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Million Dollar Pips
Sistemas de Negociação
Oct 31, 2011 at 09:07
Slug16 is a bot that uses a strategy similar to MDP, it enters the trades earlier and profits from the price movements of MDP. It sometimes counter trades MDP depending on the force of the price movement.
Million Dollar Pips
Sistemas de Negociação
Oct 31, 2011 at 09:06
As someone who trades the DMA book I can confirm that you are 100% incorrect. If you was right and I was wrong I wouldn't be making money, I'd be loosing consistently, because my own trading strategy is dependant on riding off the back of large traders.Gaps occur when supply or demand is grocely inbalanced, your broker cannot prevent gaps, no matter how he chooses to fill clients orders the gap is still there because it has been created by the market as a whole.You are right MDP's spread detection will stop it entering a lot of gaps, but believe me the day when liquidity is there b...
Million Dollar Pips
Sistemas de Negociação
Oct 31, 2011 at 08:30
This professor53 VPS thing is the biggest lol I have ever seen. The accounts on his server are all doing worse than most vps's. All he is doing is creating extra accounts on his VPS's VPS and selling them as "private servers" LOL Ask him for the ip address of your "private server" and perform a traceroute, I bet it'll come back to a well known VPS.here is my account,http://www.myfxbook.com/members/leerees/live-strategy-testing/141252look from sep11 onwards, it was at this point that I started counter trading MDP with slug16.Judging by all the wins you'd thin...
Live Strategy Testing
Sistemas de Negociação
Oct 26, 2011 at 16:30
delorean,I tried FXopen but they want $5k to open the ECN account, unfortunately I don't have $5k to spare. I don't want to open a market maker pamm as it will perform badly for scalps.Update:Blue hogs is still not finished. I am working on 2 new systems which are showing promise aswell, 1 is a stat arb based on correlation and the other is a neurel net that employs it's own risk A.I. As you may or may not know I'm relatively new to programming so for me things take time as I often have to seek help from more experience programmers, especially when working with octave, more oft...
Blown Accounts, Deleted Systems & Deleted Users (Commercial)
Oct 26, 2011 at 11:58
As account managers the issue we are faced with is 2 fold.If we delete badly performing accounts we are seen as scam, whereas if we show bad accounts people think our good accounts are unsafe.I keep 2 accounts on myfxbook, my strategy testing account, and my managed account. Both use real money, I use the strategy testing account to develop future trading systems. The strategy testing account has ups and down, whereas the managed account has a smooth equity curve.test account:http://www.myfxbook.com/members/leerees/live-strategy-testing/141252live managed account:http://www.myfxbook.com/member...
Live Strategy Testing
Sistemas de Negociação
Oct 04, 2011 at 20:49
Update:I manually stopped out blue hogs for a £160ish pound loss. I've since disabled blue hogs temporarilly as this part of the live account and demo account experiment is complete.Despite the close, blue hogs has still generated £100 profit on this account but the lesson has been invaluable in helping me to modify this strategy. The appropriate equity protection (stop losses) will now be added to enable blue hogs to cope with the more trendier EUR/USD, this final change should hopefully be the last leg of the testing phase. Blue hogs should then be able to run without manual ...
Blue Hogs V1 (Test)
Sistemas de Negociação
Oct 04, 2011 at 20:43
Blue hogs lost out to a highly trending market. This experiment has been very valuable in allowing me to assess draw downs in relation to pip movements and I now have a crystal clear vision of how equity protection will be applied to protect the balance and profits. Since my first post I've discovered a way for stop losses (equity protection) to be used in a profitable way by allowing blue hogs to place them around supply and demand zones.I will restart this experiment with equity protection in the next few days, the strategy has proven that it is capable of producing absolutely phenominal...
Million Dollar Pips
Sistemas de Negociação
Sep 27, 2011 at 09:35
I'm not here to brag, I'm trying to warn people away, especially newbies. I'm hoping the newbies will read my posts and think twice.Of course if they are just going to argue and call me a lier then it's their loss isn't it, I tried and in my book that's the karma rebalanced ;-).
Million Dollar Pips
Sistemas de Negociação
Sep 27, 2011 at 09:30
LOL, you are wrong, you do not have to be a broker, anyone can target anyone, be it on a 5min chart or a 3s "chart", as for HFT's well institutional HFT's provide the majority of liquidity to the market, without the HFT's there are wide spreads. They arb out the spread differences, but they also run bots to counter commercial EA's. I have one of them running on my system right now. I can't be bothered to provide youtube video proof because I don't care about you or your $50 account with 54% gain. Your loosing MDP trades will come just like everybody elses and ...
Million Dollar Pips
Sistemas de Negociação
Sep 27, 2011 at 08:47
I'm sure that's what manual traders think about you, and pit traders think about manual traders.
Million Dollar Pips
Sistemas de Negociação
Sep 27, 2011 at 08:02
I tried arbing 2 MT4 brokers with MDP's strategy, it doesn't work, not realiably anyway, the best way is to directly target MDP users, as there are so many of them it's easy to take the other side of their trades and force them to loose. There's loads of MDP users on gomarkets and they are all loosing now anyway, I reckon there's other guys out there running counter MDP bots on GM, this is what's ended the party (for MDP users) and started our party, those that get STP'd to the market feel the wrath of the institutational HFTs who have admitted to using slug16 to co...
Live Strategy Testing
Sistemas de Negociação
Sep 23, 2011 at 13:46
slug16 tries to take the other side of MDP trades. My theory is this will work because brokers pass clients trades between each other rather than passing them onto the "real market". If you want to follow it's process, use custom analysis to filter out it's trades by magic number.
Live Strategy Testing
Sistemas de Negociação
Sep 23, 2011 at 13:44
Hi will,I've never actually used pepperstone however I have been reading complaints from forum users. It's good to know you are having no trouble with them.I might give them a try.
Live Strategy Testing
Sistemas de Negociação
Sep 23, 2011 at 13:08
One final thing I feel I should add. Slug16 was not written by me, it was given to me by a friend who is a quant for a HFT firm in London, I just ported it to MT4.
Live Strategy Testing
Sistemas de Negociação
Sep 23, 2011 at 11:03
The following changes have taken place in this account:I've setup colours and names in the magic numbers for easier analysis. This will enable you to see clearly which strategies are profitable and which are not.The following changes to the EA's have taken place...EUR / USD M1 Strategy: Removed, account balance too low.USD/CHF Asian Scalper: Removed, account balance too low.USD/CAD Trader: Removed, profitable but not enough trades to warrant inclusion.Cable Pattern: AddedCable Breakout: AddedBlue Hogs: AddedSlug16: Added, Candle deviator that hunts MDP users trades. MDP is a loosing st...
Million Dollar Pips
Sistemas de Negociação
Sep 22, 2011 at 09:46
No, HFT algos are already trained for MDP. MDP will never be profitable again.
Prof53 MDP Lawrence NYC
Sistemas de Negociação
Sep 22, 2011 at 09:44
I think the charts prove what forexpro is saying, don't you?
NFP «Aggressor-Heger»
Sistemas de Negociação
Sep 21, 2011 at 17:48
Thanks for the reply saltywaters it was very insightfull, sorry to hear you took a big loss, I'm not planning on selling anything, I will do pamm accounts but selling EA's is too risky as it's easy for someone to decompile them.Your account and strategy looks very nice, candle deviations? ;-)
Million Dollar Pips
Sistemas de Negociação
Sep 21, 2011 at 17:22
This is totally false and you are either a broker or a HFT hoping more people will use MDP to provide easy liquidity to line your pockets with.Slug16 has been trained to spot MDP trades, I know that because my friend has been using this algo for the last 4 weeks, he trades on the exchange, do not lie and say MDP is insignificant, you and I both know just how many millions of dollars come from MDP trades.You want people to believe MDP is still profitable so HFT's can continue to take the other side of these trades but the majority of people are already realising that MDP is no longer profit...
Million Dollar Pips
Sistemas de Negociação
Sep 21, 2011 at 16:25
The problem is MDP.Unfortunately this is what happens with HFT, MDP is no longer profitable because institutional HFT traders have adjusted their algorithms to hunt for the deviation trades that MDP places. It takes 5 seconds to decompile an EA like MDP, I've decompiled various indicators and EA's myself, some of the strategies I've adjusted and incorporated into my own EA's.MDP's deviation trades are easy to spot and I have contacts in the HFT world who confirm that they have algorithms to hunt MDP trades and counter trade them (meaning you loose), you will always loose be...
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