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Is forex gambling?
Negociantes Experientes
May 06, 2014 at 09:17
Well said. Very eloquent. But do you honestly believe that everybody that ever reads this thread won't realise that you are just running scared like a little child? I think it's very obvious that you've been called out again and once again you just wet your pants. LOL!!
Is forex gambling?
Negociantes Experientes
May 06, 2014 at 08:51
Could be the easiest ten grand you'll ever make...... Not saying you're full of shyt. ....... Well yes I am. You are an empty headed useless waste of time with nothing to show for your pathetic existence of any worth and you spend your time trying to regain your diminishing masculinity by throwing what little weight you have around on forums. Your knowledge of trading would fill the back of a very small postage stamp and you have a vocabulary to match. You are lacking in skill, social etiquette, manners, common intelligence and any form of class. In short the fact that you conti...
Is forex gambling?
Negociantes Experientes
May 06, 2014 at 08:15
See.... Entertaining isn't it!!!! Forexdikmuncha you're priceless!!! Do you need another smack?? You went all weak at the knees last time and crawled away with some BS excuses. Up for the challenge yet you precious little child?
Is forex gambling?
Negociantes Experientes
May 06, 2014 at 06:10
LOL!! Just dropped in to add my latest EA under development to MFB to track it's performance. I should stop the feed immediately and spend the next week telling everyone how great I am. Apparently I've made 122% today, 394.89% this week and 3679.73% this month. 😲 I may never need to trade again!!If only it was true!! Unfortunately there are two zeros missing from the deposit amount so you need to divide all those numbers by 100....😝EDIT:- All better now. Template file was corrupt. The truth isn't as exciting but you can't spend fantasies any more than...
Is forex gambling?
Negociantes Experientes
May 06, 2014 at 04:12
How's my old mate Bob doing? Don't let them get to you mate!!I've been a far more relaxed person since I stopped posting here again. Too many Nimrods without a clue sprouting on about things that are way above their intellectual abilities. Offset them with a bunch of fresh faced upstarts that have made their first thousand and think they have cracked the code, full of importance and advice and hell bent on teaching the old dogs new tricks.News flash. Old dogs got to be old because their tricks work. Young pups are the loud and boisterous ones but generally you can ignore them....
Do you think you can turn $200 into $400 in six weeks?
Novos Negociantes
May 03, 2014 at 08:13
Results?? Who won???
Do you think 1000% a year is sufficient ? What is your performance ?
Apr 23, 2014 at 07:53
What can I say. You are always right and the master trader. I bow to your superior intellect and knowledge. If only we could all be more like you!! 😲
Do you think 1000% a year is sufficient ? What is your performance ?
Apr 22, 2014 at 21:59
No retard I can read. He's trading a cent account with 5 bucks in it. ?????? Great trading conditions for testing. But not a real account!!
Do you think 1000% a year is sufficient ? What is your performance ?
Apr 21, 2014 at 13:15
Keep trading like that and you will end up with a big account and investors lining up help you get there!! 😀 And look!! I even see the equity curve peep above the balance!! But be careful you don't crash!! Consistency is king!! Good job.
Do you think 1000% a year is sufficient ? What is your performance ?
Apr 21, 2014 at 12:41
Yawn.......... You're an IDIOT.!! He received a compliment from me you brain dead twit not criticism. Yes he satisfies the criteria Handsomely and he even updated his account!! :)You'll just have to keep dreaming of results like that!! BTW. In case you're struggling with it, that wasn't a compliment to you!!
Do you think 1000% a year is sufficient ? What is your performance ?
Apr 21, 2014 at 07:10
Awesome. But biggest win is $4.37! With a $69.82 profit for 2 854 pips? In fact I'm a little jealous. I don't have a win loss ratio anywhere near as good as yours but have another two zeros on the end of my profit for that period. It might be time for you to step up to a real account!!
Million Dollar Pips
Sistemas de Negociação
Apr 19, 2014 at 23:57
A wealth of informative information. Thanks for your input!!
Do you think you can turn $200 into $400 in six weeks?
Novos Negociantes
Apr 19, 2014 at 23:45
You're a shoe in then. Your first trade satisfied the criteria in 2 days!! Rinse and repeat!!
Do you think you can turn $200 into $400 in six weeks?
Novos Negociantes
Apr 18, 2014 at 14:43
Go you good thing!!! Now here's a real trader! Nice to see an equity curve that sits ABOVE the account balance!!
Do you think you can turn $200 into $400 in six weeks?
Novos Negociantes
Apr 17, 2014 at 23:48
Sorry but making $4570.19 in withdrawals since December 2012 on an account with an equity curve like a nightmare and a draw down of 85% is not something I'd be trying to pull as my trump card. It's a toy account not a "Capital Management" account. Pocket change is not capital buddy, it's just pocket change. Stop kidding yourself and wake up to reality.You don't seriously attempt to live off that do you?BTW. I'm not gay or queer but I'm not homophobic and am not at all insulted by your implication that I am gay. I thought that type of behaviour was a thing ...
Do you think you can turn $200 into $400 in six weeks?
Novos Negociantes
Apr 17, 2014 at 22:59
Still nothing of substance. Again I ask, is that all you've got? Juvenile attacks with no substance. This is like attempting to have a serious discussion with a 3 year old. Read carefully and try hard to comprehend before spraying the forum with your incoherent crap. Please stay on topic with the original comment of mine about you being OWNED by ArditFX. He has updated his account, you have chosen to respond with insults and childish banter. I have acknowledged that I (like all traders) can be distracted by outside influences if I allow them to. Not really much more to discuss ther...
Do you think you can turn $200 into $400 in six weeks?
Novos Negociantes
Apr 17, 2014 at 22:12
Spelling ? Is that all you've got....... Spelling and juvenile retorts.Try harder. You're not doing so well here.See if you can stay on subject. I know you can do it. So far you've got nothing.To answer the only part of your previous post that made any sense.Yes I am prone to emotional distractions in my trading if I allow it to influence me. I did say that genius. Yes I am prone to distraction if I allow the opinions of others to influence me. I openly state and admit that. No shame there.What's your point?What I don't do is run around beating my chest about how ...
Do you think you can turn $200 into $400 in six weeks?
Novos Negociantes
Apr 17, 2014 at 21:45
Sorry to disappoint you princess. Nothing to show. No egg on my face. I win some, I loose some. I trade my own methods and see posting results here as very counter productive. I don't want your or anybody else's input, critique or praise. I don't pretend I am what I am not. But since you chose to do exactly the opposite you should at least stop pretending to be what you are not. When you stop letting you're ego run your accounts you might even become a decent trader.At the moment you're just another source of entertainment.From another thread where you are sharing y...
Do you think you can turn $200 into $400 in six weeks?
Novos Negociantes
Apr 17, 2014 at 21:19
Bluff called!! And the score is.@ArditFX - 1 @Master_Kiwa - 0
Pipable :: Menkent
Sistemas de Negociação
Apr 13, 2014 at 19:51
@ahuruglica ... Sorry I think you misunderstood my joke!! They should pay YOU royalties if they use the name you thought up!! :)
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