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EAs do not work for me! Its much better to do manual trades.
Negociantes Experientes
Dec 10, 2014 at 16:22
“If you cannot create EA then you ask someone who can:) “If only it were that easy. I got to see that situation from both sides. It can be very difficult to get the programmer to understand what you want the system to do and most people are extremely poor at articulating just what their brains are thinking. So it can take several tries to get it right but who pays for those extra man hours? My friend wrote programs for the government on the state level and I was doing some new type of optimized investing, we teamed up and almost ruined our friendship. We found out first hand ...
American Forex Traders: Solutions to Low Leverage , FIFO and Hedging Ban's:
Negociantes Experientes
Dec 10, 2014 at 14:00
"America considers its self to be a free country ?Not anymore. We have the CIA using torture and lying to the American people and to congress, police brutality that gets attention over seas. Our freedoms have been taken away to the point where it would be ridiculous to try to pretend to have a free country any longer, we are a police state.The courts are run by the same government that took away our rights and freedoms in the first place and we can't even votes the assholes out of power because our votes can be changed in a twinkling of the eye by the voting computers. The world h...
EAs do not work for me! Its much better to do manual trades.
Negociantes Experientes
Dec 09, 2014 at 21:36
But then there are the new systemic trading systems that require a computer, no human could trade some of those systems. If Vontogr and CrazyTrader will forgive me for repeating myself, however for the new traders I will, we made a robot back in 2008 that took over 3,000 trades, over a span of 15 months, with “no” losses except one for 8 cents. No human can do that. How are you going to retire if you don't trust robots? What happens when the human traders get old and senile? Anyone wanting to check out a new type of trading system, can download any of our trading systems ...
Broker Provided VPS Service
Novos Negociantes
Dec 09, 2014 at 20:36
If your broker is a Pass through type, he doesn't care what you have in your trading folder. The real problem with a Broker provided VPS is that they can close it and you can't get to your program. If you fall below the minimum standard, they have every right to close your VPS. How do you feel about that? That's why professional traders use a good 3rd party VPS, you never know what is going to happen in the market.But honestly, if you live in a place with reliable internet service, reliable in that it never goes down, buying a cheap computer and running your own home system is ...
American Forex Traders: Solutions to Low Leverage , FIFO and Hedging Ban's:
Negociantes Experientes
Dec 08, 2014 at 20:22
The rules of trading would be the same for a US LLC or any US corporation as it is for a US citizen because of the US residency. The reason to go off shore is to get away from the restrictions put on US traders/citizens. A second reason is to restructure your taxes. A US LLC would have to pay taxes according to the tax laws of the US which is the only country in the world that taxes its citizens on income from outside the country. An offshore corp. would have to pay taxes to the country where it is set up but only from income generated in that country. This is only a restructuring of your...
What's the best way to trade Martingale Forex Trading
Negociantes Experientes
Dec 07, 2014 at 01:05
"Thats chasing bad money with good..."How do you figure that? If you lose a trade using some technical trading system, do you not try again? As long as you are using a limit on the number of iterations, there is no reason to discontinue a winning program because of a failure. A recovery system is a good tool in the hands of a professional, and it can be dangerous in the hands of amateurs. Can't fault the system if the traders use it wrong. Losing is how you learn. When you learn enough, you quit losing. Reading how someone else screwed up a martingale recovery system doe...
American Forex Traders: Solutions to Low Leverage , FIFO and Hedging Ban's:
Negociantes Experientes
Dec 05, 2014 at 03:46
No, you can have several accounts but it isn't easy to hedge them if that is what you were thinking. And FIFO was designed to eliminate all grid systems so there is much that we can't do but there is still some things that we can and, in my way of thinking, should do.What American traders need is a trusted friend that could open a bank account and broker account and trade for their American friend for a small annual fee. That separate entity would only have to obey the laws of its own country so you want to make this friend in the country that has the best laws.If it sounds like I mi...
Follow one trader or spread your risk?
Novos Negociantes
Dec 05, 2014 at 03:16
I have a slightly different opinion. There are three general types of forex trading, technical which tends to pay the best but has the most risk, fundamental trading - needs heavy resources but safer and profitable too if you have the finances to swim with the big fish, and systemic, the safest but doesn't make the big bucks todays traders are looking for.I suggest learning first and demo trading until you know that you know enough to go live. The problem with following other traders or letting them trade for you is the question of what happens to your income when your trader dies? I li...
What's the best way to trade Martingale Forex Trading
Negociantes Experientes
Dec 03, 2014 at 18:25
"I say that saying that martingale is a system is a lie because it isn´t. "It's not a trading system, it is a recovery system.Bob
any fulltime forex trader here ???
Negociantes Experientes
Dec 03, 2014 at 13:44
"The truth is this is a public website - that is overwhelmingly (I would say 99.99%)- non professional retail traders. Just be careful of who you listen to and what is said."Really 99% non professional? and you say "(I am not bragging)". That's a hefty does of ego my friend.Ambusg, this link is just for you. Unzip the folder and check out the 15 monthly statements from IBFX. I put this up once already but it seems like maybe you missed it. http://www.forex-assistant.com/2008-2009.zipOh, compare the win/loss and pay attention to the dates.Bob
What's the best way to trade Martingale Forex Trading
Negociantes Experientes
Dec 02, 2014 at 17:16
" I can't vouch for you as I already have done it !"As I have for you, a longtime ago. We, of course, trade differently but my respect for your professionalism is never in question. And to Vontogr, I am sorry, I just got confused for a moment there. Too many things occupying too little space in my brain... Bob
What's the best way to trade Martingale Forex Trading
Negociantes Experientes
Dec 02, 2014 at 15:33
I on the other hand do not. I want you to succeed wonderfully as well as everyone else on the board trying to find a better way. When one person succeeds in some portion and shares that success with the rest of us, we all get a little closer to achieving our own goals. We should be encouraging one another here, not trying to tear each other apart. We are much better than that.Sure we will disagree on some things, we would not be able to grow if we didn't, but we don't need to lose our dignity and self respect in the process. Emotions will kill a trader, maybe the forum is a good pla...
any fulltime forex trader here ???
Negociantes Experientes
Dec 02, 2014 at 14:58
More silence...
What's the best way to trade Martingale Forex Trading
Negociantes Experientes
Dec 01, 2014 at 19:40
Vontogr; what did you want it for?You know I would be honored to work on a project with you but my recovery system isn't a true martingale as it uses the Fibonacci sequence. However, if you think that it could work for you, I guess you could use mine.Bob
any fulltime forex trader here ???
Negociantes Experientes
Dec 01, 2014 at 18:58
Rowdy wrote; “if I found anyone decent enough I wouldn't hesitate to mention them!”Kid, no decent trader would want your endorsement, you've lost your reputation, you have no integrity. The problem is that your lack of education makes it so that you don't know the value of integrity and just how much you lost.I would rather lose my trades and money any day than to lose my integrity. Money, I can always make more of.Integrity though is like virginity, you lose it once and it's gone forever. Think about where you are in life, the path that you have taken is the path...
What's the best way to trade Martingale Forex Trading
Negociantes Experientes
Dec 01, 2014 at 17:16
@Cholipop I don't trade the same way as Vontogr and as you can see from my membership date, I've been around awhile. If I didn't have the systems that I do, I would put money with Vontogr. However, showing your system as you have done, from the start is the preferred way to demonstrate a system. Kind of curious, what were you before you took up forex. Your instincts seem to say research, just wondering.Bob
What's the best way to trade Martingale Forex Trading
Negociantes Experientes
Dec 01, 2014 at 16:59
" Martingale is NOT A SYSTEM. It is only a form of wagering...Well not wagering, more like playing the odds. If the odds are against you, don't play. If the odds are 50 to 60 percent favorable, a Fibonacci recovery systems will improve the returns and above 60 - 65% either a Fibonacci or martingale will work. But that isn't the real question about whether to use a recovery system, it is determining the correct direction. What we should be discussing is this, "is there a way to have the right direction 75% or more of the time". Lets say we open a trade and in...
Socially stunted
Novos Negociantes
Nov 30, 2014 at 22:56
Well, no. There is actually constant manipulation going on in the forex market but as long as you understand what that manipulation is, you can take advantage of it and profit. Just trade in the same direction as the manipulators and you will always come out on top. In the forex market, the manipulators are the banks. National Banks, Federal Reserve, you get the idea. They are trying to get their currency to do something, understand what that thing is and trade in that direction. Trading according to information or the news, is called Fundamental trading but the most popular type of tradi...
What's the best way to trade Martingale Forex Trading
Negociantes Experientes
Nov 30, 2014 at 15:01
"About your money, the mathematic expectancy is negative. Thousands of mathematicians demonstrate it again and again during sciecles.".Jeff; I am a mathematician, well, that is what I got my degree in - Operations Research. Before we can discuss profitability, we first need to establish the working paramiters. If we are talking about a fifty/fifty probability such as in the fair coin toss, then a martingale sequence is the same probability of outcome as the coin toss because the probability of failure diminishes with the greater number of iterations by the same factor as the growt...
any fulltime forex trader here ???
Negociantes Experientes
Nov 30, 2014 at 14:11
He actually stands a good chance of becoming a completely different person when he gets a little older. He's just young and I hate to think of how I acted when I was his age. I happened to read Dale Carnegie's "How to Make Friends aqnd Influence others". Wow, eye opener. Then, "The Science of getting rich", I began to realize everything that I didn't know. I am certainly not the same person that I was when I was Rowdy's age. The problem about being at war with yourself is that you can't win. Once the fighting has ceased, growth is what is left. I ...
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