from the design work and testing, this automation could work out well. We've got nothing to hide and a lot to gain if it works, so we thought we would just open it up and let it run. Be advised that there is some potential for floating losses as this is not a scalping system. That being said, VTr2 does n...
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